I upvoted this because I think you are right. BUT... This is still an early Alpha. And actually you didn't (or you shouldn't at least) buy the game, but the early Access of a game. This means that your goal at the moment is not the Playing the game, but to test the game.
I am sure they will add more zeds, and it will becaume way more difficult. But on this stage of the game it would be impossible to test all the details of the game, like looting system, the melee system, the wheater system, or try making fires everywhere, let explose things with granates and so on.
We need this "space" now for being able to test without Millions of zombies.
People who are Killing on Sight now, in my opinion just didn't understand what they should do now, and are trying to play a game that is not finished yet.
I also play this game, don't get me wrong, I like it and we also have some action, but it isn't the main Goal for the moment:)
But I really hope that the Thinks you wrote up will come ingame as soon as the Game becomes close to Final:)