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Player Bugged in SKY & BEYOND
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Hello, I've recently been hosting a private server for me and my community for filming and jamming and some players got bugged out.


On chernarus with just CF AND COT as mods players that logged out at any elevation became invisible, invincible, and unable to interact with anything. There player on the admin tools would show them perma logged into the server with 0 showing for all stats and lock them in the bottom left hand corner of the map. When they logged back in they would be greeted with a view of the sky. Show below.

I moved the map to LIVONIA and the issue continued. I resolved it (so far) by removing COT and restarting the DB file in missions folder. I will update if it begins to occur again.

When i removed COT on livonia and logged in as I was sky bugged, the sky bug removed and the invisible invincible one began.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Logging off at elevation with like a 50% chance of the bug occuring.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Wed, Jun 12, 2:23 PM

Hello @camcantrun , would it be possible for you to share your logs ? Script, RPT and so on.
Ideally both client and server logs.

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Wed, Jun 12, 4:22 PM

Hello camcantrun.
Can you please provide more information? All the mods you are running, the mission files, the video, anything that could help us in identifying the issue.
Thank you

Hello, my mission file was vanilla livonia.

Ummm, I've since wiped the server. Let me see if I can get my hands on the logs. Sorry for not being good at this stuff, I will do my best.

Bug happened on Chernarus, with default mission file and on livonia with default mission file.

On Chernarus active mods were only - CF, CommunityOnlineTools
On Livonia we had - CF, CommunityOnlineTools, Codelock, and build anywhere.

When the bug last occured on livonia, I got the image shared above. Then I removed all mods from the server, so it was just vanilla and I was still bugged just no longer in the sky.

We have since moved the admin mod to VPP and left everything else and the issue has resolved.

I did have a lot of crashes trying to get it to work again, but I think these are the closest to the time that stuff went array.

It seems consistent as far as people logging off at elevation being the theme.

Also, when bugged in the sky and not the invisible bug you hear like 50 zombies in your ear in all directions. Like they are breathing into your ears from every direction.

@camcantrun stop your server, go inside your mpmission/dayzOffline.enoch/ and delete the storage folder. (only follow this steps if the crash spam is still happening if you check your latest logs)
it will WIPE all player progression but fix the error spam you have which is a broken database in very short.

As for the camera bug you have, nothing in the logs so far.

Yeah I've already done the wipe for the errors I may have sent. Sorry, but I didn't think to grab those logs at the time.

Maybe later Ill try and recreate it for yall.

So it has just happened again with the new mods, I want to get you the proper information as it has reproduced so ya'll can figure this bad boy out so no one else goes through it.

I am going to attach the LOGS AND RPT but I'm not sure which of theses associative is the cause or if any are. It happened around 9:24 AM my time which was about three hours ago now so I got the closest .crash files and .rpt files to the time it occured. Hope all is well my friends, all the best.

Geez added a comment.Mon, Jun 17, 10:14 AM

So it has just happened again with the new mods, I want to get you the proper information as it has reproduced so ya'll can figure this bad boy out so no one else goes through it.

I am going to attach the LOGS AND RPT but I'm not sure which of theses associative is the cause or if any are. It happened around 9:24 AM my time which was about three hours ago now so I got the closest .crash files and .rpt files to the time it occured. Hope all is well my friends, all the best.

What are the mods you are running?

So it has just happened again with the new mods, I want to get you the proper information as it has reproduced so ya'll can figure this bad boy out so no one else goes through it.

I am going to attach the LOGS AND RPT but I'm not sure which of theses associative is the cause or if any are. It happened around 9:24 AM my time which was about three hours ago now so I got the closest .crash files and .rpt files to the time it occured. Hope all is well my friends, all the best.

What are the mods you are running?

According to his logs, this are the mods he is using: