13:45:51 Error in expression <riptPath + "%1.sqf",_class];
_fncFile = format ["scriptname '%1_%2'; _fnc_script>
13:45:51 Error position: <format ["scriptname '%1_%2'; _fnc_script>
13:45:51 Error 1 elements provided, 2 expected
13:45:51 File A3\functions_f_curator\Curator\fn_initCuratorAttribute.sqf..., line 37
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Jul 30 2024
Fixed: Siren could be heard twice when entering an ambulance while the siren is playing
still can be heard twice on dev but sound volume is much lower, see video https://youtu.be/aE-eLPtQo5I
\RscDisplayDebriefing error known and fixed on current dev
I suspect this is solved, by fixes for other bugs that caused memory corruption
Jul 29 2024
1st Method
still relevant?
Jul 28 2024
S.O.G.: Prairie Fire is a part of the Creator DLC program and is not developed by Bohemia Interactive, that's why it has to be installed and enabled separately, https://arma3.com/dlc/creator#FAQ .
The way BI coded this for the AI is actually not that bad, but the use of the actual suppressor-attached gun sound that does not seem to depend on supersonic or subsonic ammo for the human players is pretty poor.
This request is half right and half wrong. Suppressors have only a few downsides, but they're notable due to the trade-offs that entail. They cause more overheating & jams, and they obviously add mass & extended length inertia to the gun's handling, but that's about it. They conversely act as muzzle brakes, flash hiders, and obviously lower the sound, in addition to some other benefits that aren't relevant to the game. They have very little effect on muzzle velocity.
Jul 27 2024
Yes, I see what's going on now, Thank you Veteran29
A user at BIS forums also mentioned this to me, and it fixed the map issue. But what's strange is, why did I have to load Prairie Fire in the DLC menu of the launcher to gain access to the assets, Maps, Object...ect? I've never had to do this with DLC's I've bought in the past - they just installed automatically as default DLCs. Either way, it's working now. Thank you.
Contact DLC is a spin off expansion and is not designed to be loaded when you're not playing its singleplayer campaign. It's the one doing UI changes to map interface.
Where did these options go? I used it all the time in game play. I would love to also be able to add it on the main game screen much like a mini map
Jul 26 2024
I go to the game with mods, while the mods are not displayed on the bottom panel in the main menu, but, most importantly, any maps in the editor's menu, including vanilla, as well as maps from dlc, such as Tanoa and Livonia, any missions, instead of the icon, run the purchase icon and do not respond to its click (I own dlc Contact and Apex).
In T183117#2643349, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:How do you order unit to heal themselves from vehicle, all I get is 'treat self' and that works fine when you order it and unit uses medkit, triggers handle heal
How do you order unit to heal themselves from vehicle, all I get is 'treat self' and that works fine when you order it and unit uses medkit, triggers handle heal
Jul 25 2024
rev 152050 should be good for profiling
AISFinishHeal doesn't work in this case at all. I have found that resetting their animation finishes the action and heals them:
Should be fixed on current dev-branch, if not then next. Its fixed internally
known issue
pastebin example to make it work https://pastebin.com/kDxdaSHP
Jul 24 2024
Edit: Me and another player found out the following (shoutout to FoxClubNiner for finding this):
If the tickets do not already exist, feel free yes! Thanks for your eyes o7
Thanks for getting back! Im sorry if i was impatient ^^ Ill wait longer.
I have found a lot more similar problems, should i create a related task for all of them?
In T183037#2642395, @dedmen wrote:Maybe we can just detect and only save on exit, if the file is already there.
toJSON/fromJSON are in 2.18
We do not want to spam empty/unused namespace files on every game shutdown. That's why it only saves if you manually save.
Though. It would expect that after the first manual save, we consider it "enabled" and also save on shutdown. Because the file is already there anyways, so we wouldn't spam unused files in that case.
Maybe we can just detect and only save on exit, if the file is already there.
Jul 23 2024
I fixed it now.
You can either remoteExec it, or change some other state of the vehicle to force it to update.
That explains the variability in sync time then... Any chance it can get it like animateSource does, or suggestions to force a sync? (I guess remoteExecing it)
The answer is simple.
There is no door state synchronization :D
It is sent when other things are synchronized, but for the door state itself, there is no check if it needs sync. So changing it doesn't trigger a sync
Jul 22 2024
It looks like a bug in the code thats correct but intentionally left out from autosaving so that it only saves when you request it. It autoloads when exists though. It has been explained on wiki
Hi, no worries about asking :) it may take a bit of time reviewing/sorting the ticket, as sometimes lots of reports have to be processed - there is also the fact that this is Summer time and holidays may slow down things. Worry not, thou art not ignored/forgotten!
Are some requests beinh ignored, or does it simply take some time until a dev can take a look? (Sorry, first time here)
In T183037#2641505, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:It does not save by itself, you need to run saveMissionProfileNamespace https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/saveMissionProfileNamespace
It does not save by itself, you need to run saveMissionProfileNamespace https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/saveMissionProfileNamespace
Is it alot of work to make the setObjectTextureGlobal command also work with vests, headgear and weapons missionside?
Jul 21 2024
Thanks, should be fixed with next data update
This seems to be related to the magazine being deleted when fired - if the magazine is modified to be deleteIfEmpty = 0; the effect plays