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- User Since
- Aug 31 2015, 7:42 PM (498 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
Can confirm, just happened to me while changing server, was limited to closing the game off in the last experimental build.
Yes, already reported it.
I've come to my own conclusion and that's you're an idiot.
Care to explain the bans I see popping up on screen for hacks?
Fucking retard, no one give a flying fuck about you, do one cunt face.
What servers are they? I mean if you want to report servers then I strongly suggest you at least post IPs.
Hi Andy, thanks for the help and downloading the right version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package for my system has fixed this issue.
This can now be closed.
First off, I highly doubt that this is a mistake.
Second of all, You'll need to speak to Battleeye, isn't that obvious? It's not dayZ staff that banned you, it's the anti-hack system.
Yeh had the same thing happen to me awhile back.
Can confirm. This video is from experimental 0.51 build, however I had the same thing on the current 0.50 build.
The compass is effected by damage, pristine compass will work flawlessly but direction will be slightly off when it's worn, more so when damaged, worse when it's badly damaged and it'll point blank won't work when it's ruined. Check the condition of said compass.
On saying that, I did play a little yesterday where I was running from the NWAF North to one of the newer cities, I knew I spawned in facing East so had to run left to be running north.
However after a bit of running North and then West in an attempt to get to Vavilovo I found myself in Vybor, my compass was worn and was unable to test a pristine one so it'll be interesting to see if you're compass is damaged in any way.
With my experience a worn compass wouldn't put you off course that much however a damaged or badly damaged compass would send you in the opposite direction, (North being South and South being North) and I've been out of the loop for well over a month so I'm unsure what changes they've made in regards to damaged items and how they function.
Not sure if you guys noticed but the meat will cook quicker with more wood on the fire (or it seems that way for me)
Yeah desync.
Persistence turned on or off?
I think it might be worth while reporting this to your GSP as well.
The devs here will most likely need your server IP to check configurations.
Not trying to stir up a conspiracy, nor am I accusing anyone of anything.
Was some servers not claiming to have it turned on when in fact it wasn't to boost population? Just a thought.
I think it would have been interesting for the devs if you uploaded the DayZ file they ask for when a client crash happens, they could have compared the data.
As I can't play the current 0.50 EXP due to crashes I'd love to know if we're all having the same problem or if it's individual issues.
Well obviously, my point is, there's no need to come here with the attitude ("So...why is progress on hackers being kept so quiet? Or is it not on the top of your priorities right now? Because it should be, and BANNING people who complain about it is Not the way forward, not mentioning any names...") with little to no useful information.
What you could do though is contact all who were there and have them add their information here, for example I heard in the video that one of them got screenshots, do they show anything useful? Maybe one can remember the server name and get the IP from history, shit like that.
Find the people with the hack, get the hack added to Battleye, have them and anyone else banned? Isn't that how it's done or have I smoked to much?
Now don't get me wrong, I hate "cheaters" as much as anyone else but to come here with the following.
"So...why is progress on hackers being kept so quiet? Or is it not on the top of your priorities right now? Because it should be, and BANNING people who complain about it is Not the way forward, not mentioning any names..."
Isn't helping anyone, no server IP, no date / time and not even a look at the player list, how are they suppose to find these "hackers" as you call them so they can get banned?
Killed a group of 6 zombies in under 30 seconds, not that long really.
Honestly though, some, not all do need a bit more damage, zombie health is fine, axes, pick axes and hoes are usually 1 hit kills unless it's a military zombie, which then it's a 2 hit kill.
You know what dude, I was going to vote this up but the attitude you came here with stinks, so yeah not going to bother, in fact, I down vote it and possible make a more helpful and less rude ticket.
Oh one more thing, desync is the reason you're being hit through walls/floors, stop lagging.
I have to agree with Roadrage's second comment, it's a waste of time, you just need to learn how to aim.
This might be a hard thing to do but try emptying the tent completely and pack it away then pitch it again.
I noticed it won't warm you in some buildings, I was in the high rise buildings in dubkey top floor and it wouldn't warm me.
I then moved to the storage units (red doors group of 3) closed the door made my fire, still wouldn't warm me up, opened the door and bang was warming up pretty fast.
Lol a zombie survival is to hard for you, go play Sim City.
I had to set mine on fast forward, for it to work.
You need to assign it to "fast forward"
To be honest, I have no idea then.
Ah sounds like you are trying to join a server that is bugged and stuck on a restart loop.
Is the server time always the same such as 08:00, 15:00 or what ever?
How many other people are on the server?
Have you tried different servers (possibly one with people already in it)
Any chance of getting an English translation? The only part of that I understood is "Good Evening" (Should have listened more in German class lol)
Thanks Andy.
I can confirm this is only happening on the experimental branch, played for 3 hours on stable with out it crashing to desk top and I was in the same locations on both branches.
Just bumping this, need some sort of help here.
Just played again and crashed again, not entirely sure if I played for the same length of time as before or not, I had just got to 5 story Tech building in Elektro, saved a bambi's life by killing the 6 zombies he had around him, gave him the last of my food, started running North when I crashed.
Added a new rar file.
It's a survival game, surviving isn't suppose to be easy.
learn to deal with them lol, they are really easy to get past or beat down. I've never had an issue with them, apart from that one time when hit detection wasn't working, now, 3 or 4 hits to the head with a shovel, 2 or 3 hits with a hoe, 1 or 2 hits with a splitting/wood cutting axe 1 hit with a fire axe and/or multiple hits to head with your fists will rid you of your problem.
Sorry to piss in your cheerios, but hacking is a part of online gaming, it'll never ever be gone, sad I know but hey that's how it goes.
Also, trust the "cheaters"(hackers don't play games they're too busy hacking databases and probably robbing people) to be German. Best thing we can do is just stop German's from playing online games.
With the lack of replies with IPs is it save to assume BI have contacted GSPs with the correct configuration and they've started fixing them?
I've not had the chance to play so I have no idea if 1st person servers are loading the correct character.
Same thing happened to me just a few hours, sadly though I don't have the IP of said servers.
I play both 1st and 3rd person, I tried joining a 1st person server today and spawned in where I left off with my 3rd person, gear and everything.
I tried 3 different servers and came up with the same result I should have took note of the IPs but didn't.
The "Unknown Entity" is due to the person respawning. It's not a bug. That body is no longer a person as they have now respawned and started a new life.
Yeah, never had the problem before but I know so many who have.
I love how you've just admitted to the DEV team you cheat. I hope you get a ban.
Still a lack of working servers.
Really disappointed that this is being ignored.
There's currently 1 UK server working and 2 or 3 US servers working, they are all breaking.
You said "due to the key" what do you mean by that?
It's a mag not a clip.
I've been playing this exp build for about 2 days and even though the food is lacking somewhat I was able to find enough to survive without worrying about starvation. In a nutshell, I don't see a problem.
May 10 2016
Here's a thought, this has been suggested by a few friends but I just simply won't test it.
By default (and as far as I know) servers start at 8am after a restart but can be changed to start at 15:00 (3PM) but this can wipe gear if you join before the server gets to 15:00, apparently.
Oh and also some server can't connect to the hive thus making you a new spawn, when logging in look for a red message on the bottom left of the screen.
Yeah lost 2 or 3 MP5-K after rejoining a server, this is due to DayZ rearranging your inventory upon log in, making your bottom of your backpack the last slots available, best bet is to get a high cap vest and keep in there.
It's a known issue and has been since I started playing back in January.
See the thing is, he's been ask to upload a DxDiag file so he can be helped but he's not doing that, he's more interested in a refund, I bet he's not even have problems with it he just wants his money back.
Or you can include your laptop specs / DxDiag and what ever else and hopefully someone can get it working for you.
But as Konseq said you were well aware of the state of the game before buying it and therefore should not be entitled to a refund.
If you look, there's human steaks in his inventory, it seems he was skinned... Alive.
Pause the video at 38 seconds.
There seems to be an issue with some servers on EXP not being able to connect to the hive, thus making you a new spawn, staying on such servers will reset your old character if the server does get connected.
Keep your own on the bottom left of the screen when logging in, for a few seconds you'll see red text that says something along the lines of "This server is unable to connect to the hive, we suggest you leave and find another server" it's only displayed for a few seconds so you really need to keep an eye on it.
For me I found the biggest part of UK and most of EU servers seem to suffer from this.
Would like to comfirm this is now fixed on the latest experimental 0.50 build.
Yeah sorry for the long delay, but this is still currently happening, it's in the latest experimental patch (0.49) and is related to the sun/moon being head on or at most a 90 degree angle to the character.
No other information I can get regarding this.
Okay got some more game time in, it was a day time server and yes I can confirm that the glow is from looking at the sun and/or having the sun on a 90 degree angle. I didn't bother taking any new shots as that part was known.
Sadly I've not had the chance to play at night again so I've been unable to test the moon being the cause at night.
Okay managed to get a couple more hours of game play, this time it was day light, and I still had the glow appear even if I was looking in different directions.
For example, I was in Elektro, running West (into the sun) opened my inventory and everything in there plus on my hotbar got this tint to it, I close the inventory change direction (North) reopen my inventory and the colour has gone, I turn West again open my inventory still no tint, turned south tint appears.
Sadly though I wasn't able to snap and screenies as I was being shot at, I'll try and get more on this as soon as I can get back in game.
@ Cetar, no this was on a night server, if you look at the last two screen shot links you'll see it's dark.
I couldn't figure out how to upload more than one image so I've included some more screen shots.
Boxed APC rounds.
Blue/purple glow on the character's chin, groin and ankles within the inventory screen
Inventory screen again but taken a few minutes later and the glow seems to be gone but returns again later.
I watched your video but couldn't really see any flickering, I'll watch again though.
I managed to find an old screenshot I took, not sure if it's the same thing and this hasn't happened to me since taking that screnshot.
Also this only happened on grass and the type of ground in the screenshot or in ponds and such and only if it was raining.
Can you take a screenshot of it, I think I know what you're talking about but not entirely sure, if it is I've linked it to rain and/or other water sources (such as ponds)
This is a bug tracker, a place to report bugs not a suggestion section. For that, voted down.
Maybe they are not too fast, maybe it's you're too fat?
Yeah can confirm, I had 3 rags and 1 wooden stick and was able to make at least 3 splints before I stopped and still had 3 rags and a wooden stick.
Not sure if it's the rain to be honest as I was having the same problem when it wasn't raining, I was in Elektro, however I had a friend in Kamyshovo where it was raining so again, it could be I'm just unsure.
Not the best system but used to run fine until today (v0.34 patch)
OS: Win 8 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i3 @ 3.30Ghz
Ram: 8GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. H61M-DS2 DVI (Intel Core i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz)
Graphics: 1950w (1366x768@60Hz) Intel HD Graphics (Gigabyte)
Storage: 1863GB Western Digital WDC WD20EZRX-00DC0B0 (SATA) Optical Drives
Audio:Realtek High Definition Audio
I'm having the same problem, wasn't an issue until we went to the 0.34 version.
Not the best system but used to run fine until today (v0.34 patch)
OS: Win 8 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i3 @ 3.30Ghz
Ram: 8GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. H61M-DS2 DVI (Intel Core i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz)
Graphics: 1950w (1366x768@60Hz) Intel HD Graphics (Gigabyte)
Storage: 1863GB Western Digital WDC WD20EZRX-00DC0B0 (SATA) Optical Drives
Audio:Realtek High Definition Audio
@ Z4RATHOUSTRA I did and had the issue, I dumped the weapon that was painted as I didn't want it anymore, still had the problem, stopped playing for a while joined a different server with out a painted weapon still got the same problem.
Not only that but I was playing with a few friends, who had no weapons and they were having the same frame drops, freeze for a second or so at the exact same time then at the same time all 4 of us had a complete freeze where we either had to do a force shut down of our systems or managed to get out via task manager.
So here's what I've noticed and think it is worth posting.
Me and 4 other players were on a server for about 2 or 3 hours with no problems at all, my FPS stayed at a steady 30fps (usual for me) the server restarts we all rejoin the same server the only thing different now is now it's raining and occasional roar of thunder, after about 10 or so minutes, we start getting the fps drops, for me I dropped from a steady 30fps to about 20 with the occasional drop to 15 then 10 then 5 then 1, game would freeze for about 2 or 3 second then my frames would start going back up but never above 20fps, then they would start dropping again, 15, 10 and so on.
Now during the time that the rain wasn't on the client was using no more than 800MB of my ram, during the rain and the fps drops I was using well over 1,200MB of ram.
Edit: I should also point out I had some flickering items but wasn't causing the freeze and frame drops, currently I have a small green backpack (can't remember the proper name of it) I see it flicker every so often but wasn't causing me or my group any problems for hours, we only started getting issues when the server restarted and it was raining. So for me the flickering items are not the cause.
It's a mag not a clip.
Hello Adam, I can assure you this error is not due to outdated drivers as I need to use outdated drivers for the game to actually work. The CPU and GPU have never been overclocked by me or manufacturer and the DirectX is up to date.
These tips you linked are so out dated, it's pointless even trying this stuff as I've already tried it or the information they gave is now obsolete.