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Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing
Assigned, NormalPublic


Hello, a Buildingi have done which is baked on my Terrain shows the following Error. All that changed is that i packed the Mod after 1.27 release,because i added another model. Thjere is a small Car Asset which shows the same Problem. Doesnt matter which Tool i use for packing , result is the same.
Building before 1.27

After 1.27


Operating System
Windows 10

Event Timeline

Moonny added a subscriber: Moonny.EditedThu, Feb 27, 10:40 AM

Building on the second video is obviously existing locally on client-side, lacking its representation on server-side.

Might be due to ECE_LOCAL spawn flag used for spawn. Could also be achieved by calling RemoteObjectDelete or RemoteObjectTreeDelete on server and deleting an object on server after that.

Have you tried using different spawner to spawn your building? If no - I suggest you doing that first.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Thu, Feb 27, 12:10 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Thu, Feb 27, 12:36 PM

Hello fenris0997.
Can you please upload the mod for testing?

@Moony this Building is setup with Terrain Builder on my own Map. Editor is crashing if i try to use it now. Before wasnt a Issue, used it with Editor on my local Pripyat Map. There is a Asset, a BTR i have done that shows the same Problem. And it aint having any Lootspawns.

@Geez you need a Worlshop Upload or just a PBO Upload?

Geez added a comment.Thu, Feb 27, 1:39 PM

pbo should be fine :)

Ok give me a little bit. Not sure if i am able today.