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Sep 16 2013, 5:49 AM (596 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

axRhino added a comment to T74346: Multiplayer Issues Central Hub.

The larger issue is that there is no multiplayer except for a handful of small coops. Relying on content from the community (which are often times, buggy, broken, no longer compatible, unsupported and / or works in progress) leaves multiplayer aspect of A3 empty and dying.

The current crop of gametypes and missions are largely revisions to A2 missions.

Additionally the server browser is broken and reports inaccurate numbers of servers, types and players.

Top quality MP missions and gametypes should have been on the drawing board months if not years ago and should be officially coded, tested, and maintained over the life of the game. Yes this takes time, money and resources but if A3 is a game and not just a game engine then you actually need to provide some large scale multiplayer, p vs p, content here.

May 10 2016, 7:09 AM · Arma 3
axRhino added a comment to T73863: Random game crash, random game freezing, have to ctrl+alt+del to shutdown arma3.exe to restart..

This is a widely seen issue with our community members. The game freezes (locked to a single frame), or the game crashes / quits to the desktop.

Faulting application name: arma3.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x524cb3be
Faulting module name: arma3.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x524cb3be
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00b43467
Faulting process id: 0x724
Faulting application start time: 0x01ced24dee3cf3f1
Faulting application path: G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe
Faulting module path: G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe
Report Id: be9ada08-3e4c-11e3-8c01-50e549bcaffb

We still see the physx issue but not nearly as often.

Faulting application name: arma3.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x524cb3be
Faulting module name: PhysX3_x86.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5164246f
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x001521cb
Faulting process id: 0xdc
Faulting application start time: 0x01ced03e7acbcf05
Faulting application path: G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe
Faulting module path: G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\PhysX3_x86.dll
Report Id: df2036af-3c4d-11e3-9e51-50e549bcaffb

Sometimes the issue seems related to a server crash or sometimes 50% to 100% of the servers players crash without the server restarting.

Whatever it is it happens in mass but doesn't always seem to effect everyone.

May 10 2016, 6:53 AM · Arma 3
axRhino edited Steps To Reproduce on T73518: Request for good quality, well coded, player vs player multiplayer gametypes.
May 10 2016, 6:44 AM · Arma 3
axRhino added a comment to T73512: Autoclimb ladders option.

really? Your voting against an optional setting? Because you like having to mouse wheel down to "Climb ladder" and click? Wow you guys must like minutiae. maybe we can add a safety to the guns so you can turn that off and on

May 10 2016, 6:43 AM · Arma 3
axRhino edited Steps To Reproduce on T73512: Autoclimb ladders option.
May 10 2016, 6:43 AM · Arma 3
axRhino added a comment to T73466: Massive hard crashes since latest patch - PhysX3_x86.dll Crash.

I see a long list of files and folder there. Which ones do you need?

PRT files?
Crash Dump Files?

If so they are linked here:

May 10 2016, 6:42 AM · Arma 3
axRhino added a comment to T73466: Massive hard crashes since latest patch - PhysX3_x86.dll Crash.

I do not see an option to rate this issues severity but I would call it critical or extreme as it makes the multiplayer aspect of the game almost unplayable.

May 10 2016, 6:42 AM · Arma 3
axRhino edited Steps To Reproduce on T73466: Massive hard crashes since latest patch - PhysX3_x86.dll Crash.
May 10 2016, 6:42 AM · Arma 3
axRhino added a comment to T73466: Massive hard crashes since latest patch - PhysX3_x86.dll Crash.

Is probably related to the issue reported here:

May 10 2016, 6:42 AM · Arma 3
axRhino added a comment to T70402: The 1rst Person Breathing noises way too loud and unrealistic.

To me its so annoying I can't stand to play in first person anymore.

A server option to set / override default would be nice if possible.

Perhaps a server side HUD indicator option for fatique would be a good addition also.

May 10 2016, 5:11 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

axRhino added a comment to T58951: Bad positional audio makes it nearly impossible to estimate distance and direction by sound.

I too have noticed this. The reload sound can be heard loudly from extreme distances and there is little or no direction to it. The same can be said for other sounds but not all of them.

May 9 2016, 4:09 PM · Arma 3