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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 6:42 PM (583 w, 5 d)
Jun 22 2016
A friend wears Gorka clothing and still gets it
Jun 14 2016
Jun 12 2016
Jun 9 2016
Jun 7 2016
Jun 6 2016
Jun 5 2016
Jun 4 2016
May 31 2016
May 11 2016
I agree, especially when I try to look up just using my head movement it is unreasonable to lock it at a ~50° angle. I use TrackIR and it is very restricting the way it is limited. This needs a quick fix!
sounds like the shown off fall dampen animation/physics is not implemented yet..
dude's right
Oh no it's actually common practice nowadays but it's hard to prove because the providers of hacks are usually separate entities so it is hard to prove the cooperation between the two. A developer provides them with loopholes in the game and in return the hack provider gives them a share of the monthly fees.
If you had any idea of this you wouldn't be talking sh#t RageDrew. Obviously you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
I have spoken independently with multiple sources who have been in the hacking branch and they have confirmed that this is a real thing these days. At some point a hacker will get banned but they let it slide for a while to make extra cash on the side.
And for those who think a developers income is anywhere close to the numbers the haters above threw out - you're delusional.
If you don't believe any of this go ahead and look up Extra Credits on youtube and ask them about this issue - or any other trustworthy dev for that matter.
So why do you have to make 6 posts about it?
omg wie kann man nur so ... sein
yes, the temperature system is definitely not working as it is. it needs a new approach. waiting 45 minutes to be ready for PVP with friends is out of the question.
set this to private so ppl don't get any ideas...
possible hidden fracture, use a splint.
@biggoron: as long as I don't go swimming it should be all the same. I just don't want it to be soaked all the time.
warming up for 45 minutes on 4 fireplaces is too much time spent "surviving".
@Here is Johnny: You guys do a decent job at it and I don't want to give you any crap on top of it.
But we've been hearing about getting an engine overhaul and haven't seen much of it yet. It's still awkward frame stuttery most of the time when you're in towns. All the objects in towns _already_ influence our FPS pretty badly. What do you plan to do about it?
I have to agree on this one. A mag is a standard component of a gun and usually comes with the weapon. It is also not unreasonable to believe that a gun/mag is loaded with ammunition sometimes (by the fictional pre-owner). This applies to all kinds of guns though, so give the assault rifles 1 attached mag as well.
low priority, but agreed
not to mention the framedrops in cities. OMG it is terrible.
Including walkie-talkie chatter of course
@ColonelBurton: I want to see you jump from the second story above ground and get away with "just" a sprained ankle or a broken leg. You can already sprain an ankle from 1.5m+ if you're unlucky or land wrong. From the second floor above ground level you can be happy when your head doesn't hit the pavement because you knees and ankles break.
Sure, there's some parkour dudes who have trained these things and get away with it - but that is not the norm. I challenge you to jump from above 2 meters - you'll notice you're heavier than you think. Or try dropping an iPhone from that height and imagine it's your ankles.
uhm.. NOPE!
M4's do spawn actually - downvoted
lol awesome
I like the idea about being able to duct tape someone's mouth.
not sure about the rest.
only allow it when the person is cuffed.
any chance for a hotfix?
you can also get out if you go crouched and stand up while walking out the elevator doors.
please hotfix ASAP
and no we don't want the silly heat-packs from the mod, no sirs!
confirmed, I got hurt as well, broke my leg and ruined my shoes and pants
agreed, zombies also seem to see the players through walls when on elevated levels of buildings, even when not truly in view.
Thanks for the heads-up. I wrote it into the suggestions forum you linked.
so please up-vote if you think this might be an interesting addition to the game. thanks!
yeah stop doing that freerider. you can't force it. you'll have more people against you if you try. I'll downvote if you keep this behavior up.
the moderator asked you not to do that already in the other thread about reloading animations. people asked you not to do it, yet you keep doing it. asking people to change their emails so you can keep doing this is quite selfish of you. your problem with the bow is not forgotten just because it's not on the first page.
@MariusPrime: I know, it's still not really a comfy way to do it.
I don't know about the necklace thing. While it would be better a necklace is somewhat girly. If anything like that how about a watch with a cover and a compass on the cover? Or just a wrist compass.
confirmed. super annoying, hotfix please
May 10 2016
I find plenty