@jamielou.007 As far as I’m aware. That particular issue happens with every player-held weapon in the Survivor GameZ. The SG devs have listed it as a known bug, and are working on fixing it.
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Jul 25 2019
I wonder if any of your problems have anything to do with this...
Jul 18 2019
I agree this would be excellent. Particularly the firefighter/ambulance vehicles. These could also contain loot specific to their location.
Jul 16 2019
@freerider3434 makes a lot of sense actually! nice one.
This can happen with ALL ammo types.
I’ve noticed my own character stuttering when out of stamina. Wonder if it’s linked?
Jul 12 2019
@ecjmanni77 this ticket is 6 months old. Think your reply might have been a WOT.
Jul 10 2019
It’a fair enough that you think that, but the ‘major’ label should be used sparingly for issues that seriously affect the game. If you don’t like it, you should turn it off. My personal preference is that we get several different tracks for the menu.
Jul 9 2019
You can’t be serious? It’s music, the most subjective thing in the world. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean other people won’t. This place is meant for real issues concerning the game. Feedback, and suggestions are important, but you could at least label appropriately. Calling this a ‘major’ issue doesn’t help anyone.
Cheers dude, appreciate ya.
Jul 8 2019
@Geez It’s about time we had an update on this one, surely? The most famous glitch in the game, and still a thing in 1.04. Any news? Thanks
While we are at it, why is the ADA, the off-road vehicle, so bad at driving... off-road?
@jamielou I was recently knocked out by a sledgehammer, so it’s definitely still possible
Jul 6 2019
@Geez Please give can you give us some info on this. It’s a very common problem. I see it on Twitch streams every day, and whenever I play it too, I’ve even seen some streamers put ‘epilepsy’ warnings in their titles.
Jul 5 2019
Jun 30 2019
In T141684#1904836, @Vitdom wrote:This appears to be the same issue as you are having T141646
In T141684#1904830, @Vitdom wrote:I don't experience this. Are you playing DayZ from a HDD or SSD?
Does it help if you reduce your graphics settings?
Jun 29 2019
Jun 28 2019
Jun 27 2019
1 test sever with regular restarts, low number of slots , would be the best way to test it. Bit silly tying to test such a huge bug on experimental after the main patch has gone stable. You’re lucky to find 10 people on a server at a time
Jun 26 2019
You should start following them on Twitter. It’s a very good source for updates (I created an account just for dayz). Anyway, they stated that they are aware of the scope issue when they released the update. Check the twitter, for confirmation.
1 HOUR for metal? Wow. Far too long man, nobody would even bother. Do you really think holding down a button for 1 hour is FUN gameplay? Too long imo
Jun 22 2019
In T141233#1896022, @freerider3434 wrote:@Geez I can confirm this and have already been looking for a report on it. Didn't find one and since it happens rarely I didn't create a ticket. However I would like this being looked into, it also happened to me AFTER a clean install and AFTER "verifying integrity of game files..." via steam. NOTE: This is not the actual menu, which can still be opened and will then overlay on top of this static graphic of the menu shown in @michael.schmalzl screenshot.
One more thing, I've had this happen in former versions as well.
Jun 21 2019
I presume you know it’s not just grenades? Have lost lots of items by testing out the throwing mechanics.
Jun 20 2019
That sucks mate. Have Sony actually responded? Because it sounds more like their issue, to me.
You’ve tried reinstalling?
Fixed in next update.
My advise, try not to log in/out in military areas. There’s a very high chance of hostile players who will kill you on sight. If you spawn in front them, they will likely shoot you before you know it.
Sounds like you crashed and someone/something killed you whilst your body was still on the server. It happens dude. Not much they can do about it
Coming in next update,
Neither of those items are in the game yet. What other items can’t you craft?
This is 100% intentional. But I agree, it needs balancing. Especially with the unlimited duct tape glitch.
May 17 2019
You can also make a love heart symbol and run with it... is this also scheduled for a fix?
May 15 2019
Oh right, yeah, that’s definitely not right lol
Pretty sure this is intentional.... for scopes, anyway.
May 14 2019
I’m also curious, is there a way to close the chat bar, if you accidentally activate it? The only way I ever seem to be able to get rid of it, is to enter text. Which is silly, if you press it by mistake.
Apr 2 2019
Tried replicating this on today’s experimental patch, and was unable to do so.... Hopefully it’s been fixed!
Mar 29 2019
I have managed to capture some footage of the bug happening... In the video, I attempt to reproduce the bug at 11 seconds. I then realise I can't put away my gun without tweaking my inventory. This was actually quite lucky, because I managed to capture footage of the bug happening with the inventory closed (something I've had trouble reproducing). As you can see at the end of the clip, getting your gun out stops the bug.
Mar 26 2019
Jan 12 2019
The map and it’s size is one of the core features of the game, and is extremely unlikely to change. What they could do is give us easier ways to traverse it. Bicycles would me nice as a common item. Also, if you need ammo and a gun, head straight to a military base. You’ll soon find what you need.
Don’t use the menu to lock it. You need to set the code in your hand, and look at the floor near the centre of the gate. An option to ‘attach’ should appear.