since OFP the gameplay immersion is biased by the unrealistic radar info, magically revealing enemies positions.
for realism and tactical purpose i suggest to purely and simply remove the radar info for vehicles who don't have it In real Life. (like it has been done for ACE mod for A2).
Currently you can detect (or be detected by) everybody, they just need to look at their radar to spot enemies/friendly. there is absolutely no rewarding of stealth, discretion, camouflage...etc
I think the only vehicles that should have radar infos (or awarness infos) are the vehicles equipped with active radars. (MI48, AH99, F35, SU35...etc)
ALL other vehicles should ONLY rely on visual to detect something.
if BIS devs don't want to remove it, they could at least add an option in difficulty option to turn OFF (remove) radar infos for vehicles not supposed to have it.