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1.23 [ EXP ] [ Bad looking, white hills effect from too much fog and over the top blue sky? ]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I don't know what's exactly going on here, but I feel like there's too much fog by default on EXP servers which makes the hills on horizon look very bad and out of context compared to the "clear sky" skybox. If there's an overcast it sort of blends in, but in "clear sky" situations it looks very, very bad.

I wouldn't mention this if it existed in 1.22 stable. But 1.22 has a perfect blend of sky and hills..

Now look at this. Both have distance render to 2.5 Km and 0% overcast and 0% fog. IMPORTANT : the time of the day is identical in both screenshots, which makes the comparison even worse..



Also very noticeable from this, default skydome is too saturated and has bigger contrast compared to everything else. It looks very off.

The only way to make the new "clear sky" skybox work, you need to set your view distance to like 6.5km .. which is kind of insane.. and it "kind of" blends in

Like this

Something about this Turquoise blue ( middle part ) looks super fake and off..

The moment you desaturate it, it looks much more realistic.. and in balance with foreground...

But still, the main issue is probably because that is skybox for a 0% moisture and 0% mist weather, and the whole map has a lot of fog by default.. Either the fog needs to be toned down, or that default sky texture. ( old one is much more fitting in its white blue~blue gradient )

Also I don't think I've ever seen such turquoise blue color of the sky IRL. There's atmospheric perspective/fadeout which makes it usually more washed out and white-ish.

I believe that the "clear sky" aka default skybox needs to be toned down saturation wise, along with whatever is causing those "white hills"...

IMO the current 1.22 "clear sky" skybox is so much better.. even the "fog" settings are better, and visibility is much better. I mean, it's pretty obvious from the first two screenshots, that the 1.22 is obviously superior. The moment you start adding overcast to 1.23 skybox it becomes so much more appealing, because the colors resemble the 1.22 one... there's still too much fog ( I do like fog, but this is too much )..



Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

compare default skyboxes on 1.22 & 1.23 on default clear day...

Event Timeline

WeirdXone updated the task description. (Show Details)Oct 17 2023, 8:05 PM
WeirdXone updated the task description. (Show Details)Oct 17 2023, 8:25 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 18 2023, 11:37 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Nov 2 2023, 1:33 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Should be resolved for Stable release of 1.23.