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cfgweather.xml Provided has incorrect settings.
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


Can BI Supply a vanilla file example that actually matches the maps intended weather.

No matter how it's configured it always defaults to 100% storms after a few hours if enabled.
Wind suddenly changes from 20mps to 0... which is very off putting. there is no gradual change in speed.
Edit: should have mentioned this has been an issue since the last few patches. noticed around 1.25 maybe 1.24

This file has been the most frustrating file to edit over the past 5 years I've ran servers. Please improve. I Beg.

Though I posted the corrected wind settings below. Please look into this further.

Please check along side CF and COT


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Game Settings

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Event Timeline

I haven't tested yet... but Is THIS whats wrong? Cause this is whats documented Here

So instead of <changelimits min="0.0" max="20.0" /> it should be <changelimits min="0.0" max="0.2" />

    <!-- Initial conditions of the wind magnitude (target value, time to change, how long will it stay), restricted by thresholds (see below) -->
    <current actual="8.0" time="120" duration="240" />
    <!-- What is the range of the wind magnitude value in m/s -->
    <limits min="0.0" max="20.0" />
    <!-- How long does it take to the wind magnitude to change from one value to other (time in seconds) -->
    <timelimits min="120" max="240" />
    <!-- How much should the wind change -->
    <changelimits min="0.0" max="20.0" />

Should be this?

    <current actual="8.0" time="120" duration="240" />
    <limits min="0.0" max="16.0" />
    <timelimits min="120" max="240" />
    <changelimits min="0.0" max="0.2" />

Been testing with the settings above for little over the past hour. Wind speed was aprox the max (reduced to only 16 on the server) And gradually reduced over time without any harsh cuts from max to 0

Nate_LapT renamed this task from cfgweather.xml PLEASE Improve to cfgweather.xml Provided has incorrect settings..Feb 17 2025, 5:17 AM
Nate_LapT updated the task description. (Show Details)
Nate_LapT added a comment.EditedFeb 17 2025, 5:23 AM

after a few hours, I haven't had a jump scare of the wind going from 20 to 0, or 0 to 20.

ahhh the harshest wind change so far.
Only issue I see happening now... is the wind will never get to it's max, or it'll be stuck there.
There needs to be an option to limit above threshold for x time.

running with

<changelimits min="0.0" max="0.25" />

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Feb 17 2025, 1:26 PM
Nate_LapT updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 19 2025, 2:49 AM
Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Confirmed Internally.Feb 20 2025, 1:50 PM