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Bohemia Interactive are so slow and should get together to fix old bugs marked as assigned since Apha version ASAP
Closed, ResolvedPublic


There are many major bugs that are not fixed yet even tho the game is "Final" now, which it probably isn't!!!
Bugs like very low CPU/GPU utilization.
Every update don't bring so many errors fixed!
Just get it together, concentrate on fixing as much as possible so every update would be a major update! Otherwise I don't even feel like Devs are serious and motivated people who never skiving off their job! I am really not happy with that product I bough now, because when I start to play CTI with my friend, we buy equipment, we buy everything at the base, we are ready to move out to our mission, then BAAM, one of us had just experienced a game crash, which makes one of us rejoin and do all over again, setting up equipment etc! Ok, after he has crashed and rejoined, meanwhile he buys equipment, then BAAAM, my game crashes! Also, frame rate DROP issue, it's a horrible experience, it just messes up everything! Sometimes it just drops to 20 FPS and you ca't do anything about it!!!


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

T-Bone edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 1 2013, 12:38 PM
T-Bone edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
T-Bone set Category to Gameplay.
T-Bone set Reproducibility to Always.
T-Bone set Severity to None.
T-Bone set Resolution to Open.
T-Bone set Legacy ID to 268662312.May 7 2016, 5:18 PM