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Server Join funktioniert nicht
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Guten Abend,
habe seit langer Zeit über Steam Dayz heruntergeladen.

Nun wollte ich auf einen Server joinen. Aber sobald ich auf verbinden klicke wird der Bildschirm kurz schwarz, es steht ´Warte auf Host`. Nach kurzer Wartezeit kommt dann die Meldung Confirmation of Changes - Verbindung zur Sitzung abgebrochen. An der unteren linken Seite steht dann noch BattleEye Client: Initialized (v.1.223) Verbindung zur Sitzung abgebrochen.

Könnt ihr mir da irgendwie weiterhelfen? Habe mich echt nach langer Zeit wieder darauf gefreut euer klasse Spiel zu spielen.


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate

Event Timeline

shortyyyy set Category to Multiplayer.Oct 4 2014, 1:06 AM
shortyyyy set Reproducibility to Always.
shortyyyy set Severity to None.
shortyyyy set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
shortyyyy set Legacy ID to 1547273530.May 8 2016, 8:12 PM

Any chance of getting an English translation? The only part of that I understood is "Good Evening" (Should have listened more in German class lol)

Oh Sorry, my english is not so good but i try it.

the last time i played the game is about 6 months ago

when i try to join a game, the screen getting black and there is a info called : Waiting for Host. Then the message: Confirmation of Changes. And on the left corner is the message ; BattleEye Client: Initialized (v.1.223) and the connection is cancelled.

i hope you can help me now :-)

Ah sounds like you are trying to join a server that is bugged and stuck on a restart loop.
Is the server time always the same such as 08:00, 15:00 or what ever?
How many other people are on the server?
Have you tried different servers (possibly one with people already in it)

i tried different servers ( Servertime ( 8:00 - 13:00 - 20:00 ....). but the massage comes every time

and yes i tried to join to servers with other peple on it

To be honest, I have no idea then.

Hello shortyyyy,

To begin with I would recommend that you try the following:

  1. Start Steam and right click on DayZ in your game library (make sure that the game is not running).
  2. Select the tab labeled "Local Files".
  3. Click on the button labeled "Verify integrity of game cache...".
  4. Start DayZ once the process is complete.

If you are still having issues with connecting to online modes in DayZ, please refer to the connection troubleshooting guide below:

  1. Check all the physical devices on your network to ensure they are plugged in and powered on.
  2. Perform a connection test on each device connected to the network. For reference, here is a list of platform-specific troubleshooting guides:

NAT Types:

  • Open
  • Moderate
  • Strict

Open NATs can connect to any of the three types. --> Probably the least common type
Moderate can only connect to open and moderate. --> Probably the most common type
Strict can ONLY connect to open.
Strict NATs are a difficult problem with peer-to-peer games. Since most people don't have open NATs, the player with a strict NAT won't be able to find many joinable games.

Also, if the player with a strict NAT does manage to join a game, if another player with a moderate NAT joins later, the player with the strict NAT gets kicked out.

Another problem is that sometimes the ISP (Internet Service Provider) is also behind a NAT, which often means even if you have a direct connection to the internet (without a router/firewall), the ISP still acts as a strict NAT.

Port Forwarding:
The following Ports need to be open on your router to connect to the online servers:
TCP 80, UDP 88, UDP 2302, UDP 2314, UDP 2326, 2338

If you need assistance with opening these ports, please refer to the following website for more information (you will need to know your router brand and model, as the website guides are based on specific routers)

Here are some additional tips that have helped many players improve their connectivity:

  1. Make sure your router's firmware is upgraded the latest version (very important).
  2. Unplug your router for 10 minutes and plug it back in. Some older routers degrade in performance over time until it is rebooted, similar to a PC.
  3. Disable any firewall or other network filtering for the game.
  4. Enable uPnP (universal plug and play) on your router.
  5. If you don't care about security, enable DMZ (de-militarized zone) on your router for your PC's address. This turns off all of your router's firewall features for that specific PC.
  6. Run 'cmd' in administrative mode and use command ipconfig /flushdns
  7. Contact your ISP and ask them what your DNS setting should be.

Direct Connection:
If you are still having issues connecting to the online servers after trying the above steps, try connecting your broadband modem directly to the console or PC you are playing the game on. This can help determine if the issue is related directly to the router or another source.

