It would be nice to see a good selection of well coded multiplayer gametypes provided with the game (ideally it would have been there at the release of the game).
Instead of leaving this to the open community to do why not include several variations of common gametypes such as Search and Destroy, Capture the Flag(s), Conquest, Headquarters, Squad Deathmatch, Last Team Standing etc.
This would help on a number of fronts. On release the game could be hosted online in many forms. A variety of populated servers would give us more options to choose from. Often times community created missions and gametypes are never quite finished products and only a handful mature to be stable, playable releases.
Additionally such missions / gametypes could server as templates and tutorials for well coded missions created by community members.
I dont understand why the game didn't roll out with more attention given to this aspect of the game. If multiplayer and player vs player is important then please provide us with some well designed, coded and conceived gametypes to play and host online. Doing so can only bring a bigger player base to the game and bigger presence online for BI and Arma 3.