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- User Since
- Dec 19 2014, 8:33 AM (535 w, 1 d)
Apr 26 2023
What is the workaround for such a problem?
Jul 26 2022
Tested some other cases and also found that :
Jun 17 2022
May 31 2022
Please also add a native function to Set and Array to change them to the other type (Array to Set, via removing duplicates)
Feb 27 2021
Performance and profiling binaries
just a side note:
-exThreads=11 doesnt make sense see: Startparameter
-maxVRAM=14336 not needed when running the server as it doesnt use the graphics card at all
Jan 10 2021
Jun 5 2020
Sadly need to add in that disableAI "ALL" also prevents players from using lock on weapons.
Apr 21 2018
@GambaDendy i think you mixed somthing up. The 100 is how much % your joystick has moved from 0 to full on 1 axis.
So it cant be more than 100.
What can be chang NOW is the way how it raises till 100 , how much you actually need to move your joystick and the deadzones aka how much you atleast have to move for anything to happen.
Apr 19 2018
@Chubbs i dont know if it was mentioned before. The current system works as followed.
Apr 11 2018
The ownership of the DLCs gives you only access to the 8 vehicles. All features like Firing from vehicles etc are free and ready to use. On any other questions about restrictions and pros of the dlcs feel free to ask
You know that some DLCs ADD the 2 or 3 premium vehicles. So there are plenty of other free vehicles in there. Although you can enter all premium vehicles as passenger. On the other side you are free to use mods. Just be carefull so you dont overload the game it gets instable sometimes.
Mar 24 2018
Use Arma3Update182RC as beta code in steam
Hey guys can you try the dev and RC build. I yesterday played with a friend and he was sure he had not the bug anymore
Mar 23 2018
@Nordic_Harold the system in Vbs 2 would be cool. But for real digging (with shovel) Arma 3 maps are made of triangle so you would always dig giant triangles
Mar 16 2018
Its already live
Is that still present in the RC?
Mar 15 2018
Maybe related. Would explain the MP aspect.
@Ben1295 are you using ace? I know the problem from there.
I would say that this bug depends on the server fps. The lower they are the higher is the occurence of the bug
Mar 14 2018
Nono i mean it was fixed already.
Its difficult to explain.
When you correct it pls check if the issue with the Titan Launcher comes back. Its one of my old tickets. It was the exact same Problem but the other way around
@Wulf any chance we can get RPG7 HE rounds?
Mar 12 2018
Right Top corner the Ammo Type
Mar 9 2018
@Wulf i assume the RL counterpart is the SPG9
At 2:36
It has a similar sound to a RPG. Maybe change the sound a bit and add it?
Jan 11 2018
I get this error sometimes and i dont have gamemode active.
Jan 8 2018
@Wulf if you have a fix pls send it the Argo guys too. Today i had the issue there too, but just 1 time and pretty random.
Jan 6 2018
Maybe winDef is for windowed mode
Nov 14 2017
Nov 7 2017
Liberation is not the most stable mission i know in terms of memmory leaks on Client and server side
Oct 22 2017
@RueLight its raining so smokescreens cant really build up
Oct 18 2017
If im correct that is one of the draws of the loading system. What you see there is the LOD loading. Since its on Multithread its async. when you are in the tank it is possible that the model is loaded in another for and when turning out it gets fully loaded
Oct 14 2017
ok i try to calculate that.
Kuma as gun means on 2 km at worst 620mm RHA equivalent of penetration (at worst, at best its some where near to 840mm)
Kuma for target ( the other tanks will be ignored since i cant find data for them, but they are generaly weaker)
data for RHA equivalent:
(the values seem legit)
guys check out the performance binaries
Oct 13 2017
Something to read. There are some system for correct Damaga calculations but as i said like ten times its a mathematical aproach on penetration
@Lex as you now understood what i was talking all the time. THIS IS NOT A BUG since there is no such system in the game. THIS IS A FEATURE REQUEST for such a system.
Oct 12 2017
As i didnt find a proper one for a Leo 2A5 or A6
here is a physical RHA picture of a A4
BTW dmg on hit is calculated by Coefficient of the bullet times left energy on hit.
@Lex if you have read some post earlier where i mention the amount of penetration vs the amount of armor you would see that even on 2 KM a APFSDST round CAN penetrate a tank(ignoring the fact that it would deform etc. we are talking about the system as it is in Arma right now.) and can kill another tank. But as i said we are talking about the mathematical point of view.
@Lex im not sure if parts of the problem still exist. could you check them
Oct 11 2017
@Wulf maybe a kind of a tutorial from BI would be great because there is no consistent data about how to use that shells
Sep 27 2017
I dont mean a static IP Adress i really mean just a generic non static IPv4 adress. Just tell your provider that you cannot use your internet and if they do not comply that you will need to change the provider that mostly works
Sep 14 2017
@MadogPL Mostly this happen when you have a IPv6 active. The provider uses a IPv6 on your connection (to not use valueable IPv4) and routes your traffic to a Server with a IPv4. As that server handles many Users a port forwarding is not possible. BUT as you pay your provider to have internet and he does not (mostly) limit the usage to specific applications you can call your provider and as an example say your NAS is not working and that they pls should provide you with a IPv4 (mostly its then even static). Thats a easy way to fix that problem and even works on approx 80% of providers
Sep 2 2017
If im correct a AI Soldier reports when he cannot attack a assigned target with missiles. How about add it there too?
Aug 29 2017
check your keybindings. There is a key called lase target(not sure) default is T is think. press it and after approx 1 sec you have a distance same for FCS in tanks.
Aug 27 2017
- wrong game you are in the feedbacktracker of Arma 3
- i doubt they can do anything about your situation
- pistures of the map and the coordinates are pretty useful
did you use the lase range key?
Aug 23 2017
I agree that the patches by BI do a good job. Like you say turning down the amount of speakers aka lowering the amount of calculations is helping.
As repeating myself somewhere in this thread. Its not depending on either Logitech or AMD specificly. it depends on Surround headsets mostly virtual ones and a CPU with low single core performance. The sound calculator is the CPU and therefor needs more power to do calculations additionally to Arma. So i dont know why exactly it does so or how to fix that beside a better CPU. We all had agreed that its coming to that 2 factors: - Many speakers virtual or non virtual (even there it sometimes happens) and low CPU performance. Anything else already was tested or confirmed by many users.
As on my side i figured out that the lower your latency on your hard drive is the better it gets. Means a SSD will better that problem and a M.2 SSD will fix it to almost to framedrops (on good Servers). the sound artifacts will still be but much better. Tested on my G930 with a 960 EVO on a PCIe 2.0 x4 on a FX8350.
Aug 20 2017
im at maybe 15 keys. but adding any of the keys in that zip always breaks that system.
Actually not. Its tied to specific keys. I had tested that adding specific key triggers that problem.
Aug 14 2017
So TLDR : The Update size is what you actually have to download and the needed space on your harddrive is what you are actually updating in terms of filesizes.
So a 1GB update that patches 1 file with size of 1GB it needs 1 GB of free space.
If the same update is including 100 files á 1GB in wich every file recieves a 10mb patch you will need 100GB of free space.
Jul 25 2017
As thats even different calibre i think that that a typo in the localization and the wiki.
The wiki says its a 7.62x54 eventhough the config says 7.62x51
Jul 24 2017
If its is regarding only KOTH you have to contact either the Author or the Hoster of the server/mission. KOTH is a usermade mission.
The FCS is a direct Sight method. The Range is calculated from the point you are aiming at. The real FCS is the right side where you put in your elevation.
What you actually want are range tables, maybe BI can provide some.
Jul 8 2017
It not a bug actually its a design problem that the AA Titans on the vehicles are IR and not radar guided
Jul 6 2017
Not really. The problem is that with a USB headset you CPU is your Sound calculator. Low IPC and a huge load(from arma) cause that problem. If connected to the Soundcard what ever type the Sound Calculator is used there
It a problem of slow singlecore cpus . Somewhere in the middle of this ticket someone uograded his system from a AmD FX to a ryzen boom problem gone.
Jul 5 2017
They made a game mode.
No but ,if other people manage to get that system working why couldnt you?
Jul 4 2017
Actually it seems to be possible in certain ways. Ask the EUTW crew they have a system that makes stats and it can log even different weapons on a vehicle.
Now comes the funny part. The scopes are zeroed on their middle point on their standard range (300m i think just check the zeroing) the section drawn on the scopes are zeroed for the standard ammunition used in Arma 3 Vanilla : 6.5 mm Grendel.
So the scopes differ for any other caliber
Jun 29 2017
Wooow thats funny. Never actually looked there
The physics improvements are not 20 years away its more like : Its there but its too late to change the whole system. Physx is shit sry all Nvidia users but it is there are some competitors that are way better like Havoc
Jun 28 2017
How about weapon resting for the Laserdesignator?
Is that even possible?
The Problem is not the "change the hitpoint" but Arma has many hitpoints that can even diffirintiate the damage done to them. Cars for example do not explode always sometimes they just leave a wreck or smoke if they are shot by non incendiary ammunition. But a car is a car and remains mostly in 1 part when destroyed. when a heli crasehs it falls apart. Doing that in a static manner will mean it looks damn ugly since the parts could float high up in the air or stuff like that.
Doing it Physx enabled , means the parts that will break apart would have their own trajectories and stuff(since you have to change that for mid air destruction too). That would mean creating a method to do that and more performance impact to calculate the parts.
Jun 27 2017
Thats what i meant. Change the beta Tab in steam to dev build and test it
Check latest dev build there is mentioned your problem
Like somewhere in the middle of the post there came a cause: Thats not only AMD CPUs its in general Low Single Core Performance CPUs
@definitY not completly correct. Scalpel is laserguided too to give the Drone the possibility of a unguided attack.
Jun 26 2017
@LizardKiller most of the time replicating is not the problem. Maybe the fix isnt that easy
Jun 25 2017
As it seems its depending on that keys if i remove them the problem is gone but adding 1 of them reproduces the problem any idea?
Jun 24 2017
If im correct Arma uses the full setup of speaker configured in Windows. Since you change that to stereo you do the workaround some prople did before (but yours is compatible with all possible devices).
Workflow of a G35
Arma -> 7.1 sound over DirectX-> Dolby -> G35 (with Dolby encoding)
Workflow of your workaround
Arma -> 2.0 sound over DirectX -> Voicemeter -> G35
Jun 23 2017
For the BE Problem verify your files.
Did you run a Antivirus Check on your PC?
Jun 22 2017
Do you use ZoneAlarm?
Just as BE says if these files do not stop you from joining you can safely ignore them. Maybe run you AV and check for viruses. If everything is safe ignore the message.
Jun 21 2017
The actual funny thing is that the russians hold there weapons like that, but i agree that the hand could be a little but better.
Jun 20 2017
Jun 19 2017
Are you using the 32 or 64bit executables of Arma?
does similar things happen when in vanilla?
Jun 18 2017
The problem could be the IR signature of the drone. if its too small the Launcher cant lock it.
Jun 15 2017
Make that function available in the editor as a module. There you could set the radius and stuff and it gets actice on all synced objects
That was a question what actually you mean? Are you maybe in the wrong game because you created a ticket for arma 3
Jun 13 2017
The keybinding is under weapon and is called Lase Target
Jun 12 2017
There were request on changing the radar range and the missile types.
@jimbostan as i mention somewhere earlier Witcher 3 had exactly the same problem in its early stages. Same headsets same bug. There are more reports about the surroundheadsets with this bug than it might appear. Mostly it was kind of a bug in the code since it got fixed fast but that sone kind of a common problem.
Jun 11 2017
Wrong game mate thats the tracker for Arma
Jun 10 2017
Could you change the Title to : Standard Loadout of Viper Units (non-Pacific) is missing Silencer
Jun 9 2017
Do you mean that the silencer is missing?
Jun 7 2017
No more like he has but you dont see it
Jun 6 2017
Can confirm
Jun 3 2017
This is kind of a really special situation maybe there are some other things todo. Such tickets get sometimes resolved some days before the update.
Jun 1 2017
How about a module that needs to be synced to a object
May 31 2017
The topic about AA Tanks is already discussed in another ticket.
Using the AG asure that the plane is in the firing angle that is in a 60° Cone in Front of the plane. The Target Pod is for aquiring and locking targets. the "real" lock is done by the Weapon and that is looking in the front
May 29 2017
What weapon?