I'm creating this ticket to suggest a better UAV system compared to arma 2.
I have precise idea of what is needed to bring to Arma 3 a realistic and very efficent UAV system.
first of all for a UAV system we need a realistic Ground Control Station model :
a semi-trailer model is a common station plateform for UAV.
inside :
the player must get inside the Ground Control Station to take control of an UAV :
he approach the GCS, he open the semi-trailer door, (he get the possibility to lock it from the inside), he get inside the GCS.
like you can see on the picture the GCS has two control desks. the player got the option to sit down on one of them. (mouse menu : get in desk 1, get in desk 2).
in the mission editor the player must place an empty UAV (similar to the MQ-9 Reaper) on the map (UAV cannot have crew inside it , BIS !) and must give a name to the UAV : for example UAV-1.
from the GCS Desk the player has an option in mouse menu to connect to UAVs
the GCS show a GUI menu and the list of available UAV.
the player select the UAV-1.
Once he connected he take control of the UAV, and has both pilot and gunner control. (he can switch UAV role in mouse menu: (pilot role/gunner role)
Pilot role:
the pilot has full control on UAV movements, and when in air he also has an autopilot feature (via mouse menu : autopilot ON/OFF) : maintaining Speed, direction and altitude.
Gunner Role :
the gunner role has the control of the camera turret and has the ability to turn ON/OFF a laser designator (in mouse menu)
the gunner can fire laser guided missile and bombs (Hellfire, GBU12...etc) using is own laser designator.
the gunner can turn ON/OFF turret giro stabilisation to get a very stable view on a precise position. the mouse cursor become free-floating and one left click allow to move the camera reticle position at the mouse cursor position.