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batlleeye ban fec571
Closed, ResolvedPublic


ı didn't do anything wrong ı don't know what is going on when ı want to login game it says global ban blah blah so can you help me except it ı didn't use any hack besides ı don't know how to use any hack so can you open my ban please ı am ınnocent :)


Legacy ID
No Bug
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

ı didn't do anything wrong ı don't know what is going on when ı want to login game it says global ban blah blah so can you help me except it ı didn't use any hack besides ı don't know how to use any hack so can you open my ban please ı am ınnocent :)

Additional Information

ı didn't do anything wrong ı don't know what is going on when ı want to login game it says global ban blah blah so can you help me except it ı didn't use any hack besides ı don't know how to use any hack so can you open my ban please ı am ınnocent :)

Event Timeline

drunkey edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 24 2015, 10:14 AM
drunkey edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
drunkey set Category to Error Message.
drunkey set Reproducibility to Always.
drunkey set Severity to None.
drunkey set Resolution to No Bug.
drunkey set Legacy ID to 2065826329.May 8 2016, 9:17 PM

First off, I highly doubt that this is a mistake.
Second of all, You'll need to speak to Battleeye, isn't that obvious? It's not dayZ staff that banned you, it's the anti-hack system.

Paper26 added a subscriber: Paper26.May 8 2016, 9:17 PM

3 times copy&paste. Well done.

One week ago I've seen someone also crying like you. He said "I didn't use a hack or a hack tool I would NEVER use something like this".
The problem was.. there was a hack-tool for another game open on his computer.

... "I would NEVER use something like this" .. fuck you to all cheaters ;)

Franzuu added a subscriber: Franzuu.May 8 2016, 9:17 PM

hope you get VAC banned

andy added a comment.Jan 26 2015, 12:40 PM


please contact BattlEye directly for any BattlEye related issues.

[email protected]

Thank you!