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- User Since
- Sep 20 2013, 5:21 PM (595 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 10 2016
I think the community should butt-out of this one, and let the Dev team handle and respond to this thread, I actually agree with the reason he gives to get a refund, because even though your are informed of the games current state if his does not work (as in not work at all) he is lawfully entitled to get a refund for the broken merchandise.
OK so a friend of mine was on the highway between NWAF and that new town way up north heading towards the NEAF, when suddenly out of the blue, his arm, legs and everything was in pain and he died. he ran all the way back to get his gear and everything was pristine, he had taken no damage at all. I don't know guys but this feels like a hacker attack to me, I could wrong of course...
I had this 3 times as well, each time my friend was close and it seems as though I was pushed through the wall of the building in each case. Every time after I died my body was found outside the building, almost as if the client lagged when I was going to the second floor and the client is climbing an invisible building outside the actual building and after about 3 sec's on the second floor the client tells the server, "Hey I'm outside" and boom dead, legs broken and my body is outside the building. Currently I avoid any floor higher than the ground. :)
Ha that's nothing
FX8150 8 core processor
16GB Ram 1600 DDR3
R9 290 radeon 4GB DDR5 GPU
850W Corsair gold series PSU
28 FPS, and it goes to 43 MAX even on the lowest settings
I have also experienced this issue, first it happened in the prison inside the Vybor military base, entered the top floor and then the bed room of the barracks, moved to the wall to retrieve a ammo box on the bed and suddenly dead, my body was found outside the barracks, so apparently I was pushed through the wall by the bed, second time the exact same thing happened in the NWAF Fire-station, again second floor and pushed through by a fire-extinguisher. Same thing my body was found outside the Fire-station all gear in tact.
Agreed the tents with the wooden floors no longer spawn loot at all, we only find loot in the normal larger tents. Please fix
Agreed the tents with the wooden floors no longer spawn loot at all, we only find loot in the normal larger tents. Please fix
Probably, but most bandits use it already, so it really does not matter, but yes point taken. :)
Wow, My apologies, it seems as though no one feels the way I do, but I wonder how blessed your Tera, Eve online, Elder Scrolls, etc characters are?
I feel that the initial customization isn't enough to make me feel immersed into the game as the character is limited to what some stereo types feel or perceive to be the norm.
I therefore apologize for trying to better a non existent feature the game needs.
You may now close my thread.
I agree, When shot in the chest by one bullet it ruins your vest, shirt and backpack and all the gear in each of those items. (well maybe not all the gear but 70%). This should definitely be fixed.
It might have something to do with the Private & Public hives having been separated, but only BI can confirm that. But I agree with the fact that you should have only one character even when changing to a different server.
Please know that this bug is now also in the stable version of the game since the update.
Let me know what happened cause that has pretty much been my solution so far, it still happens but a lot less.
Good Hunting
I have the exact same bug, but have noticed that it happens when you hold a weapon or something in your hands then instruct your avatar to eat or drink, once he finishes the instruction he puts the weapon or item back in his/her hands and your eat, drink, bandage, etc options disappears, this can then only be fixed by re-logging.
For the future yes, I agree, however with the current lack of cars I would say NO, this will only make players frustrated and angry. but when they add vehicles, yes I completely agree.
It was never my intention, But I only started getting this issue when I lost my PSU, After replacing the PSU my PC run's great and so does DayZ.
In my case the PC ran fine until I get to the Dayz menu (happened in all games) and then I would get a sound like a buzz with my screen telling me that it has no signal and the GPU fan would just spin full speed, I have a 750W PSU but it was only giving out 500W(Damaged). when I enter dayz again all my video settings are reset.
That was just me maybe yours is cheaper to repair. :)
I had the same issue, after extensive testing it turns out my PSU had been damaged during a power surge, thus the GPU does not get enough power and you loose your video settings as a result.
I have 2 friends with the exact problem, I run with my weapon out and I manage to outrun both of them (They are sprinting). I will investigate the fps issue and get back with info.
Hi I had this exact same problem over the weekend, while playing my game would just go black and I have to hard restart my PC, turns out the new (beta) ATI GPU drivers clashed with something in-game ( I reported this issue to ATI and hopefully it will be sorted).
Now in your case looking through your DxDiag file I noticed you have a Realtek Audio card, I think your out of date driver is causing the clash, I had this exact problem with APB. The game would run for 3 - 5 minutes and then my PC would lock-up completely (with some weird buzzing sound)after contacting support and dong some trouble shooting i found that my audio driver was out of date and was clashing with something in-game, anyway after getting the latest driver I never had the same problem again. Try downloading the latest driver from your MOBO's manufacturer site and completely uninstall the old driver before installing the new driver.
If this does not solve the issue then your GPU driver is the problem once again completely uninstall the the old driver and install the latest driver, if you have the latest driver then re-download as you might have a corrupt file within your current driver causing the lock-up.
Ok tested and turns out the sight works until I attach the pistol flashlight, even though both have batteries the sight does not turn on. remove the flashlight and the sight works again. Hope this helps
Still not working but will wait untill this weeks update and see.
Same also tried battery on flashlight and walkie and it works fine, put on the sight it stays off, turn it on, exit and enter inv its off agian.
This still happens on stable currently, the engraved 1911's mag fits correctly however the normal one still fits backwards.
Seriously.... I'm not gonna answer you, stop trolling.
Please consider yourself being fired upon and you need to retaliate, are you still gonna use your axe to dispatch Zed's or will you return fire, I think you'll use the latter thus Zed's will kill you.
I agree, my group was attacked at he NW Airbase and had to shoot back, before we even managed to reload for the first time we found our self's bashing Zeds instead of fighting for our lives, needless to say we were all killed by the bandits as they had no Zeds to fight.
Understood, thx
players with no names do not get kicked, invalid names are ones containing "inappropriate" words, common words that are found to be offensive, simply not entering a name is in no way offensive and thus it works, try and you will see.
I agree, this is game breaking as when fired upon you will never hear the sound of what killed you, we have also noticed that some of my friends hear the shot but I and 1 or 2 others don't, same server.
I agree, my wife would also like to play from time to time, however I have only one PC and I do not see the need to buy a second game for her when we own a copy already.
You are supposed to use your imagination to create your own story, you spawn at the beach so maybe a shipwreck survivor, makes more sense since probably only 10% of the player base is in fact Russian, where did the rest of us come from, the devs are not responsible for your lack of an imagination.
I would Agree to the fact that we the players and you the admins need to see who you were killed by especially since I have also been killed by hackers with "god mode" enabled. however giving the admins more rights will result in admins abusing their power (currently already a problem), I would agree if there was a reporting system where admins had to submit proof and a report with every kick or risk loosing your server, then yes give more rights but currently 350 servers are available but only 50 servers allow players as the rest just kick for no reason.
Confirmed, happens all over the map in areas with water, you're running on the dry ground but you get the splash noise. not game breaking but hey doe give away your position.
It would seem as though this issue has been resolved for me at least
Actually you can't combine more than 20 mosin rounds so the two stacks clearly proves that he had to unload those from an item which either had them as one unit or two weapons having the respective amounts. he has all the proof he needs.
try crawling towards the door an crawling slightly sideways when your head is through the door it helped me get out of the same kind of situation previously, also when trying to crawl up stairs lay next to the staircase and roll left or right depending on what side the case is until your character starts getting in a crouched position and then walk up the stairs.
Same problem when my legs are broken I can't crawl through doors.
I agree, I think we should look at something like on battlefield where the weapon reloads after the right mouse button is released. then you can shoot and see where the shot landed and then release the mouse button to trigger the reload.
Confirmed, mosin always hits 5mm to the left of where I aim when firing at a distance over 200m
Confirmed the only area in military camps that loot is the birds nests at the entrance and that only has maybe 1 or 2 items.
I have the same issue ever since the update my characters not saving,everytime I load in my charater is back to respawn status, I have not tried UK servers since my ping is 400 if I do.
same for me, new spawn location, no loot no guns, everything wiped clean everytime I start.
I agree, a hacker took me and 2 friends down with ease. We were geared to the teeth. He shot my friend and I fired 3 mosin rounds into his avatar. 2 in the head and 1 in the chest before he turned and killed me with his M4. My last friend found him looting my body and emtied 2 SKS clips into his avatar but he killed my friend as well. This is turning into just another WARZ.
Look, I completely agree with the argument that hackers are carrying to much ammo, but further limiting the current amounts of ammo spawns is not the way to go cause hackers will still have the ability to stack mass amounts of ammo. The current problem is that the servers need to restart in order for loot to re spawn and that causes all loot to spawn at once, thus large amounts of ammo, once we get to the point of loot spawns working and lots more players on a map all these problems will vanish, along with KOS.
The "Bandit" character and player is a necessity otherwise us heroes would have no job. besides what do you think, if this happens for real that everyone will be friendly, especially since they have families etc etc, this is supposed to simulate real life in the event of a Zed apoc.
Also happened to my friend 3x already. ran into the police station all is fine when going to the 2nd floor his character suddenly screams and it says his leg is broken, to add to the missery he can't leave the room as his legs are broken so he can't pass through the door.2nd time he was inside the jail on NW airport, when he entered the upper floor again legs broken but this time he ends up being dead.
This problem still persists, and I find that it mainly happens to me when one of my steam friends join and play with me. This also makes other "synced" players invisible to you which ends up getting you killed. Whenever I desync my friends see me but I can't see them I also can't hear the shots that they fire.
I don't know what the best solution is here, but currently I suggest taking that 300 sec delay away, I join a server and desync try a different server 300sec try the exact same server 300sec. I also do not agree with locking people in a server as I work and on occasion play during lunch, now can you imagine if I can't log back out when I need to get back to work.
I have the same issue, while looking around the screen would randomly flash black and then back to color. It happens every time I zoom in and out as well.
However my friend with his Nvidia card is not having this issue, I think it might be ATI related, as I have an R9 290 GPU
I agree, would be nice to actually hear when your being stalked.
This problem still persists, and I find that it mainly happens to me when one of my steam friends join and play with me. This also makes other "synced" players invisible to you which ends up getting you killed. Whenever I desync my friends see me but I can't see them I also can't hear the shots that they fire.
The best and only way to solve this issue would be to spawn a player who logs off in a building or town outside a certain radius of that town, this has been done in survivor and every time you log in a town you'll be spawned outside that town instead of in, works wonders.
My problem here is that when my friend adjusts his sliders he can see pretty well on a pitch black server (He runs an GTX 660 oc), but when I adjust my values on my Radeon R9 290 still pitch black
I have the same issue, while looking around the screen would randomly flash black and then back to color. It happens every time I zoom in and out as well.
However my friend with his Nvidia card is not having this issue, I think it might be ATI related, as I have an R9 290 GPU
Some settings require the game to be restarted before taking effect, the game is reloading and will return you to your running game when it's done.
I have an AMD FX 8150 8 core CPU with a R9 290 4GB DDR 5 GPU and 8GB DDR3 1600 Ram, and I also have huge FPS drops when looking or playing in cities
Same problem and it does not matter how low I set my setting
AMD FX 8150 3.6 GHZ 8 core
ATI Radeon R9 290
8GB DDR3 1600 RAM
Windows 8 64 bit
Can provide Dxdiag
May 9 2016
Hi all
After having mailed BI I received the following reply to our current situation:
We apologize for any incovenience, the FPS drop is a known issue and also one of the most upvoted issues in ARMA 3 Feedback Tracker. We assure you that fixing it is one of the top priorities for our dev team.
Thank you for understanding.
As a temporary workaround, please turn down your visibility settings to
1000 and object visibility to 500 - 750.
I did and it works for me, currently with this I can run everything on ultra with the minor adjustments mentioned above, this is for multilayer as well.
As most of you know with Skyrim we had the same issue, where the game would lag after continues play and that we had very bad frames, this is caused by the massive world that BI has provided, add ambient and lots of AI and this problem was to be expected.
Well guys and gals..
Same issue here.
Win 7 64 bit
AMD FX 8150 3.9 8 core
SLI GTX 660 oc TI's
8GB ram 1600 DDR 3 corsair dominator
Asus sabertooth 99FX Mobo
And as for the Idiot saying that looking at our rigs he can see why were having issues, dude stop trolling and if you don't have issues with your outer space pc that your friends from Ur-anus built for you then go post somewhere else.
90% of the comunity has problems and bohemia also mailed me and said that they are aware of the issue so it's not fictional, accourding to the "recommended specs" we all own "GOD" PC's. I would love to buy an even better CPU or GPU but I fear that it will make no difference to the performance.
Well guys and gals..
Same issue here.
Win 7 64 bit
AMD FX 8150 3.9 8 core
SLI GTX 660 oc TI's
8GB ram 1600 DDR 3 corsair dominator
Asus sabertooth 99FX Mobo
And as for the Idiot saying that looking at our rigs he can see why were having issues, dude stop trolling and if you don't have issues with your outer space pc that your friends from Ur-anus built for you then go post somewhere else.
90% of the comunity has problems and bohemia also mailed me and said that they are aware of the issue so it's not fictional, accourding to the "recommended specs" we all own "GOD" PC's. I would love to buy an even better CPU or GPU but I fear that it will make no difference to the performance.