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Missile fuseDistance config property has no effect
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The CfgAmmo property fuseDistance, which is meant to provide a minimum arming distance for projectiles, does not work for missiles. (Have not checked all other projectile types, but it visibly works for e.g. GLs)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

M_Vorona_HE (Vorona HE missile) has a config 50-metre fuseDistance. However, it still explodes, causing damage, inside that distance.

  1. Place a playable unit, and equip it with a Vorona and some ammo.
  2. Start the mission, look down, and shoot at your feet.
  3. Observe that the missile explodes, killing you instantly, even though the ground is less than 50 metres away.

Event Timeline

NikkoJT created this task.Feb 24 2025, 7:18 PM
dedmen changed the task status from New to Feedback.Mon, Mar 10, 1:11 PM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

Bit of a problem is that you'd still expect the missile to hit and do damage, like a bullet does, without exploding.
For that we try to simulate it, like we do with UGL grenades. That is based on the projectile's mass, which for missiles is quite large.
So you can now one-shot kill people by shooting them in the chest with a vorona missile :D

Fixed 2.20

Problemo. As usual backwards compat bites back.
Missions tend to spawn Missiles/Rockets/Bombs to cause explosions, by spawning them directly inside the target, expecting it to explode immediately (because it hit something).
For example YAAB benchmark is broken by this, it spawns R_60mm_HE rockets and Bo_GBU12_LGB bombs, both of which have a fuseDistance of 50. So after this change, they just don' t explode anymore.

The ugly fix for this, fuseDistance is ignored for every script spawned Missile/Rocket/Bomb (They are all missiles).
That's a bit unfortunate that scripts cannot make use of fuseDistance if they wanted to, but considering that never worked until today anyway, we will have to live with that.