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- Jul 18 2013, 12:28 AM (610 w, 5 h)
May 10 2016
side1 setFriend [side2 , value];
eg : to set independant allied to west :
Resistance setfriend [West,1];
(turn the value to 0 to set them enemy.)
if you place this code into the init line of the unit he will be the only one to be friend with west, you must add it for each independent units you want to be friend with west (blufor).
if you want this code to apply for all present independant units without the need to edit for each present units, place the code into the init.sqf of your mission.
in the mission .pbo folder check this :
- be sure the uav is not empty (that there is controlable AI in it)
- be sure that the player uses the correct uav terminal to control his uav :
classname :
B_UavTerminal (blufor)
O_UavTerminal (opfor)
I_UavTerminal (independant)
blufor uav terminal can only control blufor uav, same goes for other factions.
It's called Canister Tank Cartridge, generally made of tungsten ball payload.
ACE 2 Mod added it for M1a1 Abrams in Arma 2.
this is not hellfire. this is a fictive missile made by BIS...
same bug for me, PhysX3_x86.dll in cause. happens all the time, always 3 min after the MP mission starts (FT-2 mission).
i use
Arma 3 up to date
Windows 7 64bits
Video Card : HD4850 512mb.
Amd catalyst driver up to date (13.1).
i don't know what BIS plan to add concerning multiplayer missions, but if you are looking for a very good online pvp, try "FT-2" Capture & Hold. (called C&H Valhalla on arma 2)
it's one of the best pvp mission for arma 3.
HIA3 servers is hosting it.
@Jimmy, the arma 2 picture uploaded has definitely not his view distance pushed to 10km.
so the comparaison isn't fair. i'm gonna upload another one is the same conditions.
we can see that arma 2 had an additional fog effect simulating a flat horizon that attenuated the roundness effect.
there is no "bubble effect" In Real Life, even when it's about fog.
and, once again it's not an engine limitation since this effect wasn't present in arma 2.
it's a bad view distance limit rendering that can be perfectly fixed.
instead of using a curved limit distance, it should use a flatter rendering.
the curve is very visible even when using short view distance, that's a very unaesthetic and unrealistic effect.
the lack of ASL reference for ai controlled aircrafts is making waypoints very chaotic, with constant altitude variation.
giving the real name is the first thing to do to get something realistic.
"the MRCO is most likely."
yes, and this is precisely the problem. "most likely" is the pretext to introduce futuristic stuffs that don't match with real models.
the "futuristic" excuse is a solution for BIS to compensate the lack of degree of realism in term of model precision and characteristic.
this is the problem with arma 3, nearly every stuffs are fictive models, inspirated by real ones, but remaining fictive. so BIS is free to take any characteristics and values for his stuffs, and claim to be realistic.
MRCO, HAMMER... these things don't exist. impossible to have a clear source on a specific data or characteristic to check if it's correct or not.
BIS is free to create anything he wants, giving any values to any stuffs and claiming to be futuristic.
there is no more accuracy in term of realism in arma 3
uav reconnection works fine for me too. I use beta dev too (0.77.109799)
engine power loss was already an issue for L39, su25, su34 , a10 in arma 2.
only Harrier and F35 had correct power sustaining.
the RPG-42 is a fictive evolution of the rpg-32.
The RPG-32 In Real Life is a reusable launcher using disposable ammunition container.
BIS still use a crew system for uav to control them. this is a bad solution
what is needed is a new script to take control of empty vehicle, where you can control uav movements without AI. a real connection system.
it would get ride of the impossibility to control spawned uav/ugv.
yes, parachute should be reusable.
since the game occur in 2030s... it's perfectly possible that future ar drones models to be equiped with satellite connection. the maximum range wouldn't be a problem anymore.
same thing experienced here. altis can takes ages to start (4-5 minutes) and can make your game freeze or crash.
for those who want to down vote, keep in mind this would just be an option, it would not replace the current system.
90° aiming could also be possible when prone, but the player would need to be able to turn on his back.
shooting with 90° angle while crouching is perfectly possible.
just test it yourself for real. put one knee on the ground, take something similar to a weapon (fake or not) and aim at 90°.
ACE 2 Mod already has this implemented for arma 2, and it's very usefull. the main interest is to have a full aiming angle capability.
yes, I edited my previous comment.
i added a screenshot with angle measure example.
positions that should allow 90° angle shooting are :
- standing up,
- crouching,
- sitting down.
a crosshair showing the exact hit impact is completely ridiculous.
the crosshair should not show where the bullet hit but the approximate direction of where the player is pointing his rifle.
to make the crosshair too accurate remove the interest of the iron sight.
the concept of crosshair itself is bad.
in an ideal simulation crosshair should be removed, you should feel and guesstimate where your rifle is pointing without any visual help.
yes, this is an autopilot function : maintaining the speed, the direction, and the altitude.
this function should be available in the pilot role mouse menu. (Autopilot ON/OFF). then the user can safely switch to gunner role and has his uav perfectly stable, without risk of crashing, no unexpected uav movements, and greatly reduced effect of camera shaking.
i didn't see option to disable waypoints. waypoints don't appear on the map. not during mission editing neither during game.
circling around the target to engage is the worst thing that can happen.
the uav constantly change direction in unpredictable way and make you lose the correct orientation to fire the missile, and you must constantly compensate the turret camera orientation, rendering the target engagement nearly impossible due to lot of shaking.
when you have the piloting control you should align the uav in the correct direction, then you switch to gunner role. your uav should stay stable during the firing procedure.
the uav should only follow waypoints that you personnaly made. if you didn't made waypoints the uav should stay stable, like if it was in autopilot (maintaining the same direction, altitude and speed).
ps : the fact to enable the laser designator make the uav to align with the target direction, but there is still lot of camera shaking since the uav is going upside down every 5 seconds.
Hello Darkdruid, do you know when this fix will be available in the public release ?
Can we fix this very simple feature ?
+1 gunner really needs missile control when using the laser guidance.
this is why i suggested to remove the automatic waypoint followed by AI when it takes control of pilot role.
When the player switch from the pilot role to gunner role, the uav should not move from itself at all. the uav should keep the same direction, altitude and speed, like an autopilot.
this would completely remove all parasitic movements when shooting laser guided weapons.
Dslyecxi's camera stabilisation is the exact effect that you can find on real optronic ball.
Dslyecxi's version
Real Flir version :
(note that the camera view always stay horizontal, it never swing, it's because there is 4 or 6 axis stabilization, and the image never shake.)
voted down. IRL when your tank is damaged by ied or missile hit there is no possibility to repair it instantly with magical repair function.
Arma must not become BF or COD.
IRL you need heavy repair logistic to repair severe damages. it can immobilize your vehicles during days or weeks.
ingame if your vehicles is severely damaged you shouldn't have the possibility to repair it instantly. that's would ruin the immersion if a player would be able to repair a tank from a missile hit.
engine, track, turret broken = can't be fixed on the field.
broken vehicles should be transportable with special semi-trailer to a factory building (both to be implemented) and require specific delay. for ex : dozens of minutes, unrealistic but for gameplay purpose.
BadVideogame said "I'd prefer to pay for an expansion with all ArmA 2 content, rather than have to load the old one with AiA."
why people already owning a2 should pay again for the exact same content ? that's a non sense.
personnaly i think the A3 contents has very poor interest i had much more fun with a2 contents, using real stuffs.
half of the a3 contents is fictive. most of them will not be in use even in 2035. (canceled, final version will have lot of differences with a3 version, BIS invention...etc)
the last real military simulation was arma 2, because it was made at 100% on real content, and content is in use for real.
Arma 3 would have been a much better game if all the arma 2 content was reused in A3, with a new level of detail. (completely new retexturisation, new animations, new features.....etc)
the perfect game is the A2 vehicles and weapons with the A3 engine.
AIA is a must. without it simulation and realism is half dead. it would also kill all the work done by the ACE mod team.
BIS must garantee retrocompatibility
allowing correct retro-compatibility from A2 to A3 is a must. if not it would mean that BIS accept to throw his a2 work to the bin.
is it really possible IRL to control a UAV such as Mq9 reaper/rq1 Predator with a basic tool like a laptop ?
Heavy uav like that need a real ground control station :
players should be forced to enter some kind of semi-trailer to connect to UAVs.
you can already have all the arma 2 maps, vehicles and weapons in arma 3 with the All In Arma (AIA) addon.
this ticket is linked with the targeting pod request ticket :
here is the kind of result you can get with laser designator/hellfire combo for UAV : (Jcove Lite)
My game is updated and i still have this crash wih online game after less than a minute. (AMD HD4850)
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: arma3.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 524cb3be Fault Module Name: PhysX3_x86.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 5164246f Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 001521cb OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1036 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
having the two islands on the same map would also allow to improve the naval warfare, where destroyers, submarines, and aircraft carriers would play a strategic role for island protection.
RogerX wrote : "However, co-pilots should have some added features over the pilot such as this targeting features".
this is only true when the jet is a two seats model. lot of jets fighters exist in single seat version. (F35, SU35, F18, F22....etc)
in the case of a single seat model the targeting pod is controlled by the pilot (exactly like it's done with the RQ4-A UAV).
-Aircraft carriers (Gerald R. Ford class)
-Submarines (SSN & SSBN types)
what is the current progress of BIS about mid range textures rendering ?
if ever BIS doesn't implement your solution, is it possible to release your custom mid range rendering in the form of an addon ?
May 9 2016
the problem is : go at 1 km from the shore with a boat, you will still hear them.
-cicada sound isn't dynamic, there is no geolocation of the sound.
-sound isn't temporized. there should be longer blank period, then active period. but not 100% of the time.
I often go in South Of France, and I can guarantee you Cicadas don't produce sounds 24/7, but only at some precise hours and their sounds are not continuous.
the game wrongly simulate it. the sound is heard everywhere, everytime without idle time.
the cicada sound must be lowered, idle time must be more frequent.
the constant cricket sound is extremely loud and annoying. an option to disable it would be very welcome.
it's not because you are on Mediterranean island that you must obligatory hear cricket wherever, whenever. it's very cliché.
personally i often stop playing the game after 10 minutes because i can't stand this sound more.
Lara Croft can do it since 1996...
Laser firing control system is also needed for Attack helicopter.
when the helicopter gunner enable his laser designator the auto-cannon gun (20mm on Blackfoot/30mm on Kajman) should be automatically zeroed to the appropriate targeted range, in real time.
problem is : the contrast increase showed on the pictures doesn't correspond to heat sources, it only increase the contrast of the map textures colors. brighter textures (white) appear brighter in thermal.
this is not how works a thermal camera. the only advantage of it is that it brings more visibility to orientate yourself, but not in a realistic way..
the RPG-42 is a fictive evolution of the rpg-32.
The RPG-32 In Real Life is a reusable command launch unit using disposable ammunition container.
ingame if you get extra containers it's possible to reload.
what is needed is a core implementation and not just a third-party addon; because lots of server don't allow mods and addon.