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(AFM) Deleted Passengers by ZEUS won't reduce the overall weight of the airframe
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Hi BIS Team
We found a small issue of synchronisation between AFM Pilots and ZEUS.
When disembarked, the individuals AFM registers the weight removal and allows normal operation.

When PAX are deleted rather than disembarked from an aircraft through Zeus (and the target player does NOT have access to the Zeus interface), the individuals AFM calculations are registering those PAX as on-board, and adding the weight to the airframe and torque on the engine.
As soon as PAX are deleted, and new ones are added, weight is stacked indefinitely each PAX addition.
This can be repeated so the airframe won't move at all.`
The ZEUS can take the same Airframe and fly away without problems, but the previous pilot has to reslot / respawn to fix the weight calculation.

If the player DOES have access to the Zeus interface, this issue is negated and the Pilot(ZEUS) is synchrone with another ZEUS Curator.

Only tested the MH-6 (RHS) and MH-9, since they are the most affected airframes.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Advanced Flight Model
Steps To Reproduce

Have a AFM Pilot (wIthout ZEUS access) in a MH-9.
Have ZEUS add Passengers
ZEUS will delete those passengers without disembarking first
Have ZEUS add more Passengers
MH-9-Pilot (without ZEUS access) will have a hard time lifting off.
Repeat until Pilot wont be able to move the airframe at all.

Additional Information

Checked Stable / Performance, both affected
Running a rather large Modpack, not tested on Vanilla

Event Timeline

swissMAG created this task.Fri, Mar 21, 7:56 AM