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Magazines go missing
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Magazines are disappearing upon reload. It has a 100% fail rate if you have more than 2 mags. Sometimes if you have only 1 or 2 mags, they stop disappearing. But if you add or remove a scope or suppressor then reload again it goes back to disappearing. Also if you drag a mag from a weapon into your inventory, it disappears immediately. I tried both modded weapons and default Arma 3 weapons. No errors are showing in our logs. This is a MP server issue only. When I test in the editor with the same mods, the issue does not happen. This appears to be a server side issue strictly.

This was tested with both modded weapons and default Arma 3 weapons with the same result.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Have more than 3 mags in your inventory.

Reload your gun.

Sometimes the issue stops when you get down to 1 or 2 mags in inventory.

Issue persists if you remove a scope or attach a scope to your gun then reload again.

Dragging a magazine from a weapon to your inventory causes the same issue. The dragged mag disappears.

Additional Information

We disabled battleye just in case a filter was clearing the mags and it made no difference. We have made no mod changes or updates. This issue began in version 2.18 of Arma 3 and was immediately mass reported by our community.

Event Timeline

Olsson added a subscriber: Olsson.Thu, Oct 10, 6:05 AM
cr4qsh0t added a subscriber: cr4qsh0t.EditedThu, Oct 10, 4:04 PM

I concur, me and two mates confirm to have this issue as well, both on my custom mission and on Scruffy & NeoArmageddon's co10_Escape dedicated mission.
Since it happens in vanilla Arma 3's inventory handling, without any mission-specific scripts involved, I doubt either me or other mission editors are responsible.
I happen to have it recorded on video, but it's somewhere inside the six hours recorded yesterday, and it seems to occur commonly enough that the video is probably unnecessary.
Personally, as a developer myself, I have a suspect it's somehow related to the two new EventHandlers added regarding magazine (un)loaded, but that is just speculation on my part.

This never occured prior to the 2.18 update (or was rare enough to have never entered conscious thought).

EDIT: My current workaround is to drag mag from gun to ground, then drag from ground back to inventory. Somehow, "touching ground" "resets the state."

gardonw removed a subscriber: gardonw.Thu, Oct 10, 4:25 PM