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[SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff
Assigned, NormalPublic


Server crashed couple hours after 1.27 update.
Attaching all needed logs.
Thank you for your time!


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Dedicated Server

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NATION added a subscriber: NATION.Wed, Mar 5, 9:08 PM

Has there been any communication with BI about this issue? I haven't checked back on Expansion Discord, but last I read they were also thinking these are BI issues.

I'm going to try to turn airdrops back on later today with loot disabled and see what happens.


I haven't seen anything, I did see they posted 5 days ago on X, that they were "consolidating" servers due to less demand from previous launches.

Geez added a comment.Thu, Mar 6, 3:52 PM

Has there been any communication with BI about this issue? I haven't checked back on Expansion Discord, but last I read they were also thinking these are BI issues.

I'm going to try to turn airdrops back on later today with loot disabled and see what happens.


This particular crash that has appeared after 1.27 is on our end and we are working on a fix

This particular crash that has appeared after 1.27 is on our end and we are working on a fix

Awesome, thank you !

Corse added a comment.Thu, Mar 6, 11:37 PM

Has there been any communication with BI about this issue? I haven't checked back on Expansion Discord, but last I read they were also thinking these are BI issues.

I'm going to try to turn airdrops back on later today with loot disabled and see what happens.


This particular crash that has appeared after 1.27 is on our end and we are working on a fix

Awesome to hear. If there's anything else we can provide I'm happy to help.

Finch added a subscriber: Finch.Fri, Mar 7, 12:15 AM
WilliamBroown added a comment.EditedFri, Mar 7, 12:36 AM

Has there been any communication with BI about this issue? I haven't checked back on Expansion Discord, but last I read they were also thinking these are BI issues.

I'm going to try to turn airdrops back on later today with loot disabled and see what happens.


Still crashing with loot turned off in events my self.

The fact it took over a week to get any acknowledgementis kinda wild. We discorvered this issue within a hour of the patch. How could this have not been identified before going live with 1.27?

Geez added a comment.Fri, Mar 7, 10:28 AM

The fact it took over a week to get any acknowledgementis kinda wild. We discorvered this issue within a hour of the patch. How could this have not been identified before going live with 1.27?

The issue has been worked at since it has been first reported.

exodia added a subscriber: exodia.Fri, Mar 7, 9:29 PM
This comment was removed by exodia.
exodia added a comment.Fri, Mar 7, 9:33 PM

Any date for fix ? Really need my game constantly crash

The fact it took over a week to get any acknowledgementis kinda wild. We discorvered this issue within a hour of the patch. How could this have not been identified before going live with 1.27?

The issue has been worked at since it has been first reported.

Yet it still went live for 1.27 and it took a week to still get any confirmation from BI. Unnacceptable really.

The fact it took over a week to get any acknowledgementis kinda wild. We discorvered this issue within a hour of the patch. How could this have not been identified before going live with 1.27?

The issue has been worked at since it has been first reported.

Glad to see that Bohemia has finally started to admit its mistakes and not blame them on modders, although it's a bit late. Working with your communities is the main thing, maybe this game is not completely lost yet.

It never ceases to amaze how quickly some jump to blame and complain whenever there's an issue. We all get frustrated by this issue, but being respectful doesn't hurt your position. We also probably lost a chunk of our player base with the unstable hours that follow, do you hear us crying? Rank up, the world doesn't revolve around you.

@WilliamBroown @Amodeu999

Revanovski added a subscriber: Revanovski.EditedSat, Mar 8, 11:01 AM

Since it seems that this bug is likely related to 1.27 and not to a particular mod, I also just wanted to chime in that we have the same problems on our servers (no matter which map or mods) as many posters above. On one particular server I can't even log in anymore without the game crashing completely. On another server I always get the stats (water and energy) reset to yellow on my character after every server restart and I observe that in my inventory, loose ammo stacks are suddenly all maxed out and magazines are becoming also full of ammo. Weird behaviour. @Geez and BI please fix this.

exodia added a comment.EditedSat, Mar 8, 10:42 PM

Tp to player cause crashing for admin and player xD white acces violation logs
As the days go by the game becomes more and more unplayable, 4 hours of play, 2 hours in the menu to reconnect, we will probably have to wipe during the fix again

Redd_ added a subscriber: Redd_.Sun, Mar 9, 12:31 AM

It never ceases to amaze how quickly some jump to blame and complain whenever there's an issue. We all get frustrated by this issue, but being respectful doesn't hurt your position. We also probably lost a chunk of our player base with the unstable hours that follow, do you hear us crying? Rank up, the world doesn't revolve around you.

@WilliamBroown @Amodeu999

It never ceases to amaze the mentally sane people that there is always at least one person that believes the devs can do no wrong. You sit there and say everyone was quick to blame the devs? funny how they literally instantly blamed modders without looking into it first and took a week for them to even start looking at the problem. In this situation people have the right to blame them, rather than listening to a community of people who are trying to get the game back to a playable state. We get idiots like you who just want to brown nose devs because you wish you could do what they do. Do us all a favour don't add to threads like this because you want to white knight them instead of trying to solve the problems....

Sheexa added a subscriber: Sheexa.Sun, Mar 9, 12:31 AM

It never ceases to amaze how quickly some jump to blame and complain whenever there's an issue. We all get frustrated by this issue, but being respectful doesn't hurt your position. We also probably lost a chunk of our player base with the unstable hours that follow, do you hear us crying? Rank up, the world doesn't revolve around you.

@WilliamBroown @Amodeu999

Listen, if you've been around the DayZ scene for any length of time, you'd get why people like @WilliamBroown are frustrated. This isn't our first rodeo with BI updates breaking servers.
Every. Single. Update. Same story. Servers crash, players can't connect, Mods break, admins scramble to find workarounds, and communities suffer while we wait for fixes.
We spotted this issue within an hour of 1.27 dropping, yet it took a week just to get a "yeah, we're working on it." Meanwhile, server owners are watching their player counts drop because nobody wants to play on a server that crashes every hour.
And what's the point of having an experimental branch if these game-breaking bugs still make it to live? We're not asking for perfection - just basic stability and some actual communication when things go wrong.
So yeah, people get "quick to blame and complain" when this is the pattern we've dealt with for years. It's not entitlement - it's exhaustion.

I was simply asking for respect and understanding. We all know they started investigating the issue as soon as it was reported, and it occurs very rarely on non-modded servers. Being bitter or reproachful won’t help solve the issue. This applies to all aspects of life, not just this situation.

@Redd_ You are absolutely right, sorry 😘❤️
@Sheexa 🤗❤️

I’ll say no more to avoid hurting anyone else's feelings.

Sheexa added a comment.Sun, Mar 9, 1:02 AM

I was simply asking for respect and understanding. We all know they started investigating the issue as soon as it was reported, and it occurs very rarely on non-modded servers. Being bitter or reproachful won’t help solve the issue. This applies to all aspects of life, not just this situation.

@Redd_ You are absolutely right, sorry 😘❤️
@Sheexa 🤗❤️

I’ll say no more to avoid hurting anyone else's feelings.

awwwww please say more <3 missing you already xxxxx

Redd_ added a comment.Sun, Mar 9, 1:06 AM

I was simply asking for respect and understanding. We all know they started investigating the issue as soon as it was reported, and it occurs very rarely on non-modded servers. Being bitter or reproachful won’t help solve the issue. This applies to all aspects of life, not just this situation.

@Redd_ You are absolutely right, sorry 😘❤️
@Sheexa 🤗❤️

I’ll say no more to avoid hurting anyone else's feelings.

Please say more it will go really well in my new book im writing regarding Stockholm syndrome

DJTrump added a subscriber: DJTrump.Sun, Mar 9, 6:48 AM

Everything is much simpler than you think.

Imagine there's a patch, say version 1.26, that has been out for six months. During this time, all issues have been resolved, bugs fixed, and all servers are running perfectly—no crashes, mods work flawlessly, and everyone's happy. It sounds like a fantasy, doesn't it?

And then the developers make a fateful decision to improve everything by releasing a new patch, version 1.27.

What do you think happens next? Exactly—chaos ensues. Evil servers start crashing every hour or so, mods stop working, mod makers jump out of windows, and some players even leave DayZ altogether.

But what if we stopped this cycle? What if we split the game into two parts, allowing players to choose between staying on version 1.26 or switching to 1.27?

Here’s how it could work:

  1. Splitting the game: Players can install either the old stable version or the new one at any time on their computers.
  2. Server choice: Server owners decide whether they want to stay with the tried-and-tested version or upgrade to the new one.
  3. Updating tools: Since most bugs are related to the game itself, updating tools shouldn't be too problematic.

The results:

  1. Old version: Stability, tested mods, and a peaceful gaming experience.
  2. New version: Volunteers who opt in will face instability but also enjoy new features and improvements.
  3. Observers: Those sticking with the old version can watch as others battle bugs and crashes while enjoying stability themselves.

There is two versions. Standard and experimental, BUT all changes should be stable in experimental some time before the update.

I usually test my stuff in experimental, but when update is published, you cant never know if there is some last minute additions and everything is broken... I think Bohemia needs to give time and information to modders, but...

M4ketech I described not the stable and experimental approaches that even kindergarten children know about, but a completely new method.

WIN-394IL8OJETS, 09.03 2025 10:51:00
Unhandled exception

Program: C:\TCAFiles\Users\DragonLordZA\370\DayZServer_x64.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff68913c102 at 0xffffffffffffffff

SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff68913c102
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff68913cc9a
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6890d29f9
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6890d267e
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6890d0fb9
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff68925753a
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6892ff59a
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6892ff5d9
[BaseThreadInitThunk]: ??? addr:0x7ff862ee4cb0
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ff863cbedcb
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ff863cbedcb

bzed added a subscriber: bzed.Sun, Mar 9, 1:25 PM

We are seing this regularly on a slightly modded server. Using an admin backpack with 1000 slots crashes sooner or later for sure. Also picking up crates (mmg in this case) seems to trigger it.

Also there is a general persistence bug over restarts, players have bloody hands and 50% health/food when they join (not sure if it is in CF or in the unmodded game). Healing them seems to make this bug here happen much faster.

bzed added a comment.Sun, Mar 9, 1:27 PM

There is two versions. Standard and experimental, BUT all changes should be stable in experimental some time before the update.

I usually test my stuff in experimental, but when update is published, you cant never know if there is some last minute additions and everything is broken... I think Bohemia needs to give time and information to modders, but...

Also for the usual player its hard to install mods for experimental. And I can't test everything on my own...

bzed added a comment.Sun, Mar 9, 1:30 PM

We are seing this regularly on a slightly modded server. Using an admin backpack with 1000 slots crashes sooner or later for sure. Also picking up crates (mmg in this case) seems to trigger it.

Also there is a general persistence bug over restarts, players have bloody hands and 50% health/food when they join (not sure if it is in CF or in the unmodded game). Healing them seems to make this bug here happen much faster.

@Geez as you were asking for a way to reproduce it - a full admin gear from MoreDayZ is usually a good way to run into this bug. I know, its not Vanilla - but maybe it helps.

There is two versions. Standard and experimental, BUT all changes should be stable in experimental some time before the update.

I usually test my stuff in experimental, but when update is published, you cant never know if there is some last minute additions and everything is broken... I think Bohemia needs to give time and information to modders, but...

Also for the usual player its hard to install mods for experimental. And I can't test everything on my own...

I did mean MODDER should test everything in experimental, but this also means Bohemia should have all the updates in experimental for couple weeks before updating and listen us modders if there is issues.

It never ceases to amaze how quickly some jump to blame and complain whenever there's an issue. We all get frustrated by this issue, but being respectful doesn't hurt your position. We also probably lost a chunk of our player base with the unstable hours that follow, do you hear us crying? Rank up, the world doesn't revolve around you.

@WilliamBroown @Amodeu999

This problem has been dragging on for 11 years, every update. You don't say this respectfully, it's just very respectful, because there are no other good words addressed to the developers yet! We repeat the same thing to the developer 1000 times, leave the update alone on the test branch, let people adjust their servers and mods for the update, there are errors, fix them on the test, not on the release a month later, let these updates be not every 4 months but every half a year, but stable. There was no intention of offending in my words, it was rather surprise and praise.

It never ceases to amaze how quickly some jump to blame and complain whenever there's an issue. We all get frustrated by this issue, but being respectful doesn't hurt your position. We also probably lost a chunk of our player base with the unstable hours that follow, do you hear us crying? Rank up, the world doesn't revolve around you.

@WilliamBroown @Amodeu999

This problem has been dragging on for 11 years, every update. You don't say this respectfully, it's just very respectful, because there are no other good words addressed to the developers yet! We repeat the same thing to the developer 1000 times, leave the update alone on the test branch, let people adjust their servers and mods for the update, there are errors, fix them on the test, not on the release a month later, let these updates be not every 4 months but every half a year, but stable. There was no intention of offending in my words, it was rather surprise and praise.

Yes, I use Google Translate, so the essence of my messages may change the translation a little.

Toggy added a subscriber: Toggy.Tue, Mar 11, 1:36 AM

@Geez Many admins of the community servers have already lost many regular players with 1.26 and unfortunately this continues with 1.27 :-( . I would also suggest another way of DayZ, let the server admins run the versions they want and let them run stable, with many other online games this is also possible. Due to the update obligation and the constant problems, we are losing more and more DayZ players in the community and the admins are slowly getting bored, every update brings so many problems for the DayZ server operators that they often don't feel like it anymore. And I can fully understand that.

Please don't always change the basic functions so much!

  • Normal new items are ok
  • Changes to the map / mapping are ok.

What we are URGENTLY expecting from the community is finally a revision of the server / core structure, so that the DayZ servers finally support multicore properly, that would help the DayZ community, but not some weapons or backpacks with visible proxies, which then have to be rendered again. There are enough mods on the PC servers for that.

But apart from that, I also URGENTLY request the HotFix for 1.27

bzed added a comment.Wed, Mar 12, 10:49 AM

@RPowerSpeed @Geez Indeed, completely support that. Loosing players might not be such an issue for those servers that have a long queue usually - but I have lost 90% of the usual players. Regular crashes, necessary wipes (especially due to CF being also broken, with the fix for it needing a wipe), module creators having to work around bugs in DayZ / the server - thats just super annoying. And a big waste of time for those who run the servers. I would rather create something nice for players instead of having to move players or even delete them because they can't login anymore - or with crashing servers its affecting everybody. There are too many open bugs in the client and the server, and its getting more and more frustrating.

Краши всё ещё продолжаются, есть информация когда починят. Что теперь ждать 1.28 через пол года что-ли? Проще бросить это все с такими разработчиками игра всё равно скоро умрёт.

Corse added a comment.Wed, Mar 12, 6:59 PM

@RPowerSpeed @Geez Indeed, completely support that. Loosing players might not be such an issue for those servers that have a long queue usually - but I have lost 90% of the usual players. Regular crashes, necessary wipes (especially due to CF being also broken, with the fix for it needing a wipe), module creators having to work around bugs in DayZ / the server - thats just super annoying. And a big waste of time for those who run the servers. I would rather create something nice for players instead of having to move players or even delete them because they can't login anymore - or with crashing servers its affecting everybody. There are too many open bugs in the client and the server, and its getting more and more frustrating.

I am currently in the same boat. I would love to know when we will see a fix.

Obviously the biggest mistake of the developers was that they announced the update date a month before the tests were finished and instead of saying "oh we won't make it, the update will be later" they said "it doesn't matter that many bug reports are not closed, we're updating"
Moreover, judging by 0xffffffffffffffffff there are no checks for emptiness in the memory block, this is a very obvious error in c++

Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff65dc1f51f at 0xffffffffffffffff

SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff65dc1f51f
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff65dc5fa4b
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff65dc5062f
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff65dc3cc9f
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff65dbb7b89
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff65dbb7ded
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff65e007456
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff65e01d712
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff65da9239b
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff65da92549
[ChangeTimerQueueTimer]: ??? addr:0x7ffa2988a15b
[RtlUserFiberStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffa2c0d7b44
[RtlUserFiberStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffa2c0d7b44
Geez added a comment.Thu, Mar 13, 11:12 AM

Hello everyone. A Fix is planned for the upcoming hotfix :)

Well done! 🔥🔥🔥

Excellent, thank you

Well done! 🔥🔥🔥

I'm not seeing a mention of this ticket in the patch notes.

WilliamBroown added a comment.EditedThu, Mar 13, 4:56 PM

Well done, we still don't have a eta! Great job. Keep it up! 3 weeks and counting is wild.

Great job, all my issue is solved on experimental !!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Is there an aprox date for stable hotfix update? anyone knows how long does it usually take?

My crash issues where I had to delete the player that was crashing when loading in turned out to be the munghard's item pack, had to switch to Munghard's item pack_sakhal mod

Servidores oficiais estão em completo caos no PlayStation com o bug da escada e paredes sumindo

Toggy added a comment.Fri, Mar 14, 6:19 AM

Great job, all my issue is solved on experimental !!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

^^ Its true, hopefully this goes to stable soon

Toggy added a comment.Fri, Mar 14, 2:54 PM

I take it back

Unhandled exception

Program: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\OmegaManager\servers\1\DayZServer_x64.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff665cc6c38 at 0x3a00000057

SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff665cc6c38
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff665cc79c6
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff665cc324f
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff665ef51fa
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661e8bcd
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661e9156
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661bb7af
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661bb1aa
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661bb04e
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661bb65f
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661bb310
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661cccf9
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661ccdfc
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661e5bc2
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661efdac
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661efdda
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661eff05
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff665fece58
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6661e9b90
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff66623fb93
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff66639f0f6
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff666396254
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff666398769
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff665ddaaad
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6663a03b6
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff665efe7d0
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6664f9b62
[BaseThreadInitThunk]: ??? addr:0x7ffd154b4cb0
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffd1651edcb
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffd1651edcb
FTA added a subscriber: FTA.EditedSat, Mar 15, 3:53 PM

The same error occurs for him as well.
I can see from the console that the server crashes while spawning loot.
By the way, why does the MDP file need to be encrypted?

Unhandled exception

Program: C:\Server\servers\0\DayZServer_x64.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff79754e1b4 at 0x50

SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff79754e1b4
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff797611c27
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797ef6c5e
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797ef7fef
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff797610bfe
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797d3b83d
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797c7fbdb
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797c7f30e
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797dde8c6
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797dd5a74
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797dd7f79
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff79781a5fd
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797ddfb86
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff79793e1d0
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff797f39332
[BaseThreadInitThunk]: ??? addr:0x7ff907e84de0
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ff909f7ed9b
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ff909f7ed9b

Так фикс будет? Или все можно удалять эту игру? Вроде обещали, а когда не говорят. Постоянно, то клиент то сервер падает!

@Geez when fix 1.27 will be released on stable? Severs are crash.

He will just repeat himself again and say a hotfix is coming soon. 4 weeks on Wednesday and the only official word is "hotfix coming soon".

iRRe added a comment.Sun, Mar 16, 4:50 PM

The lack of clear communication on this bug. I expect a hotfix within 8 weeks time

Toggy added a comment.EditedSun, Mar 16, 5:15 PM

@Geez when fix 1.27 will be released on stable? Severs are crash.

Whatever fix they currently have isnt working for this crash, I moved my server to experimental and its still happening, I wouldnt expect anything soon

I guess it's not only this bug concerning the main game itself, to my knowledge also CF tools is suffering a major bug atm. and we all know that countless servers are using CF, too. So if you're unlucky, you have a combination of several severe bugs which might work in conjunction to bring your servers down. But as always, correct me if I'm wrong.

Doesn't look like today's hot fix addresses this issue.

Geez added a comment.Tue, Mar 18, 1:52 PM

Doesn't look like today's hot fix addresses this issue.

It is in the patchnotes but under these two tickets T189322 and T189419 :)

Doesn't look like today's hot fix addresses this issue.

It is in the patchnotes but under these two tickets T189322 and T189419 :)

where are the patchnotes? i cant find them

I haven't seen anything, I did see they posted 5 days ago on X, that they were "consolidating" servers due to less demand from previous launches.

Doesn't look like today's hot fix addresses this issue.

It is in the patchnotes but under these two tickets T189322 and T189419 :)

I hope so, because my serves were extremely stable before 1.27, crashes rarely happened and these are heavily modded servers.

Zubert added a comment.EditedTue, Mar 18, 4:00 PM

Doesn't look like today's hot fix addresses this issue.

It is in the patchnotes but under these two tickets T189322 and T189419 :)

Can't really see this one in patchnotes, as well this ticket status is still "Assigned, Normal"
All tickets from patchnotes has "Resolved" status.

2 updates in a row where one of my server's dayzserver.exe processes is stuck in Windows and can't be deleted/replaced without restarting the bare metal. Lovely.

I've switched back from 2 to 4 hour restarts and turned on airdrops. Will report back if any crashes.

So I run 6 live servers, 3 of them have been crashing multiple times per restart since 2-25. Those 3 servers just went a full restart, 3 hours, without a crash. This is a good sign.

3 Servers have been good so far since update.

Finch removed a subscriber: Finch.Tue, Mar 18, 11:51 PM
Corse added a comment.EditedSat, Mar 22, 7:39 PM

Since the update the server has mostly been stable but I am seeing a new behavior. Now instead of the server crashing, some players will log in and then crash to a 0xc0000005 error. When this happens, the server freezes on the number of players and will continue reporting that number, being unresponsive. No crash logs, it just hangs until it's restarted.

It seems only some players are affected by this. For most, everything is fine. Only some players have this happen, and the freeze and crash for them is random and then they are unable to log back in unless their entry in playerdb is wiped.

This is after a completely fresh install and wipe. Currently hosting on centos 9

bzed added a comment.EditedSat, Mar 22, 7:47 PM

Since the update the server has mostly been stable but I am seeing a new behavior. Now instead of the server crashing, some players will log in and then crash to a 0xc0000005 error. When this happens, the server freezes on the number of players and will continue reporting that number, being unresponsive. No crash logs, it just hangs until it's restarted.

It seems only some players are affected by this. For most, everything is fine. Only some players have this happen, and the freeze and crash for them is random and then they are unable to log back in unless their entry in playerdb is wiped.

This is after a completely fresh install and wipe. Currently hosting on centos 9

Do you see a double free or corruption (!prev) in your logs? (Should be in journal or wherever stdout/stderr goes to, it doesn't make it into the logs.

tehdango added a subscriber: tehdango.EditedMon, Mar 24, 2:55 PM

The latest behavior seems related to weapons. As soon as the offending player pulls out a weapon the server crashes. This happens with vanilla weapons too.

SCRIPT    (E): 
Weapon.OnStoreLoad CZ527_Base<76c2acc0> trying to set muzzle index 5 while it only has 1 muzzles!
Class:      'CZ527_Base'
Entity id:3002904

Function: 'Error'
Stack trace:
SCRIPT       : [wpnfsm] Warning! OnStoreLoad - cannot load curent weapon state, id=0

Players crash to the same 0xc0000005 error that @bzed mentioned.

NikitaW removed a subscriber: NikitaW.Mon, Mar 24, 3:22 PM

Hello. This issue is occurring for me as well, and for many others too. Several people experience crashes with this: Exception: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72dab7ea5 at 0xffffffffffffffff. Has this actually been fixed since then, or is it just a misconception?

My servers are not crashing, however i am getting significant client crashes with variations of the illegal read

bzed added a comment.Wed, Mar 26, 11:39 PM

@cwagn are you using Linux on your server?

I still have a couple of servers that get stuck in start up loops, but then some restarts, they restart first try.

Would it be possible to get the tools to read the mini dump?

@Geez when bohemia will learn to use dayz more that 3 core of processor?? how many time more need ? we tired from low server fps.

seems like many have the issue, hopefully this gets resolved soon and we get a proper response

tehdango added a comment.EditedThu, Mar 27, 9:26 PM

Try installing the cf mod. The cf mod team made a fix for the issue, use if you have a paid server host. If you have a Linux server do this