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- User Since
- Feb 7 2017, 6:07 PM (423 w, 4 d)
Tue, Mar 11
You will also note that the Clouds stayed at 100 until almost the last screenshot when I noticed the value dropping, even though the transition timer had reset at least once.
Our server has been plagued with long periods of constant rain like this where the clouds seem stuck at 70+ so all it does it rain, with brief periods where you see the rain value jump from 100 to almost nothing (which makes so sense. If it's going to move it should be gradual like the clouds). We haven't used cfgweather.xml since our last wipe (feb 11), so when I did enable it the other day I set Reset = 1, then changed it back to 0 before the next restart (we have a script that re-copies our custom xml each time the server shuts down before the .exe starts again.
copy of our cfgweather.xml attached, I did change the max windmagnitude to 5.0 from 20.0 to try to prevent the large changes in wind that again also occur all at once.
Mon, Mar 10
Fri, Feb 28
Just wanted to add that for us (DUG) gardening in greenhouses worked fine in 1.26, but is now not working in 1.27. We only allow growing food in green houses so this is a major issue for our playerbase.
our players are reporting that garden plots in green houses/polly tunnels are now mostly just eating the seeds and fertilizer. they do the actions and the items simply disappear about 2/3 of the time.
redigging the plot does not fix it.
Feb 6 2025
@Geez is there an update on this? I uploaded the .mdmp file awhile ago. Problem still exists in the latest build 1.27
Jan 22 2025
Oct 29 2024
for clarity if I'm reading this correctly, what you are saying is:
Let's take BDUJacket
<type name="BDUJacket">
<nominal>5</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>600</restock> <min>2</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="clothes"/> <usage name="Military"/> </type>
Oct 18 2024
are you sure there were no mods at all? we had this issue too, but fixed most of it by removing a section we had in Itembase.c Food now behaves normally but we still get some containers that had water show "error" and the qty drops to 2% after restart
Aug 16 2024
@Geez While I can appreciate you marking this "feedback" because to you and your team it is, those of us who also use EXP as a preview of what to expect when it goes live and start planning for the release, xml files like this with no comment back from the dev team make it very difficult to proceed.
Is is the intention of DayZ dev team to eliminate all the eastern optics from Chernarus?
Why remove all .357 ammo but still spawn the 2 guns that use it?
I have so many other questions about the direction of the CLE :)
Does BI intend for players to use the hive system on official to travel maps to find the gear they want and then travel back and if so where does that leave Community servers? (obviously I know we can edit what we want, but I know we like to follow Vanilla to some degree at least)
Also concerned about the seemingly random changes to stats on some clothing items (some being discussed in other items here in the feedback tracker), it doesn't seem that someone looked at the "whole picture" when making changes in some cases and instead said "this item needs to change" but didn't consider other items that it will exist with ie: hunting clothing.
May 31 2024
it's fairly evident the Infected are much more aware of players and noise - it's nice to see them reacting to doors being opened (which was in patch notes some versions back, but didn't seem to really work back then).
I was able to sneak attack a fair number in broad daylight by crouch walking on grass with hiking boots, and even some other terrain - but they are definitely MUCH more aware than 1.24.
Our players are really only bothered by this because infected behavior is still janky as hell. - being hit from yards away, being hit when the infected isn't facing you, stuttering around (our server performance is excellent but yes this is desync), new warping through doors
I think if BI could get much better consistent behavior from Infected most of the complaints would subside.
As some of our players put it - I'm doing everything right and still being hit - it's frustrating.
Feb 26 2024
We have players on DUG stating the same thing - no way to attach anything to trip wires
Jan 16 2024
while I'm pleased the weight of plant material got adjusted in exp 1.24, the removal of the ability to split plant material negatively affects our mod where we have re-enabled dyeing of items.
Dec 23 2023
Dec 15 2023
the carnival areas are all painted with usageflag "lunapark" in the file (along with many other locations painted with other usage flags. Use economy editor and files from BI github under CETool to edit your own or just to look at what they did
Nov 22 2023
We regularly get players in our discord saying they can't find our server in the launcher and that direct connect doesn't work either. I believe it's mainly EU players with the issue and our server is hosted in NA.
our server: - OrganicRP - Enhanced Vanilla
Nov 4 2023
Oct 20 2023
Can confirm - the red skirt shows blue to the wearer has been an issue for a long time
Oct 15 2023
Oct 5 2023
Can concur - only 4 mods here and CPU usage when from 6-7% to 25%,
Sep 14 2023
Those barns in particular are really known for that. The spawn points needs adjusted upwards just slightly
Sep 4 2023
Aug 3 2023
"working as intended" - they spawn near players, so naturally when players stay in 1 spot, they keep spawning. The fewer players on the server, the more chance you have of getting a spawn near you.
May 29 2023
You will also see this with Weapon conditions. I had a badly dmg gun (BK43), dropped on ground for another player - it was pristine for him. I died and later met up with him. He gave the gun back - still pristine. I relog - the condition is updated to badly damaged again.
May 19 2023
Switching the account used to one that owns DayZ allows you to get the mpmissions folder, so it seems that folder is restricted to game owners only now.
May 16 2023
Still not working for me. Have used the same method since 1.0 was released. The account used does not own DayZ. I get everything except the 'mpmissions' folder
Apr 1 2023
This still is an issue - frequently both IED and Claymore do not arm correctly
Nov 3 2022
@Geez Ammo can be "repaired" by combining smaller damaged ammo piles with larger better condition ammo piles. If the intention of dmg ammo is so that it might receive dmg in your inventory and go ruined (good idea btw) make it so that piles of different condition ammo cannot be combined.
Oct 19 2022
Oct 14 2022
Resolved - Thanks
Sep 28 2022
Jun 28 2022
we also had players report that the same shed always spawns multiple plastic explosives. Wiped our test server and sure enough that same shed is still spawning multiple explosives. We do not have loot turned up (in fact some of it is turned way down) but it seems the world doesn't have enough space to place these industrial tagged items so it constantly chooses the same places.
Jun 5 2022
They have a pretty low lifespan now so it kinda corrects itself
May 30 2022
Apr 20 2022
Sep 24 2021
You can close this ticket - I found an xml validation error when I made my 1.14 edits.
Sorry :(
Sep 23 2021
As an update, today I removed all non vanilla entries to the cfgspawnabletypes.xml and put them into a new custom spawnabletypes.xml
Added the entry to cfgeconomycore.xml and wiped our EXP 1.14 server
Sep 16 2021
Sep 5 2021
Jul 27 2021
Almost @Progger , do you have IPs for
Jul 10 2021
BEC (BattleEye Extended Controls) doesn't seem to work properly after this change.
Normally I start BEC, then DayZServer
Now if I start BEC (with new port), then DayZServer BEC will not connect and Dart (client side) - won't connect
However - if I start DayZServer, wait, then start BEC, both bec and Dart will connect on the port specified
BRS (Dart Ban Relay Server) no longer functions (if you have more than 3K bans you need BRS)
Edit: so I worked around this by starting BEC 90 seconds after the server starts (other wise it fails)
I'm a little perplexed why the server starts in a locked state for 2+ mins after it says it is ready for players in the logs...
Jun 26 2021
May 7 2021
Nov 23 2020
Nov 12 2020
I believe the Hunting Scope has the same issue
Nov 3 2020
Oct 8 2020
I can add our own case of this, reported by many players not only with Barbed Wire but also with fires - continues to damage player even after they have moved away
Jul 16 2020
Mar 24 2020
Sep 27 2019
While this is fixed in latest build of 1.05 - I discovered today that if you have belt in cargo (inventory) and no space to pick up a canteen, Pressing F on canteen will attach the canteen to the belt in your inventory.
Sep 25 2019
Jul 19 2019
Jul 6 2019
May 27 2019
May 13 2019
any confirmation that this issue is resolved in 1.03? nothing in patch notes....the masses are anxiously awaiting :)
please note that a "regular" restart to fix it doesn't work - we use #shutdown in BEC to perform our restarts. In these cases when the 2nd #shutdown is issued, the process goes to 0% CPU but remains in Windows. The process must be killed manually at this point. This only occurs during these "stuck in queue" instances
Apr 11 2019
Apr 2 2019
Apr 1 2019
I'm sorry but "Probably not used" from someone within the Dev team is a pretty scary answer. you should know, or be able to find out if and when this is used before answering :)
yeah ok we knew those points. We just can't find the balance we need.
Can you fully explain Count_In_Hoarder and Count_In_Cargo - a lot of the community has been guessing so far :)
Really I think a good option would be max spawn values and another max value for "total in world" - so we could set 5 of an item to spawn at once, but limit the server to 25 of the item max for example
Can you expand on the use Cost? Currently every items has a Cost of 100 - why? This parameter exist but seemingly is not used by the Dev team
Mar 27 2019
Feb 6 2019
ie if we plot points on a map and zoom in - can we tell if the location was in an inaccessible room - so you'd be able to confirm the person was glitching etc
well I originally I was thinking it wouldn't be enough also since the default was 5 decimals, but testing it on a map moving from (3000, 3000.1) to (3000, 3000.2) is not even noticeable. As long the information is valuable enough to make decisions I guess it works :)