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«say» and «say2d» ignore audible distance in some cases
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PLANE is 2km away from players

PLANE say "Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound";
PLANE say ["Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound",400];
PLANE say2d "Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound";
PLANE say2d ["Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound",400];

In any case of execution of these commands the sound will be heard by all players in the world: player camera (1st or 3rd person view), Spledid Camera, Zeus interface. BUT — If player camera (1st or 3rd POV) exec say command will work as expected. (in 3D, like we use say3d)

Watch this video showcase all the above cases →


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

  1. Launch in Eden repro mission, start mission
  2. Play a unit from 1st or 3rd person view, exec: PLANE say "Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound", exec: PLANE say ["Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound", (player distance plane) + 500]. After executing the 1st and then the 2nd command, you can make sure that everything works OK as expected. Now try this: press Esc → CAMERA and exec 1st and 2nd commands again. Now the sound will be heard in 2D anywhere in the world, no matter where the camera is located.
  3. exec: PLANE say2d "Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound", exec: PLANE say2d ["Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound",300], exec: PLANE say "Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound", exec: PLANE say ["Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound",600]… and in any other ways of executing these commands the sound will be 2D and will be heard anywhere in the world for: player (1st or 3rd person view), the Splendid Camera and Zeus

Event Timeline

TRAGER created this task.Mon, Mar 24, 9:38 AM
TRAGER edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)