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. {F26185}


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T-Bone set Category to Visual-GUI.May 1 2015, 4:09 AM
T-Bone set Reproducibility to N/A.
T-Bone set Severity to None.
T-Bone set Resolution to Fixed.
T-Bone set Legacy ID to 2864051634.May 8 2016, 12:01 PM

I don't see what is really and absolutely great about this at all.

He's not conservative, I'm not sure it's a good idea either.

In my current setup:

  • I scroll my mousewheel to activate the menu and scroll through the actions
  • I press the mousewheel button to select the action and the menu automatically disappears

This feature request kind of suggest the same thing, but is talking as well about blocking player movement and different keys while the menu is open or something like that. I don't see a clear benefit at this time.

I gave a downvote to discourage BIS to spend time on this and instead work on other things that are of more use to me.

I hope this explanation helps.

Just to be clear, I mean no offense and nothing personal. I understand that my point of view seems egoistic to you, but that's how the voting system works in my opinion.

I voted down because it is of no use to me. If a hundred people also vote down, then it means that nobody wants this.

If I'm the only down-vote and you get a hundred upvotes and BIS would start working on it, then I would accept it and would be happy for the community even though it is of no use to me personally.