1. Animal behavior in Arma 3 is triggered by using:
CfgTasks → AnimalMainTask
It calls BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour on each agent animal. It success if singleplayer but multiplayer will not execute function on animal.
There are two features in this function: removal of the animal that got into the water; sound for goats, chickens.
Following the above, we can check that the function has failed execution on animals in the MP by simply moving them into the water or listening near them (goats, chickens - sound every 5 sec).
Another proof would be another way to execute the function on animals, such as the Event Handler “postInit”
If make mod with next code the animal will work as designed in multiplayer:
2. Also this ticket requests adding sound support for Dogs and Sheeps
Please see \A3\Functions_F\Ambient\fn_animalBehaviour.sqf lines from 447
when function was created only goats and chickens was in game, but now in game data there dogs and sheeps sounds, it would be great if they made sounds too. Take a look at these two code blocks:
- PasteBin dogs - https://pastebin.com/A9UYyaxu
- PasteBin sheeps - https://pastebin.com/xMx3PF5u