confirmed. Cannot find any event handler that works with "switch to group member"
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I had some time to test. I observe that the following work:
Thu, Mar 27
Steam Beta Client was bugged for a while and caused crashes. Valve already fixed it.
Yeah well "cpu: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E6300 @ 2.80GHz"
Too old CPU (That one is from 2009). That code that used the unsupported instruction was removed on profiling branch, but different code was added that uses the same instruction.
Your CPU is just too old, I'm surprised it can run windows 10.
We will not fix that.
Please. Stop openiing new tickets for the same thing.
You are getting an error message, it tells you why its crashing.
secExt_x64.dll That comes from the @Rocket Life modpack. Ask them. It failed trying to get your hard drives serial numbers.
Wiki documentation was wrong. Because was not resolved until today. It'll be a thing in 2.20
MarkerDeleted eventhandler only has two parameters, a string and a bool.
There is no _deleter. Not a bug.
Something is wrong with your Arma, there are lots of non-game files in the game folder. D3DCompiler, d3dx9, binkw, X3DAudio, xactengine?
Please delete all files (not folders!) in your game directory, then verify game files in steam to clean it up.
Does it still not work? Then (It currently links the wrong c++ 2013, it should be c++2022 now)
I need the crsah report files:
Don't believe what a spam bot is saying, it cannot be graphics card, the error is CPU side. It might be your CPU is too old though.
22:05:02 DX11 error : buffer Map failed : DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED
22:05:02 DX11 - device removed - reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET
Something is very wrong with that trace file.
The game failed to capture properly, it should not only contain extDB entries.
And no it doesn't seem to be a extDB issue, all the extDB scopes are very short, its just that everything inbetween is somehow missing.
Maybe the normal captureFrame log file shows better info, and its just the trace file that's bad?
"deleteParentWhenTriggered" has a default value of true
"explodeParentWhenTriggered" has a default value of false
Wed, Mar 26
happens without cba; some quick notes from testing
mission file to test. The code is already in the init field (put in Eden editor)
Tue, Mar 25
Mon, Mar 24
I am having the same issue. Has anyone found any info on this?
I would also like to ask for add delay before ejection seat be killed. I'm talking about this function: BIS_fnc_planeEjection (a3\functions_f_jets\functions\ejection\fn_planeejection.sqf)
line 188
Why? Please see above in the ticket description request number 4. If it will added the script in line 188 will work faster than the player at the maximum hearing distance of the ejection sound will have time to hear it to the end. Correct audible range is 1400 meters + speed of sound, I would give it 5 seconds before causing damage to the ejection seat.
I'm asking for something like this:
Sun, Mar 23
I have done a clean install of Windows 11 Pro and reinstalled Steam and Arma 3with no other programs installed or running. I get the same result and same error message. Please help!
Sat, Mar 22
In T167438#2384358, @Ron4Swat wrote:I did some more testing on a new dedicated server installation on a different system and could reproduce the issue there with just vanilla Arma3.
After some testing it seems i found the culprit in the server config file.
The entry
class Missions { class ARMA3 { template = "MP_COOP_m02.Stratis"; difficulty = "Regular"; }; };created the problem. When removing it from the config file it solves the problem.
This configuration is there for ages, but did not create any issues until more recently.
Fri, Mar 21
- I'd leave Fired and FiredMan untouched for backwards compatibility
- getShotParents and objectParent working with lasers could be a good idea if laser entity stores this stuff
- I'd make it easy and just do a global MEH, something like LaserCreated and ensured Deleted works with laser entity, so you can track when its deleted
Thu, Mar 20
Additional optional parameter, useFuseDistance, choose whether to apply the projectile's config arming distance or not
Problemo. As usual backwards compat bites back.
Missions tend to spawn Missiles/Rockets/Bombs to cause explosions, by spawning them directly inside the target, expecting it to explode immediately (because it hit something).
For example YAAB benchmark is broken by this, it spawns R_60mm_HE rockets and Bo_GBU12_LGB bombs, both of which have a fuseDistance of 50. So after this change, they just don' t explode anymore.
However it works without the High Command module loaded
Update: game now starts when I disabled profiling
This issue is still a problem. I cannot speak in multiplayer. The issue has persisted for years now.
Wed, Mar 19
This is file for crash when mods are turned off
Tue, Mar 18
2.20 and next prof
Mon, Mar 17
Sun, Mar 16
Sat, Mar 15
Not exactly sure, but the issue is either with extDB3 directly or with callExtension, as return value suggests some issues with getting the data. As there are no slow callExtension warnings in log, i guess its extDB3 issue so in that case Ticket could get closed.