@BIS_fnc_KK The issue happens also in vanilla, not mods. After the briefing at the start of the mission, you get into the offroad and drive down the road. Suddenly a big lag happens and the error is printed to the rpt.
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Nov 7 2024
Basically a can of worms but I think it can be improved
Nov 6 2024
Tested again on both stable and v8 profiling, it doesn't work for me on either.
I will take another look
Nov 5 2024
Cannot reproduce.
Running 2.18 (post hotfix) 2.18.152302
Both working and "broken" buttons work for me.
This can probably be fixed easily by updating BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia to use the new string-based selection targeting for setObjectTextureGlobal, instead of searching for and then hard-saving the current uniform's insignia index.
Best reproduction example is:
- spawn class B_Plane_Fighter_01_F in Eden any world in fly with AI pilot
- start mission and move your camera avay jet from a ~2km
- then move closer to jet and listen that no any sound played (even super close to jet)
- wait ~20 sec and sound will appear instantly
Indeed, the siren on police boats has a place. How nice that it is very easy to implement, we need next actions:
- in CfgVehicles → Boat_Civil_01_base_F → Sounds add this code see Pastebin
- in CfgVehicles → Boat_Civil_01_base_F → UserActions add this code see Pastebin
Look at the result - https://youtu.be/Z3Sr42D0J1g, same as @madpat3 requested via video
Nov 4 2024
In T186146#2698129, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:Does this happen in 2.18 vanilla?
Does this happen in 2.18 vanilla?
18:58:38 Error in expression <_3den_display3den_menubar_search_text", format [localize "str_disp_xbox_hint_mp_> 18:58:38 Error position: <format [localize "str_disp_xbox_hint_mp_> 18:58:38 Error 0 elements provided, 1 expected 18:58:38 File a3\UI_F_Orange\UI\Displays\RscDisplayAANArticle.sqf..., line 75
2.18 prof v6 and later
Retested with current profiling branch version: 2.18.152307
Retested with current profiling branch version: 2.18.152307
I don't quite understand why the memory LOD is so far off the visual LOD, but maybe as a workaround you could offer another parameter to set what LOD to use.
It would make more sense to use a visual LOD by default in my opinion, attachTo is a visual thing, but I can understand that you probably don't want to break existing code.
Nov 3 2024
Nov 2 2024
setUnitLoadout will now fail if unit is switching weapon
isSwitchingWeapon command added
I cannot reproduce this bug. Does the repro in description run with a mod?
This happens with the AAV9 from Expeditionary Forces CDLC as well, seems like the AI is unable to use tracked vehicles in water, they can only go forward.
Confirmed this still happens as of 2.18 stable and profiling
This has been fixed in the 2.18 update, it can be closed
This has been resolved as of the latest 2.18 stable, it can be closed
I don't think so, I would expect {mapGridPosition [8500,4700]} to return "085047", not "084046", because 8500m mod 100m = 0m and 8500m / 100m = 85, thus {mapGridPosition [8500,4700]} should return "085047".
Nov 1 2024
Is the grid position not matching map grid square?
utils 4 produces this error as well @BIS_fnc_KK
Oct 31 2024
It would be nice to get this fixed cause I do see quite a few mods using some of the fields that dont work thinking they do.
"DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED" your graphics card got removed or disconnected long enough for the game to die.
Don't know why. You can run the game in fullscreen-windowed mode, and you won't have issues with tabbing out.
The crash there is related to the CPU you are using, not the operating system. It is not supporting a specific instruction.
That code was removed on profiling branch (v6 and later), so it should run if you switch to it.
on profiling branch only. Fixed.
Is this the latest update?
Oct 30 2024
There was a new nvidia gpu driver, i updated it idk if that was it.
Another one{F4489697}
Oct 29 2024
Oct 28 2024
Revision: 152328
In T82940#1684935, @shukari wrote:something to my point with the garbage collector grpNull and allDeadmen problem that cause many "not found" messages -> https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/208893-increasing-basketball stars-alldead-and-alldeadmen-collections-during-game-cant-deletevehicle/?do=findComment&comment=3220644
Yes, and so far this problem has not been fixed.
Revision: 152324
player setObjectTexture [0, "#reset"]; - sets default texture
player setObjectMaterial [0, "#reset"]; - sets default material
Oct 27 2024
Revision: 152324
player getObjectTextures []; - default textures
Revision: 152322
Oct 26 2024
It is necessary to add this feature, which can make the physical simulation more vivid
Oct 25 2024
Just saying, the code snippet i posted earlier is working code prior to 2.18. Gruppe Adler and FPArma had functioning whispers like that, there was no waiting after adding or removing the player to the custom chat what so ever, all that code runs unscheduled as well.
Revision: 152319
Ok the problem is that after player is removed from the channel, this channel is muted so customchat doesnt work, when player is added back the channel is made audible again but not immediately, this is why adding sleep before customchat works. I will force it to update quicker
If you wait after adding or removing player before sending chat it works. I am going too see if this can be improved
Pretty sure I also had a mag still disappear after the update, although it seems to occur much rarer now.
Sa-Matra — 08/03/2024 3:51 PM
20:50:52 Ref to nonnetwork object 1780898: <no shape>
1000s of these lines on client
Wish it also showed a class name so its easier to see what it is
Maybe this?