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NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(x): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
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Dedicated Server crashes every 3/4 days around 6AM. No weird errors popping up in the RPT. Server runs furthermore perfectly fine. RPT here ( to big for PasteBin ):
Running a modded Exile Chernarus server. Mods running: Exile, CBA, CUP Core+Maps+Vehicles+Weapons+Units
Bug also reported here: , but I doubt this is an Exile issue to be honest.


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Operating System Version
Windows Server 2012 R2
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce

Leave the server running, it will crash around 6AM every 3/4 days.

Additional Information

Running Windows Server 2012 R2 with Xeon E3 1245v2, SSD, 32GB RAM, 250Mbit Up/Down.

Event Timeline

Jawsh added a subscriber: Jawsh.EditedOct 21 2016, 10:14 AM

@PNGPNGPNG, are there any crash dump files too (arma3server.bidmp and arma3server.mdmp)? If so then please ZIP and upload them too (drag and drop into comment box).

@PNGPNGPNG, are there any crash dump files too (arma3server.bidmp and arma3server.mdmp)? If so then please ZIP and upload them too (drag and drop into comment box).

I'm afraid not sir. The server just keeps running until an admin comes online and restarts it manually. Till then, you can not connect through RCON to the server ( or as client ).

This comment was removed by Dwarden.
Dwarden added a subscriber: Dwarden.Apr 8 2023, 4:43 PM
CJB added a subscriber: CJB.Mon, Mar 24, 7:18 PM

I am having the same issue. Has anyone found any info on this?