input validation is more strict now. would need some != "" checks now
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Arma 3 Activity
Nov 21 2024
Nov 20 2024
If you're using the perf branch, wait for the update or switch to stable.
Nov 19 2024
I've just noticed a new graphics driver 566.14 from 12NOV. I have 566.03. Maybe that is the cause of the issues ??
Fixed 2.20
So sad, still an unusable control with script controls...
Official Arma Discord, #perf_prof_branch channel:
Nov 18 2024
In T185482#2701071, @kju-PvPscene wrote:You may want to ask on the arma discord as reminder if your update was missed
types from last week
F13, F14, and F15 now work, F16~F24 still work as keybinds, but display as "UNEXPECTED_KEY_ID"
Found that this is almost certainly related to missing DIK keycodes
These I believe are the missing DIK code and scancode lines, from "\a3\ui_f\hpp\"
Reference I found for DIK codes:
agreed. especially for large terrains is seriously hampers the ability to navigate or plan as you have to zoom in a lot.
Nov 17 2024
rev 152421
Sorry for the ambiguous repro steps and wrong code, I believe my intention was originally to use _this instead of this but I didn't catch the error because it currently doesn't work either way.
Will this ever be a possibility? Recently went into the Editor and was reminded of this difference. It would make the in-game map look substantially better than it does currently.
Nov 16 2024
Aren't both 1st and 3rd person views not using the same models? (Or maybe, does a model file contain both a 1st/3rd person models?)
Nov 15 2024
logEntities has class name and position (but no vehVarName either)
deleteVehicle has received a local check and should be fixed.
If there is a repro, I need a repro to see whats happening
I've updated documentation yesterday
Oh I see the mistake.
above is the output currently generated. some you can pinpoint, a few have class name, most only displayName or something obscure like "Turret"
you generate captures on the server and want to view them (but also do file capturing on the client - as said using #frame/#sframe resets diag_captureSlowFrame with continuousCounter
faulty parameters (type or number) for #captureSlowFrame
"the cloud file provider is not running"
What is "faulty" input? Examples?
Why would you open the dialog, without capturing anything.
I don't see the usercase.
Should for now be fixed on profiling branch.
Add class name and vehVarName (if assigned) to network objects
That's what you get for pirating
Thanks KK - excuse my ignorance in the context of BIS_fnc_setRain how do I reference the (presumably) first frame in the sequence of snowflake4_ca.paa? Like this?
// texDropCount isn't documented from what I can see.
Nov 14 2024
The base of the optic seems to be inverted
If v4 fails to install, try versions 4.5+ because they should be backward compatible with v4
"a3\data_f\snowflake4_ca.paa" it means it has 4 flakes in it, you are using it as 1 flake
Ok I've amended this ticket. My apologies for wasting your time - it was my mistake - I still had a mod loaded that caused the water splash particle/decal issue.
This morning I tested the function on 40+ maps with different texture scaling and settings and the function works perfectly and no snow impact water effect.
Might be a stupid question, but how and where do I do so Leo?
I do consider the group limit an issue in which Arma 3 should improve upon.
Nov 13 2024
Can you give a location where to observe it or/and upload a video?
There have been some indirect fixes that could have affected this bug, please check if it still is happening after Revision: 152411
Install the latest .NET Framework.
As usecase was requested:
With EF CDLC release
These config entries are only read on Transport vehicles.
On people, they do have the entry in engine, but its always initialized to false, and never read from config.