i'm trying to deal with large instant changes in both rain (when there's enough cloud to make rain) and the wind magnitude.
using the default file and just observing the weather values with COT weather module:
i'm trying to deal with large instant changes in both rain (when there's enough cloud to make rain) and the wind magnitude.
using the default file and just observing the weather values with COT weather module:
enable cfgweather.xml and watch the chaos
the cloud cover seems to change gradually over a time period.
Rain and wind make large sudden jumps rather than gradual shifts like the clouds.
i'm been playing with changelimits max value trying to get something that works that at least makes it seem like the changes are gradual but it's so random in the direction it's going in at each change interval it's pretty hard to get anything to really happen when you lower the max.
Either looking for advice or how this file works or just tell me that it's "not working optimally" and you're working on fixing it :)
Players are pretty put out when it goes from not raining at all to absolute monsoon rain at the drop of a hat, every 60-120 seconds assuming the clouds are over 60 out of 100.
Same for wind - calm day, snap your fingers and there is a hurricane