Pretty simple and basic...
Press "H" key to return the item from your hands to its position in your inventory.
p.s. would be a nice change along with "give/take item" feature ( from the already existing mod )
Pretty simple and basic...
Press "H" key to return the item from your hands to its position in your inventory.
p.s. would be a nice change along with "give/take item" feature ( from the already existing mod )
I support the request for putting something back into your inventory. It would be really handy, especially when on the move.
Not so much the give/take item function, as you can already do this when you tie someone up/they surrender.
@Rayvex no no, give and take item is more like , you handing out items to your friends instead of dropping it on the ground. There's already a mod of this and it's incredibly immersive. Sea Of Thieves and many other games have this. You can literally hand out any item to your buddy... from food to guns... dumping a large amounts of items on the ground make sense, but if it was like a can of food or an extra gun or box of ammo, it's kind of funny to drop it on the ground all the time if you think about it...
Very simple and very effective. You press "o" to hand out, and your friend looks at your hand and gets a prompt to pick it up ( either in their hands or inventory )
here, you can test it yourself... or join a server that has it.