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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 9:26 AM (587 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
There's a known bug that zombies will sit and attack empty air at the point where a player logged out when aggro'd. I'm guessing that's what this is.
Audio settings. Crank it up to 128.
How many channels was his sound setup at?
That's how the inventory system works. Not really a bug. Only time an object isn't added to the first available slot is when manually placed with the mouse drag system.
Binding worked fine when I used it in 860 this morning. Went between full auto and single shot.
What FOV are you using?
2 causes of unconsciousness:
Shock value > blood
Blood < 500
Epi reduces shock value. You're probably low on blood, use a saline IV.
Just ran into this a few minutes ago myself.
Found one again in 860, video:
The search button is your friend:
I've run into this a few times, though you can usually just close and re-open again if the animation didn't update the first time. I've never run into it where the door won't animate period.
Its an audio bug.
I had assumed this was working as intended, though its probably not a bad idea to get confirmed.
Grey de-saturated vision comes from blood loss. Blur may actually come from the shock value which is increased with damage to the head. If you run into this again, try using an epi pen and seeing if the blur effect is removed.
Sickness causes blood loss, regeneration is not active until new patch, IE you're still almost dead.
You start on the edge of starvation, if you eat and drink a lot, that just means you've got more buffer before starvation kicks in again and the messages return.
Good to get this fixed, but I didn't think quality actually mattered on anything but the sights right now?
A small warning a minute or two beforehand would be nice so you can at leas pick up your gear if you're playing tetris on the ground with your slots.
Pretty sure the graphic view is just clipping at the bottom of the hand window on the UI. But yes, annoying.
That's because it doesn't do anything yet.
The search button is your friend.
Read the notes in this duplicate ticket:
Replace your stock M4 grip with an RIS grip that has rails. Flashlights can then be added just fine to your M4.
There are different reasons for unconsciousness. Blood pressure and shock value. I'm guessing a defib is like an epi pen in that it will wake up somebody who's down because of shock. If they're down from blood loss you want to hit them with a saline IV.
Rocks, ladders and falling a foot into water are still very hard on your legs. Don't step off the end of a dock into half a foot of water, it'll likely snap your leg.
Could be an issue with loot spawning under floors etc. The amount of objects scattered around a hospital is indeed usually pretty low.
It would be good to at least know if stopping to swap weapons is by design or if this is a bug. Worth being looked into.
Config: fixed an issue where unshouldering/shouldering weapon while moving forward caused the player to stop
Looks like it was a bug and in the latest changelog.
The white roll bandages are 4 uses, the old style green icon bandages are single use, rags stack up to 6 and can be disinfected.
Drag your starting shirt into your pants, use context to rip into rags, get 2 "bandages". Beware of ripping up shirts while on the ground, the resulting rags usually disappear.
Which specific items have you put into the med kit?
Empty your hands then drag the empty one there.
Read the first note, it'll save you some time in the future.
The hotkey link goes to the first item of that type in your inventory. IE it grabs the leftmost bottle.
Either swap the bottles so the full one is to the right of the empty, or drag the empty onto your hands manually.
Rest is simply a waste of food and water.
Refer to this:
You start 1000 energy, messages start at 600 energy, tier 2 messages at 300.
You start at 1800 water, messages are supposed to start at 2000 for water.
A can of tuna contains 475 energy and 144 water.
A can of soda contains 175 energy and 330 water.
A water bottle contains 500 water.
Haven't a clue what the various usage rates are, but this should give you an idea of the numbers you're dealing with.
You start at the edge of starvation and thirst, which triggers those messages.
This UI would have made the non-regeneration pretty obvious.
If you don't move, it remains within vicinity range, rarely will it drop through the floor and be out of range.
The server is taking its time updating it after you place it. You don't need to move around to find it, just be patient.
Are you wearing a mask?
If I had the food and water I'd just leave my character sitting under a tree for a couple hours with gear off to see if it cleared up. Sadly I don't have enough without needing to hunt for more, which won't be doable until later tonight to sit down.
If you've got time, you might be able to test that. Just pull off all your headgear and see what happens.
That's why I'm wondering if the Shock level isn't going back down. The Health and Blood system have been straightforward as was posted in the original.
The opaque part right now is why the de-saturation isn't going away. Without having a means to determine our shock value its hard to rule that out.
Coupled on top of this is some reports that people are losing blood/going unconscious (Which can be caused by high shock value) by wearing masks.
Myself and a couple others are in the same boat, we're pretty sure we're all healed up after using disenfectants, antibiotics, saline, painkillers, vitamins and eating and drinking tons. After all of that we should have regained blood and health after a few hours, but the desaturation won't go away.
Is it possible the shock value was cranked up and nothing is bringing it down?
I think its just plain busted right now?
By frequency I had guessed that it was just referencing % of military gear to non military gear in what does spawn.
There's also almost no other items in the game right now. Having a high frequency of what little there is isn't really something that can be avoided . . .
Besides, it sounds like you popped out near Balota, the amount of military structures in the area is very high. They seem to be setting this up so that you don't have to run for half an hour to get to decent weaponry.
This will probably be balanced out eventually by that whole area becoming a shooting gallery.
Fruit and various foods are another source of water. Once the need to purify water enters the game things may change, but at present water is a non-issue.
Latest changelog has this listed and fixed.
We have a guy this started happening to after the 722 patch. We sent him out to update his video card bios and drivers, which didn't help.
10 slot container with description graphics as 300 round ammo box. It sounds like the 40/60 ammo stacks are the bugged aspect.
I've been running around with a wolf mask since the wipe, I don't think this is draining my blood.
Same deal, I've tried all the tools at various levels including pristine since the patch, even pliers. Icon stays red when dragging over cans. Multiple servers, relogging, restarting, steam verify, same client/server version.
Duplicate of 1109:
Duplicate of 1109:
Also I'd advise against going too deep.
Water bottle runs 6ml. Its consistent at least, strange amount though.
Had a few people this morning on side without realizing it. Muting the entire player list did not stop the audio. Source was definitely the game.
I've been filtering for 772 servers, client version reads 772, steam verify cache had no problems. I'm getting the same issue. Restarts, various servers tried, I'm out of ideas.
Update: Tried the servers again after an hour or two, no changes to client , context is working fine now.
That in particular is the vicinity system being buggy in what it will display. When many things are in the same place, much of it can disappear. Spread your loot piles out to avoid that.
There were delays in 722, especially with full cases dropped, but it does seem to be much worse since.
When I drop an ammo crate or a med pack, I simply stand still and wait for the server to catch up and spit it back out. After a short time it pops up just fine in vicinity. This behavior is very consistent.
This also happens with ammo packets. If you empty an ammo packet in vicinity with a full inventory, the ammo disappears.
Aren't the sounds getting completely replaced?
Any way to run a second check with a longer distance?
Say omni directional distance based check as is now, keep it short.
Secondary check based on aiming vector with a farther distance, allows for player to look at something, when context for pickup is broken as usual it shows up in vicinity.
Should allow for picking up stuff on the other side of debris while lowering the default actions for say disenfectant that is eat rather than take.
Similar issue to 863:
Workaround for this is to drop both versions of the magazine affected onto the ground, vicinity will remove the duplicate image and you can then re-equip.
If another player picks up your duplicate magazine, they can empty the magazine, even if its inserted into your weapon.
Had this happen with a stacked STANAG double 30/30, default action was to reload to a 10/10 CMAG, destroyed STANAGs.
Unconsciousness is trigged by either blood < 500 or shock greater than blood.
There's a few tickets up now that people are saying masks are causing blood loss.
Either its blood loss, or increasing shock from wearing a mask. Either will result in unconsciousness, this could be the underlying reason.
Regardless, sitting down to "rest" is simply a waste of food and water. There is no need to stop moving if you keep yourself fed and watered.
The deadheads I mentioned were definitely from front, stationary, non-reactive.
Its possible that it is linked to #2 though if that max # is less than 4. I think I know I've fought 3 at once, I don't know that I've ever seen 4, but that might be due to spawn scarcity.
Clarification on #3, they're actually running sounds and performing attack animations on open air correct?
4 I've been running into tonight, you can circle then once or twice before reaction, but they will eventually react. I'll see about getting a short vid of 4 up soon.
EDIT: Here's video of a type 4, non-dead head
Completely forgot to bring this up, these deadhead zombies that I've been running into are often surrounded by normal zombies that do fine with target aquisition.
It doesn't seem to be the usual case of low server FPS causing a lack of responsiveness. These zombies seem to be stuck in a rut and ignore everything around them.
Server FPS might not be the only issue at play with the dead heads.
I've been running into these deadhead zombies frequently in 822.
If they're running into low FPSs at these few zombies maybe they need to look at running a headless client for each server to help take the load? Meh, alpha is alpha I guess, but its only going to get worse when they actually turn stuff on.