Thants great.
I was wondering how do you install mods and maps in Mac?
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Arma 3 Activity
Apr 12 2024
I turned it off Western Sahara Creator DLC and logged on to the server. Thak you
No, this server doesn't allow this CDLC, therefore it should be disabled.
EDIT: glanced too quickly, see comment below (it's the reverse).
Bro, I was able to download the beta update, now friend is the problem
Can you upload a photos when you add the code then another photo when you click “check code”
99% of the way through the boot process, it says "disk write error."
Apr 11 2024
Hey man.
Open steam library,
Right click on Arma then properties.
Click Betas, type MacUpdate216RC in Private Betas
Click Check Code. Then it will download
@DnA How do I download it? MacUpdate216RC
can send two note:
If this sounds must triggers when player swiming so it won't work, on unit swim only water sounds appers
- class SoundBreathSwimming
I thought it was in the original post but after re-reading it I seemed to have missed it.
"when you watch remote players" yeah you are moving your camera into them.
I assume local camera state will reflect theirs, and as I'm checking local camera state, it will probably also trigger isADS then. But only while spectating.
Apr 10 2024
It sure isn't impossible
Will it work for players who haven't downloaded and enabled it? No? Then this is a problem, as it limits players from connecting to servers that use this mod.
It sure isn't impossible - I built a simple config-mod with just this and got what I want:
Should be fixed yes. Please try the latest dev branch update and report back.
that sound seems local only - no idea if intentional or by design. should be easy to fix
it seems most infantry sounds are local only - no idea if intentional or by design. should be easy to fix
this was fixed, right?
I have tested on the latest profiling branch using both BI and ACE arsenal - seems to have been resolved. Thank you very much!
In T158514#2580627, @mickeymen wrote:Hello @Bis!
If the commander orders a medic to treat a wounded AI, then that wounded AI stops like a statue and will wait stands at full height without moving! During combat, this makes his behavior unnatural.
Please make sure so that the wounded AI-person awaiting treatment does not stand at full height during the battle, especially in combat mode, under enemy bullets.
It would be great if he expected to crouch or even lie down on the ground in a special animation.
Well - according to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport it seems possible to just add the VIV capability to new and existing vehicles.
This is impossible without updating vehicle configs either by updating the game or enabling mods.
Well - according to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport it seems possible to just add the VIV capability to new and existing vehicles. In fact: using the config viewer in the editor the vehicles that can load others do have a VehicleTransport section which contains a Carrier node. And although I wasn't able to confirm it my guess is that most loadable cargo shares some common inherited VehicleTransport/Cargo section.
We've opened a RC-Branch for Mac 2.16. Its Steam beta access code is: MacUpdate216RC
It should work fine already, so if you're keen to get back multiplayer compatibility, switch over.
Apr 9 2024
test next dev please
What proposal you're talking about?
You don't need to put this config sample anywhere since my proposal has not been implemented. If it is implemented, as I wrote, you will be able to add such configs to mission config.
Well, unfortunately I'm not quite sure where to put this or how to load this. Can you give me some hint on how to add this?
Apr 8 2024
I think it would be nice if configuration of ViV transport functionality was also read from mission config. This will allow mission makers to add ViV transport functionality to vehicles that don't support it (whose models will likely never be updated), overwrite, or add extra configuration of ViV transport to vehicles that support it.
A possible configuration for Van might look like this:
class CfgVehicleInVehicleTransport { class C_Van_01_transport_F { class Cargo { ... }; class Carrier { ... }; }; };
Apr 7 2024
Revision: 151680
Yes Kju-Pscene.
The whole knowsAbout-reveal system is a bit of a mess unfortunately.
Apr 6 2024
Or maybe call it setCustomEntityInfo by analogy with getEntityInfo, getModelInfo commands
I'd like to also ask for custom picture.
Apr 5 2024
This issue is still present with 2.16.151618.
After searching I found the CfgVehicle pages - and they list the Offroad (covered) / (comms) as VIV-compatible. So I loaded up the editor and played around with them - and was able to fit quite a lot of small crates and even the barrels into them. Also: Although the page lists them as "Cannot be transported" I'm able to load a stuffed Offroad onto a HEMTT Flatbed.
TLDR: The base mechanis I'm asking for are already in the game - but only to a very limited subset - and without actions for loading cargo (currently one can only load "vehicles" as in "cars" - but not as in "crates").
Adding those "loading" actions in a rather generic way seems simple - but it would be nice if this would be added to the game itself without having to script it.
In addition my base request still is: Please also enable it for the regular Offroader (as there's no logic behind why an enclosed vehicle can load cargo while it's not enclosed base model can't) and the small Truck. Maybe it would be possible to have both at the same time: infantry and cargo with shared spots.
Also also: Please add a way to somehow chose the spot a cargo is added to. Currently the auto-add feature aligns the cargo from front to back and in the middle. Playing around with multiple cargo at once there's clearly space for adding two Supply/Uniform boxes.
Another example is when one adds a Basic Weapons first and then a Supply Box the later added supply box turns 90 - but if you remove the first added the supply flips back and you can't re-add the basic.
It's so a nice feature - and as it's part of the game for so long it's sad to see it never got any polish over the years.
In T175562#2590856, @dedmen wrote:isADS would be https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cameraView == "GUNNER"? If so then I don't think I can do that. That wouldn't work for AI's which don't have camera, and would also be a problem in MP.
That would always return the state of the players camera. I could check if the unit holding the weapon == cameraOn. In all other cases it would always be zero?
You'd have to combine it with isselected anim source, to make sure you don't animate when player is in ADS somewhere else.
I'm pretty sure that remote units camera state is broadcasted because it changes for you automatically when you watch remote players with _remotePlayer switchCamera "INTERNAL" it follows whatever camera view that player is having on their client.
That would be same spot as bipod_length, bipod, bipod_mounting, revolving, reloadmagazine sources.
Added in 2.18.
But not sure if we will do the required config changes in base game.
Requires this
Apr 4 2024
i prefer to keep it short, but if someone needs the file ending, a 2. variant doesnt hurt
I think the file extension in there would still make sense, because script files don't need to end in .sqf
But that matters so rarely, it might make sense to split it into a second definition?
Apr 3 2024
Although I'm a bit late to the party: The DxDiag log shows no dedicated GPU in the system - and the iGPU of the 3470 ... welll, I wouldn't even try Minecraft on that. I'm surprised that this system is even able to start up A3 at all ...
Anyway - if you still stuck with that optiplex (a platform that was already old when A3 released) you better get some cheap dedicated gpu. The crash likely happen due to the very small allocated vram of just 32mb. But I doubt that increasing this to the required minimum of 512mb will help - if it's possible to set it.
Fixed in Dev build 151641.
Resolved in Dev build 151641.
Fixed in build 2.16.151618.
There is simply a script running during the freeze, a very very long running script it seems.
RTDynamics dll was outdated.
We have published the wrong one to google drive.
Here is the correct one https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IgD3SMZoaKmcV5Nz8qtH-J9L21-a7Eiq