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Echo sound glitch when Mk20 and Katiba fire at the same time due to a flaw in their configurations
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Check the settings for these Sound Sets:

  • Mk20_Tail_SoundSet
  • Katiba_Tail_SoundSet

for these classes was added parameter customCategory="limit2"; which apparently completely destroys any second sound shader of these weapons. This is strange because there will be more than two this assault rifles on the battlefield in most cases. Indeed, if these rifles are fired together, glitches in sound will be clearly audible →

No any other weapon has this parameter, check other classes, for example: Rifle_Tail_Base_SoundSet, ADR_97_Tail_SoundSet, etc…

customCategory="limit2"; must be removed from Mk20 and Katiba echo sound sets, result of this you can check in this video →


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

  1. download repro mission
  2. launch in Eden, start this mission
  3. two AIs will start shooting every 3 sec
  4. listen, the tails from 2nd shot will be 'glitched'

Event Timeline

TRAGER created this task.Jan 2 2024, 3:49 AM
TRAGER edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 2 2024, 7:15 AM
TRAGER updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 2 2024, 7:19 AM
This comment was removed by TRAGER.
TRAGER renamed this task from Mk20 tail sound problem firing Katiba & Mk20 assault rifles at the same time to Echo sound glitch when Mk20 and Katiba fire at the same time due to a flaw in their configurations.Fri, Feb 28, 9:14 PM
TRAGER updated the task description. (Show Details)
TRAGER changed Category from Sound to Config.