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- May 21 2018, 11:36 AM (357 w, 1 d)
Aug 31 2024
you know you can just drag it onto a slot you want it in ? without needing a whole extra step of folding it.
Aug 27 2024
Aug 23 2024
yeah don't know about that, I find earplugs immersion breaking.
Aug 12 2024
I like the dynamic gas zones. But there should be a siren sound in the spot where it's landing IMO like seconds prior to impact, through PA system speakers. That would be super immersive imo.
Jun 15 2024
@Geez sorry for being impatient, but when can we expect the hotfix ? It's been so long since we've started complaining about this.
And pretty much everyone is extremely annoyed by it. The game has become so frustrating, especially for the new players on Livonia and Namalsk. The another additional problem is that Infected again make you bleed too often when they hit you with the first hit. was that also intentionally changed ? Out of 20 infected, 12 were first hit - first bleed. This was already implemented some patches ago, and the feedback was overwhelmingly negative so it was reverted or it was a bug ( I don't remember anymore). Why bring it back again on top of absurd awareness ?. You basically can't shoot, extremely hard to stealth kill, can't talk in-game because the moment you do it, the whole infected village will be upon you. Prior to this change, Infected felt really good damage and awareness-wise. Pathing and big variety in death animations is what needs work imo.
Jun 13 2024
@5sety4 it makes perfect sense because camera in-game doesn't work like an IRL eye and doesn't have a dynamic depth perception so if there's one place you'd put it, it would the one that's in the game. Also since when you're aiming IRL, you'll always look either at the tip of the barrel ( or iron sight ) to line it up with the target, and everything behind it will be blurred out.
Jun 3 2024
Why change infected awareness when it was working properly ? I've thought that infected finally felt balanced when it comes to awareness, and then you guys change it to something that nobody asked for. Not a cool move imo.
The good old saying : don't fix what's not broken...
May 30 2024
@Geez Sorry I can't provide the cfgWeather.xml.
I was playing on DayOne Livonia server. Honestly this might be DayOne Livonia server specific issue/setting since I was watching Smoke's stream on twitch today, and he didn't have a single cloud in the sky during his like 6 hours playthrough. The same was when I played, and it wasn't related to first 15 minutes after restart. It was happening constantly throughout 3-4 hours of my playtime there. And since I was playing solo I wasn't able to ask anyone else if they're having the same issue... I didn't have the time to test other servers or official.
Since I won't be able to check it out for few more days, unless you guys can reproduce the issue, it might be best to close the ticket for now ( if nobody else reported it ).
May 28 2024
@MilesDownshur I'm pretty sure that the problem is the fact that SV-98 has a picatinny rail. Which means, that if you enabled long range scope for SV-98, logically, you'd have to do it for every gun with a picatinny rail ( NATO weapons). Meaning, M4, ASVAL, AUG, MP5, DMR, FAL etc. would be able to use it which could totally mess up the balance and people wouldn't even bother with bolt action rifles. As I mentioned previously, the easiest solution would be to introduce a new long range scope that would fit only SV98.
@778 please stop spamming the same comment through multiple threads. It doesn't attribute to anything besides you being annoying, and you'll get banned for it eventually. You're cluttering the thread and other bug reports could "fall through the cracks".
May 27 2024
Blur on your gun is in fact, very realistic. Unless you have some specific eye condition, unlike the rest of the human species which lets your eye focus on everything at the same time. Even if you look through the ironsight in IRL it will appear blurry when looking at the target. It's basic depth perception.
Apr 25 2024
I completely agree with this. This is a military sniper and should have a dedicated long range scope for it. Reimplementing "Long range scope" sounds like a proper solution imo. Especially if ONLY sv98 can take it. It can be a military T3 ~ T4 spawn. I mean 4x Acogs are already spawning everywhere. It would be an upgrade from Mosin, and bolt action doesn't make it OP as SVD which is semi auto + takes suppressor. Sounds like a reasonable trade of benefits and drawbacks if you ask me. And a great reason not to get rid of 7.62 rounds once you find .308 sniper usually ... It's not like it's going to make players use Savnnah less often. Might as well be a good chance to test a huge magnification (8-12x) scope with "picture in picture" rendering method..
Feb 10 2024
"talk about realism you should keep in mind you’re playing a post-apocalyptic zombie survival game." is the dumbest and laziest argument people tend to pull when talking about things like this.
Feb 9 2024
@Osdaeus everyone I know that plays DayZ finds the purple sky super weird. Also, DayZ being the game that always pushed the gritty realistic environment which resulted in unparalleled immersion, kind of makes it weird to see such change in the opposite direction. And purple sky isn't the only problem. It's also the super clear sky during the day with loads of fog on the map. It looks broken. Yes, clouds are nice, but everything else is questionable. The only place the purple sky fits is Namalsk. Because of the sun angle and moisture/snow. And that's still a bit too purple. Also, the OG post explains in great detail what's wrong with it, backed up by specific data and ways to fix it.... so there's no point arguing about it...
Feb 7 2024
In a nutshell, it makes no sense to have a purple sky in current vanilla Cherno. Especially with the type of climate and the setting. It looks out of place. Hence why the new skybox looks better on winter cherno than the vanilla one.
Feb 2 2024
TBH I don't feel like wolves occasionally spawning without a howling sound is a bad thing. It adds to the immersion imo. IRL you'd see wolves roaming around without making any noise more often than howling around like mad. In fact, the times where wolves spawned on me silently in DayZ, were some of the coolest "movielike" moments I've had in the game tbh.
Jan 17 2024
I completely agree with this. Purple sky looks super cartoony and should be fixed. The old sunrises and sunsets looked epic color-palette wise.. there was a pinkish hue before which was totally fine and realistic ( depends on the moisture in air). Purple makes no sense. Also, the Milky Way, it should be white ( hence the name ), both purple sunsets and pink/purple Milky way are camera's interpretation of those colours ( long exposure shots ). It's not what the human eyes see. And as I've reported previously, the same goes for turquoise sky during 0% overcast weather... which looks silly combined with too much fog on Cherno.. I have to say, It looks broken compared to what it was. Also , please return the sun in front of the clouds when it's up to 60% overcast or whatever it was before ( or however you did that )... Having gray sky with sun barely peeking through ( you could see the actual sun, but dimmer) looked fantastic in your first patch of 1.23 , then some guy reported it as an issue and you guys removed it..
Nov 26 2023
Already made a ticket about it as soon as it hit experimental a month ago. I completely agree. The fog is too much imo. 1.22 was perfect in that regard. Also the bluish hue of the fog makes both Cherno and Livonia look cold. This is even more apparent if you look at the Takistan Map, which uses Cherno's skybox and fog. Takistan now looks like Namalsk instead of a hot desolate place with sandstorms...
Nov 8 2023
are you testing this on Offline mode or actual server ? because lighting is different on actual servers as far as I've noticed.
Nov 7 2023
@Geez it's still an an ongoing problem in 1.23 stable.
Additionally now the crossbow bolts don't make any sound on impact with any surface. And all bolts are stuck in the opposite direction they've been shot form ( inverted ) .
This includes AI and basically any other surface. Being inverted on impact, makes them barely stick out from the surface, because that's the part that's supposed to be inside of the target.
Crouching one looks the best. Most realistic. It's literally how it looks when I look through my large binoculars IRL. Standing one is not too bad either but the loop is not closed as raxto said. Prone one is indeed weird. Binoculars are usually a pretty light item and you shouldn't bounce up and down as if they're 5Kg in weight...
Nov 3 2023
It would be good if someone could post the server log from that encounter. I'm thinking, if it's on DayOne, shouldn't be that hard to obtain it from their server admins in discord. That's a very, very bad bug.
Nov 2 2023
yeah, that's normal. People aren't aware of how many elevations there are on the map. Even though that part seems "leveled", it's actually slanted by few degrees. Especially that road you're on. It has enough of an angle for you to not lose speed.
ye. I mean you can read pretty much everything if you hold alt and zoom in. Don't remember honestly having problems in reading bottom of the map tbh. But yes as an option, client side, it would be fantastic. I'd never use the overlay one personally. But people can still use overlay one if they like. Unless it's removed by server.
Oct 31 2023
Oct 30 2023
@Rayvex no no, give and take item is more like , you handing out items to your friends instead of dropping it on the ground. There's already a mod of this and it's incredibly immersive. Sea Of Thieves and many other games have this. You can literally hand out any item to your buddy... from food to guns... dumping a large amounts of items on the ground make sense, but if it was like a can of food or an extra gun or box of ammo, it's kind of funny to drop it on the ground all the time if you think about it...
Oct 25 2023
Oct 17 2023
Oct 8 2023
I'm with Mike on this.
I also think the new spawn system is a major miss. I've logged in from Livonia to Chernarus on official (fully geared) and the game spawned me next to 3 other people in the middle of nowhere.. we were approximately 100m from each other. 2 were freshies and one guy was as geared as me. It feels very broken.
Oct 7 2023
The nights look fantastic. Full moon night looks almost like it does in real life.. I'm super happy with 1.23 light changes..
@akula692009 I have to be honest here. All of the examples you've shown, look worse than the Vanilla 1.23 version. They feel over dramatic and cartoon like ..
Oct 6 2023
oh yeah, it's missing.
wdym by no dry sound ? I see no problem with M14 sound. It has a different sound indoor and outdoor. it even has 3 different tail sounds. it's the best sounding weapon so far in the game.
I just tested. Both in Livonia and Chernarus, the clouds ARE moving.. bit slower in chernarus though..
Livonia Clouds are moving. Chernarus ones are static. Is there a way to make them more high res though ? 8K ? 16K ? AI upscale ?
Also some thunder clouds are "cut off" when imposed over the ones beneath them .. like an obvious curved line .. looks bit off...
Oct 5 2023
restarted the PC and it worked.
Sep 17 2023
I've seen this on modded servers. Interesting, however getting new clothes is also part of game's progression. Starting with hunter gear seems like a massive shortcut to me. In short. I like the way things are at the moment. Well balanced and equal starting point for all players...
Sep 14 2023
Had this happen a lot of times this patch... at least 5 times. I can't figure out what's causing it.. perhaps a server restart bugs weapons that have an "automatic" setting ? I logged off with an M70 in my hands and once I logged in, it was still in my hands, and I swapped to AK and it started blasting the moment i raised the weapon.. ( happened also wih AUG, famas, and m4 )
Sep 4 2023
Aug 2 2023
Oh yeah... it's been broken for a while.. in 20 minutes I got over 40 mushrooms ( in a field full of knocked down trees and tree stumps... )
Jul 27 2023
yeah, there needs to be a weapon that can 1 hit infected. Because of the PvP element. I'd hate to have to deal with infected forever in hot areas , where's a PvP threat...
Not sure if this is the case here, but this is usually a problem in DM servers ( which don't drastically reduce body despawn time ), since bodies do not despawn for a long time and there's enormous amount of "loot" laying around ( aka, weapons from dead players on the ground). Also each dead body playing audio of flies flying over them...
Jul 25 2023
Jul 24 2023
Can confirm. I forgot to create the ticket last month. [ I was at Tissy ] .
Jul 20 2023
whoa! interesting...what did you mod exactly @Hunterz ?is there something like the grip levels ? if so, this should be reviewed with all cars imo. Because Sedan and Sarka are very slippery at certain speed. once they lose the grip, it's spin city. I guess all cars go into snow sled mode on grass at high speed or a slope... Actually if you watch closely the wheel behavior when you start driving, it's like the wheels are spinning out, like, wheels are spinning 2x faster than they should be. Maybe that's intended ? or an engine limitation... I have no idea..
Jul 14 2023
yeah I don't think PKM or SAW should be in Vanilla. Just like @ItzMikeDocherty said. I could maybe, just maybe understand the SAW, but PKM is just nasty... I think it's an overkill, no matter the rarity. You already know the clans will hoard it in their bases.. especially since the ammo is very common. Unlike m79. GL. where both ammo and weapon is quite rare..
Jul 10 2023
I strongly disagree with this. Infected are ordinary humans. Virus infected humans. Boss zombies are for a different genre of "zombie" games imo. I'd hate to see DayZ taking the SCUM route, because that's exactly what they're doing( adding boss monsters). And it makes the game look n feel more "cartoonish" and more "fantastic". Let's stick to the more "realistic" approach to the theme.. Since it has worked for 10 years now.. Also DayZ was always about a human threat factor, more than infected. But if you like boss zombies, there are plenty modded servers out there with such mods ( try out the StalkerZ map). However, I believe it should never be a part of the vanilla experience.
Jul 8 2023
do you have additional parameters turned on in the parameters tab in your DayZ launcher ? ( like offline mode for example )
Jul 6 2023
It's an ongoing battle... there's no magic solution to this and a way to fix this over night. You fix the one exploit, hackers will find 3 new ones to get around it. And It's not just DayZ. Pick any multiplayer game nowadays and you'll be shocked by the amount of hackers. It's insane. They are rampant recently. At least they need to pay to play the game, just imagine how much worse it is in F2P games... Since BattlEye, which most of games use, obviously isn't an obstacle for hackers anymore, the two other options are : either a super invasive anticheat programs like Valorant has, and which most of people don't want on their PC because of the "privacy" intrusion issues, or wait for the AI anticheat which is still in development ( but has the most potential ).
Jun 29 2023
@DrDeSync well that's just great ... a 10 year old console holding back the game ( and the pace of development I imagine )...
Jun 28 2023
I wonder what's preventing other assets from having higher res textures.. mostly indoor ones. Any of you guys modding know if texture maps are limited to 2048x 2048 ? I'm almost tempted to revamp interior textures once I catch some free time.. but if there's a limit, there's not much I can do.. maybe connect them better.. like add decals to connect walls with floor and ceiling better... Especially the Green "mustache" house.. I feel like the ceiling on the bottom floor is like 240x240 stretched into oblivion.. also those colors are criminal compared to everything else. Looks like it's from OG DOOM2😄 I mean, If taken from the 2048x2048 sheet with the rest of textures ( UV map) it makes sense... saving space in the UV map... but still... With better textures, interiors would look so much better...
can merge with this @Geez
"Many are not there or have become parts cars or "wrecks."" This sounds very unlikely. It's not coded into the game. Repairable/drivable cars can never turn into wrecks. Because wrecks are static objects, basically part of the map. Just like the house is for example. Repairable cars are random like the random "loot".
Jun 27 2023
I agree with freerider3434. Just like IRL, driving on uneven surfaces, like random "wild" nature, would definitely jiggle your steering wheel. Gunter, Sedan, Sarka were not meant for driving in forest or crazy surfaces anyway. That's why we build roads no ? All the grass, roots, soft spots, and other slippery parts, like moss, gravel, etc. would make driving a living hell unless you're in 4x4. That's why there's ADA, and Hummer. I never had any problems with it so far.
I think you're looking for the wrong thing. The repairable cars are marked orange on the map, the grey ones are wrecks ( which can possibly spawn doors, hoods, wheels, etc. ). Usually next to the Orange spawn, there's a grey spawn as well. Meaning, next to repairable car ( dynamic spawn ) there's usually a static ( permanent ) one as well aka the car wreck. so you're mistaking a repairable car for the wreck...
Jun 26 2023
yeah, it's driving me nuts...
I couldn't water the ground in the green house with a plastic bottle ( on PC ). It did prompt me to "water the plot" but It would just cancel itself. However, it worked with the canteen and a cooking pot. ( vanilla server, no mods )
Jun 23 2023
Jun 21 2023
yeah, RVN looks very, very dated. All of the knobs on it are in hexagonal prism shape if you inspect it closely, with textures faking the curves on them ( if you're looking from the front view). I think in 2023 we can afford more polygons since, just as mike said, there are some crazy good ones you guys already made ; ) Also adding "Picture In Picture" to all of the scopes would be a visual treat. It looks so much better.
Jun 19 2023
This is a feature. It's not a semi-auto shotgun ( they might add one eventually, which works just like SKS then ). It's been like this since the beginning. It shouldn't be done automatically. Just like every Bolt action rifle, you're required to tap R to cycle through bullets and chamber the next one in. And a pretty cool and unique feature imo, since you can make a shot and not chamber another one in order to not give away your position if someone's near you. Pretty cool feature. I'm confused by BK-18 though. That's a single shot weapon, you'd like an auto reload ? because you need to hold R every time you fire a bullet.. Or you're thinking about a different weapon ?
yeah, EFT is sort of a good example, in terms of weapon animations but I also have to argue that EFT recoil is still very exaggerated and feels like you have noodle arms. Shooting guns IRL is not that hard. Even if you've never shot a gun in your life, on your second magazine you'll already be very proficient. Especially if your life depends on it. Because just like in real life, once your "survival instinct" kicks in, you're able to adapt much faster to any situation. Your whole brain shifts into another gear and you process stuff much faster. So I would take the argument " you're survivor that never shot a gun" out of the equation. Because that's valid for a very short period of your survival experience. But yeah, EFT has a much ,much slower movement compared to DayZ so it kind of makes sense to do something for balance. Otherwise you'd feel like just "clicking" on slow moving targets. I also agree and as I've stated, I wouldn't change ADS recoil in DayZ. It seems actually quite good. But hipfire one is .. weird. I mean, it's kind of not even hipfire, it's still shouldered and it's supposed to be much more precise, but still.. it should be sorted out for balance imo.
I don't mind ADS speed being high, because you can ADS fast in IRL, but ADS-ing heavier weapons and long range scopes should also have a small inertia, making your initial aim sway for a half a second before you "center it in" . Just like many other games have "simulated" this well. Currently ADS-ing a high range scope in dayz feels very "robotic". I'm thinking long range scope, night vision scopes...
Jun 18 2023
squad is a bad example imo. The thing that DayZ needs to do, is add a very, very small percentage of inertia to weapons according to their weight, so you don't feel like 5kg weapons are made out of styrofoam and light as a pistol. For example, for rifles and heavier weapons, the faster you pull your mouse, the more gun swings to the opposite side, so it's not just the "input lag" like it was before. Although there needs to be a very, very small percentage of input lag as well for heavy guns. Not like that awful Legacy gunplay mod "sGunplay". that's just pure heavy input lag on weapons. Which feels like every gun has 50Kg. So what I'm suggesting is that if you moved your mouse slowly, or at a normal speed, you wouldn't feel as "punished" by that inertia as much. Flicking mosins like you're in counter strike does feel odd, which is what happens currently.
Jun 12 2023
@Geez great, Thanks !
yeah, It's better.
That's a silly request. Chernarus is in "Russia". Doesn't make sense to have signs in latin.
Jun 9 2023
+ also, it would be nice to have that "radio" effect added to radio coms. So it doesn't sound like someone is near you.
Jun 7 2023
That's exactly the infrastructure I'm talking about in shotgun department : complete animations, sounds, ballistics ( projectile trajectory, different ammo types, penetration ). Everything is pretty much the same and salvageable from other, existing shotgun models. Except it's a semi auto weapon with side rail for a light source and top rail for optics.
well, Judging by the way you post stuff in the tracker, I wouldn't be surprised if they are skipping your "suggestions"... Also, adding a shotgun versus adding LMGs, and helicopters is a quite different scope of implementation. Shotgun already has an existing infrastructure, while LMGs and heli have none yet... making one a more realistic goal for the near future.
Jun 6 2023
Why not make your own post instead of copying mine ? this way you make all of it seem like a SPAM.. so dumb..
There's only few tree models for an apple tree, which are causing this issue. It's not like they have to manually tweak each single tree on the map. It doesn't work like that. They just modify the base ones and it's auto applied to all other ones. they just need to reduce the collision box of the tree crown that is in question.
Jun 5 2023
ACOG is working properly, and has always been. You're using bars when your default zeroing is at 100m. So naturally if your default zeroing is more, then your 400m is bar is not 400m anymore, it's higher depending on your default zeroing. Some weapons have different projectile path ( like crossbow ) so keep in mind that bolts have a more vertical drop and lower range + lower speed ( important if you're aiming higher/lower than desired target point > meaning, aiming slightly below the crosshair center on acog will have a more drastic drop compared to bullets )