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Ref Counting when Method parameter is a Managed child
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The search function didnt yield a result so i created a new ticket.

When using a thread (for GUI purpose for example) with a function which accepts a parameter that is inherited from Managed, the ref counter is not increased and cause a cleanup of the instance that was given via the parameter.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
[EntityEditorProps(category: "GameScripted/ScriptWizard", description: "ScriptWizard generated script file.")]
class SCR_MyClassClass : ScriptComponentClass
	// prefab properties here

class ClassA : Managed

	void OnSuccess()
		Print("it ran");

	void ClassA()


void DoSomethingThread(notnull ClassA param)
        int i  = param.GetRefCount();
        //here it can happen that param was cleaned up and is null
	i  = param.GetRefCount();


class SCR_MyClass : ScriptComponent

	override void EOnInit(IEntity owner)
		ClassA test = new ClassA();
		thread DoSomethingThread(test);
	override void OnPostInit(IEntity owner)
		SetEventMask(owner, EntityEvent.INIT);
	void SCR_MyClass(IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent)
	void ~SCR_MyClass()


Add the component to an entity.

Event Timeline

TheMasterofBlubb edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jun 20 2022, 5:39 PM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Apr 26 2023, 4:18 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello TheMasterofBlubb.
According to the devs this works as designed.

"Method argument is not holding reference of object just weak pointer. Its working as designed."

TheMasterofBlubb added a comment.EditedApr 26 2023, 8:07 PM

What is the workaround for such a problem?

Because even if its just weak pointers for the parameter, it still shouldnt be cleaned mid execution of a method, even if its a thread

Edit: Because otherwise you would need a null check basically at any point where you use that variable.