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- User Since
- Mar 22 2014, 7:33 PM (571 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
I'm sick of the melee being so broken, it didn't use to be this bad. I don't know what they did, ever since they changed the zombie, and melee animations.
I just watched Dean Hall's video from pax and it turns out they're already doing what i just suggested.
So this thread is no longer relevant.
Mod feel free to close this ticket.
Why wouldn't they be compatible with the standalone engine? Aren't they both one of the same? i thought SA was just the Arma 2 engine but modified. That's why it's still published by Bohemia.
Currently the zombies in the standalone are broken. They attack you even when they're on a different level, they go through doors and floor-boards, they inflict damage onto you seconds after you kill them.
It'd be wise to avoid zombies all together, at least until the zeds are more fluid like the ones in the DayZ mod.
I've played last night on 0.49 and I've noticed more people are willing to work together. I met a group of hunters that invited me to go kill cows. They weren't friends either they all just met. We made fires and cooked, invited more people to loot towns too.
So maybe the new hunger depletion is a good thing because we had a blast.
Why did you re-open this thread?
This forum is to notify the developers of existing bugs throughout the game. Suggestions aren't suppose to get a lot of votes, if that were the case then this wouldn't be a bug tracker.
Every ticket gets viewed and acknowledged regardless of votes, bugs and suggestions alike.
Would you mind not spamming the feedback tracker with the two suggestions you've posted on here? Every time it shows in my inbox and i check them they're always consistent which means you're just editing the title so it's the first thing people see.
Not only are you blocking other important issues, you're spamming our message box.
In fact a moderator should have closed them.
Hi again freerider3434,
I like what you said about the chicken spawns. I have yet to find any chickens in the DayZ SA.
Increasing their spawn rate would be awesome! +1
yeah after what happened to us this feature would be helpful.
I think more players would want to cooperate with other players if they implemented this.
These items could be a way to lure zombies to specific place or person.
Firecrackers can be placed and ignited away from the loot locations to distract zombies, and the horn would allow the player to run the zombies away while another person proceeds to loot.
Does that make sense?
To alleviate your concern, basically the idea is to get ALL zombies in the area away from where your looting spot. Instead of some going after me, and some going after my friend. These items draw zeds to one person or place without aggro, in other words zombies are oblivious to players (other than the person blowing the horn, of course)
@Gh0st op,
Most likely not considering other players would just go towards the sound and kill whoever is making it.
It would be fun for bandits, though.
That would be pretty cool! i love that idea!
That's what an alpha is. I'm sure a majority of the bugs will be looked into just prior & during the beta stages. That's generally how alphas work.
So in a game about the zombie apocalypse, zombies should spawn consistently right where you kill them? Think about fresh spawns who have nobody to help.
A hacker killed me and somebody i met playing DayZ last night. It's fucking bullshit! NEAF some dick weed just appeared behind me in the ACT after we cleared it out. We could hear his footsteps but couldn't see him.
tried that already, nothing would increase performance really. For me anyways.
Happened to me too, i was pretty pissed off. I had two AK, AKM & the AK101 with a bunch of ammo.
There's no point in gearing up, i just run around messing with people as a freshy.
Great idea!
Also a falling animation would be nice, too.
In Arma 2 you could just press the button and the compass would appear right on your hud. That's what they need to do in DayZ SA.
Zombies should at least match the players speed.
More importantly they need to fix their spawning and hit boxes. I think that's what makes it so hard. When I was near the Elektro fire station I killed 4 zombies with my axe, then 4 more just appeared after that.
I confirm this.
This happened again with the radio tower in the south airfield outside of Cherno. I got a bit flustered when I reported the new location.
I found two 8 round mags in S airfield before my character died by what I am calling goblin under the stairs in the radio tower. I never did try to load a single round but will have to try soon.
Same problem, i was actually going to file my own ticket regarding this issue until i saw this. I play on Hardcore, i can't find anything. I can only find the loot that spawns underneath those blue trailers.
Yes, we need a use for the pliers, wrench, and duct tape. Maybe to craft or upgrade new melee weapons & items. Use the duct tape to patch raincoats and riders jacket. I love the idea of loot hordes! too.
If you want to contact the devs, i suggest you send them a direct email or send a message to Dean Hall on Twitter.
interesting idea,
very realistic, however i was thinking how stressful it would be if there were multiple zeds swarming me while looting. Say you don't feel like using a melee and blowing through your bandages. Normally i use my pistol (with one mag) I'd shoot the zeds until it was clear. Usually i always need to detach the mag and refill it, then shoot more zeds.
When i need to reload the last thing i want to do is have to stop to refill the mag with a bunch of zeds chasing me, and with the Navigation meshes zeds can follow you into most buildings so finding a good spot would be dreadful.
May 10 2016
Confirmed. This happened to me just recently, it made me throw my machete down a hill.
I had no luck reproducing this on a full server. However throwing splint does clearly have some weird thing about it, mine was just floating in the air after thrown, and sometimes froze my character for about 5 seconds.
Although this issue has never occurred for me, I've helped alot of people who've broken their legs that way by giving them splints or morphine.
I confirm.
Thanks for the advice, but who in there right mind wants to stand still whilst being attacked? The hit detection in the beginning was much more responsive and I see it dwindling even more.
Freezing was happening to me constantly tonight.
Already a feature; drag knife over to sticks, sharpen, combine it with chicken feathers.
While hello Mr. UPS man... You should have left our wives alone.
That's normal sway. What I'm experiencing is far worse, in addition to horizontal sway, for every weapon my sights bounce vertically. In other words my sights are flickering up then back down really fast.
Good, thought i was going crazy there for a second.
So in order to snipe we have to keep using morphine... terrific.
Actually it's happening to me again with a new character, no damage received either. I can't snipe! the vertical bounce is back, please fix.
Close ticket,
A morphine injector did the trick. I never received a notification of having a fracture, and no fracture status appeared on the inventory screen. Just a misunderstanding.
The problem i'm experiencing is vertical destabilization, character breathing makes the Sight sway horizontally, Completely unrelated.
Same with me, after switching servers i get the "DayZ has stopped working properly" message.
Yeah this was my concern when i first heard they're implementing cooking. Try to find servers that warn you before the server restarts.
I agree!
A more dreary environment would really make the scenery better, and set the atmosphere for the game. Not a completely depressing scenery, just believable for a post-apocalyptic setting, maybe just for the cities anyway.
There's nothing wrong with a color and sunshine, maybe a good variable could be implemented, Fog, dark overcast, etc.
I've been getting this problem when playing on Experimental servers.
I play on Windows 8, 32 bit.
I receive an error message saying DayZ has stopped working properly, usually after servers restart.
With the game being what it is, the clunky controls and all. It's not exactly easy to strike Zombies in the head. Plus they're very fast and jump around, i would suggest 3 hits to the body, and 1 hit to the head.
Mainly because 7 to 8 body hits is ridiculous.
Zombies got a buff with Title Update, version 0.44.
It's fine i didn't know i had to scroll to get the option to come up.
Solution: Don't leave a server when standing in a a hotspot for looting. Go into the woods, or hide in a shed/container.
I would rather not see people running around with pink weapons.
The Zombies are at great speed, but with their speed being what it is now! they need to get rid of their jump attack, plus add collision to the zeds. Those two things imo would balance it really well.