Server is randomly crashing on player load or unload. It is not a particular player, group of players, region (have players from around the world) so no pattern is apparent yet other than every crash occurring while a player is connecting or disconnecting from my server. I actually haven't seen the same player name pop up as a loading crash yet. This doesn't mean it's only happening on new players to the server since that's not the case at all either. If I were going to give a % chance to say a person connecting or disconnecting could cause a crash I would say this is in the 3-5% range. I will try to go back through days of logs and verify this number though, it may actually be higher.
Once the server crashes it seems to not be an issue for an hour after that, everyone can log in or out just fine. After an hour however it can randomly start again. Oddly ALOT of these crashes are around 1h10m after the server restarts, but they can go on and occur up to 3.5 hours after a restart. Incase it matters I have my server set to restart every 4 hours based on uptime, not at set times. It has gotten to the point now though that it rarely makes it all the way to a proper restart unless it's off hours and people are not logging in and out.