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Attachments on Barrel crashes 1.27 EXP (server and client)
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


We have a dyeing in DUG and use the following config for that:

	class Barrel_ColorBase: Container_Base
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps
			class ColorLeatherClothes
				name = "Leather Tanning & Dyeing";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Lime","Material_Nails","BirchBark","OakBark"};
				icon = "cat_color_leather";

			class BleachCotton
				name = "Leather & Clothes Bleaching";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Disinfectant"};
				icon = "cat_bleach_cotton";

			class ColorCottonClothes
				name = "Clothes Dyeing & Fertilizer Crafting";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"BerryR","Plant","BerryB", "Guts"};
				icon = "cat_color_cotton";

Adding this will crash 1.27 EXP after loading. I even tried adding the props for cooking like the barrelcolorbase has. but that crashes as well.

We would really like to retain the dyeing, so we kinda need this functionality.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Add the config from the description to a mod and it will crash, server or client with offline, does not matter.

Minimal reproduction for testing that will also crash:

	class Barrel_ColorBase: Container_Base

Event Timeline

sileed added a subscriber: sileed.Jan 17 2025, 4:22 PM
wouter.commandeur edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
wouter.commandeur updated the task description. (Show Details)
wouter.commandeur renamed this task from GUIInventoryAttachmentProps on Barrel crashes 1.27 EXP (server and client) to Attachments on Barrel crashes 1.27 EXP (server and client).Jan 17 2025, 4:47 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 20 2025, 3:53 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Jan 21 2025, 1:59 PM

Hello, can you please upload crash dumps from the occurrence? Thank you!

sileed added a comment.Feb 6 2025, 7:44 PM

@Geez is there an update on this? I uploaded the .mdmp file awhile ago. Problem still exists in the latest build 1.27

This is the minimal mod to cause the crash. Do we need to supply more dumps?
We would really like to retain the dyeing functionality.
