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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 10:56 PM (628 w, 6 d)
Apr 24 2017
May 10 2016
@joostSidy motivate that.
@Koala, it's suggesting a completely different thing from what's proposed in my ticket
I agree, should be fatigued a lot less when moving down hill, however seeing how devs are slacking (not strict on implementing features, nor even fixing whats already implemented, messed up and needs fixing), I now highly doubt this will be corrected :D
@wastedmikemarsoc, content is already functioning just like standard if you turn off all the RHS options in the RHS settings (like additional physics tweaks and etc). The only feature that will need to be implemented is to make RHS settings being server controlled, so the host will decide what will be turned on or off for everyone.
Shields, u need Old Spice :D
Well, as long as you fly low and look to the sides, the situation more or less acceptable, see the vid
U re by far not alone man!
PabloTheGreat1, don't bother messing with your profile, power options for your USB device (it won't help) simply because that's not your job, that's the job of developers. F.... no swearing, yeah, trying to stop
still broken....
I think with PhysX it's very possible!
I did that, this is still the issue for me, and looks like for everybody who got Win 8 or Win 8.1
Give it up bro, there is a huge ticket named CPU/GPU Utilization, no update ever since Beta :)
Iceman, why will BIS not implement a feature so that clients couldn't use (or at all see) the addons which they have, but server doesn't have instead? I understand that, but it's seriously is a pain in the arse to untick and tick addons all the time. Would be nice to tick them once and never ever bother about them any more
rogerx, well, at least these lights seemed better and far more realistic than they are now, in a current version of Arma III with "General availability (GA)" state, in reality it still has more bugs and unfinished features that it's a shame to even give it a Beta state...
Renz, kk
Renz, Grand Theft Auto type of doors would be the best (when doors are freely opening and closing when you drive car and you didn't close the door properly)
Since game already have PhysX, that would be easy to do!
Renz, only animations isn't enough
blastermike, Renz, I think the way it is implemented right now is really really stupid, no better description is applicable. I would go with indestructible tires when obstacle are being hit if I couldn't properly design/implement a tire destruction. The AI can't drive carefully off-road, that's what you should have in mind.
This Arma 3 game is very sadly, like that at everything, Devs start something but never finish or finalize it until a really acceptable level.
Same thing with flash lights and light sources which penetrate walls.
Same thing with flares which stuck and jitter in the ground.
Same thing with otter ridiculous way to eject a fixed wing aircraft, when you just appear near it HALO jumping after being "ejected"
I can go on with an infinite list, this so much seems that developers are doing quickies and performing a bad quality work.
Renz, it's "simulator", get it right or pay the price.
I know, but when you are on the mission, hit something on speed of 40 km/h, lost front tires completely and you didn't happen to have the toolkit to fix the car, you literally forced to leave the vehicle and continue running through Altis on foot, with your 7 km/h and the dude choking to death like a freaking untrained rookie - smoker with lame stamina...
So what, even if it's not simulator, what stops devs from making things prettier and moving the environment closer to real and making things much more enjoyable?
joostSidy, yes, I sell tires for your mom, so far it's only she who buys them from me :D
Hands growing from the right place will do everything right!
Don't say "it might hinder game performance it unbalances the vehicle damage model" the true secret is the will and passion. If devs really wanted to implement something big like this (or at least fix the engine performance first), they would do it a long time ago and if they also wanted to implement something big without making a performance worse, they would also successfully do it.
If community asks them and they see, that's what people want, this means that they need to implement it (or fix it)
Another psychological thing in all of us humans, which is so important is a presence of deadline for anything you would like to achieve! If you know your dead line is in a year, you ll stretch your "2 day" work for the whole year.
If you know your deadline is tomorrow you ll do your 2 day task for an hour!
The most important thing is not to get too fancy with the time...
But that's only if you at all obey deadlines and not a mentally weak person!
If I can't do anything or achieve my goal because I lack knowledge, I don't sit and wait for the rain to star pouring in Thursday.
I do my best to find material to read, people or contacts who have that experience which they could share! World isn't by far as hopeless as you imagine it to yourself!
Why don't BIS instead of picking something in the code, meet with someone who made perfectly optimized engines? For example creators of Cry Engine or Unreal 4?
If it's still difficult, why don't they expand dev team?
what the hell is wrong with you people... Are you really enjoying Arma to simulate real life the worst way?
It is a simulator so...
Cenwulf, yes, but you do not need to draw every single one of them on the whole Altis, 30 quadratic meters could be enough!
Cenwulf, facepalm.... I am not talking about objects you can add yourself with the editor.... I am talking about houses and majority of static objects already existing on the map and I am also talking about the flashlight!!!
Even though dynamic shadows exist in the game, they are stencil, not shadow maps... It's incorrect due to an odd CPU utilization instead of GPU
Terox, yep, really good point, I've experimented as well, we might want to bash devs about this to fix ASAP, this VON bug is really really annoying...
I am guessing, because Arma 3 using UDP connectivity in multiplayer, the laggy voice chat might be the result of lost packets and Arma 3 doesn't have a packet tracer to ensure that every data packet sent from a sender has reached it's destination. Easy solution would be to move voice chat to TCP connectivity, a harder would be to implement CRC for current UDP connectivity.
Also, implemintation of compressed data would be nice, this would make voice chat flexible, in case sender gets slow connectivity (for example Skype is really good at reducing sound quality when sender gets a slow connectivity)
MulleDK19, that's the point, I do not want condition field to be used, I want my trigger activation change state of another trigger to "True"
Why don't they use additional hands? Good people from community could help them! The total amount of managers here is so little over reporters, its like a fly landed on the elephant saying "you are mine now"
AD2001, you re guessing wrong :/
Average usage of all cores! Measuring via HWInfo64! For sore reason game utilizes all cores from 20% to 30% some cores jump to 40% (I have 4 physical 4 logical)
Nowadays it's a standard for every supersonic military jet to have ejectable seats! (Otherwise it's a jet for corn pollination) Regarding L-159, look on a picture
Do you see that beige colored block behind the seat? This tells us that the seat is ejectable!
BIS Presents
A super smart artificial intelligence version -300
Get it now and make your controlled units so smart so that they will even find a way to get out of your screen and join you in real life!
Actually my PC is 3 times faster than the recommended specs
My computer is up to date, trust me, Find low GPU/CPU utilization issue here on bug tracker, it's still not fixed
Same issue, Logitech Extreme 3D, Windows 8 64 Bit!!!
Devs are too lazy again!
Yeh :D
In this case, who gives a damn about Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, this doesn't have any sh*t to do with the military :D
My point was, that they can't be called silencers!
People, please, research first before voting down, ask any military spec op if you know anyone, if silencers exist, so they will look at you like on a COD fan, with both eyes out and mustache falling off!
N3croo, if you are talking about agility, Comanche isn't nearly as agile and maneuverable in Arma 3 as it was in real life, in fact it's very badly and improperly simulated.
The Comanche's stealth cover doesn't give any effect in the game at all, it's as easy to spot and lock on as any other vehicle in the game and this was probably made for balancing (radio reflective covers / shapes are not simulated in Arma 3).
I see no problem with Comanche's engine power in the game, you can simply slightly increase it's force while changing config.cfg file, to give us an alternative more combat version of comanche with stub wings
Edit: I just checked datasheet of a real Comanche and it's actually the fact that it should be capable to carry stub wings with additional rockets or fuel tanks.
Devs are lazy!
It is realistic trust me, why do you think there are a lot of different buttons around these screens in real helicopter? Its to switch these screens into different modes and views. Look how Apache cockpit looks if you don't believe to me
Thumbs up NodUnit, good info out there!
+1, would be great with at least frigate class ships even if aircraft carriers won't get implemented (but in perfection, aircraft carriers would be also nice!!!). Maybe on later stage also some submarines (if problem of walking on the ship surfaces while they are in the sea, or surface of the ship is under the water level will be solved)
Keep in mind, that it should ALSO be able to turn full 45 degrees both sides while keep moving forward!
Stilton, this ticket initially was submitted 2013-06-08 12:10, and was related to flashlight brightness / light distance issue only (rogerx can back me up on that), however developers set this as reviewed and forgot, I only added up other problems half a year ago, as issue will get partially fixed somewhere, I will update this ticket and notify about progress of overall issue being fixed somewhere.
It's better to create one reviewed ticket than many reviewed tickets which are stuck with this status for the lifetime. I see no reason for creating a mess of many tickets...
rogerx, They shouldn't screw with brightness of the game at all, only flash lights, as it's a ticket with the problem related to flash lights.
- What we are asking them to begin with is to implement a light source for flash lights (and basically everything what does emit a light: flares, car lights, helicopter/plane lights, street lights etc.) so they will not light though any objects / obstacles.
- Increase brightness and distance of a light source for flash lights (and fine tune it's focus)
- Make NVGs being sensitive to a direct light or any light source!
I think they probably made DLC's first to get your cash, otherwise paying for employees wouldn't be profitable for BIS. And the quality of work on the programming side in this game is ridiculous. However, the design work is done very good, I would like to give a credit to designers, modellers!
The only problem everyone is suffering from is a poor engine which is so poorly programmed, or maybe it used to work well before, only it needs a proper overwork.
BIS here is the tip for you: Hire some Russian, Korean, Indian, Chinese or Japanese programmers who should also have a good experience with developing games :D
MDCCLXXVI, thanks for a good video, added it to the ticket :)
rogerx, no, it was reviewed since 2013-06-08
rogerx, change weather to storm and rain (set the forecast bar to the full), make it 1:00 AM and then check how,you see things now!
coltti, by the way, I stumbled on this issue when I was trying to create Spy vs Mercenary type mission from Splinter Cell :)
Penlight is much better than it is in Arma III right now, the kind of flashlight we see in Arma 3 is WWII flashlight, so they should fix this!
Ok, what if you want to make night mission without NVGs, lets say, your chief didn't give you night vision, what will you do? Walk around and not see anything at all?
I think if idea with flashlight was started, it must be a good flashlight, why not? Otherwise its useless.
I think you wouldn't like if someone gave you a grip from a pistol instead of a whole pistol, exactly like with useless flashlight here.