My feature request is simple. Be able to duct tape someone's mouth shut. This feature would prevent them from typing/talking in chat. There are a few usages. Maybe one of your friends just won't stop talking. Maybe you're holding a bandit hostage, and you don't want anyone to hear their cries for help. In both of these situations, this feature would be helpful. If restricted (cuffed), you could have a "Wiggle mouth" option when you right click the duct tape. If used enough times, you could break out of your duct tape. Breaking out of the duct tape would then allow you to talk freely again.
A great suggestion to add on to this by app0815 - "only allow it when the person is cuffed."
Another idea by CygnusX-1-2112b (on reddit), is to be able to add a rag to someone's mouth to completely and properly gag someone.
Piggybacking off that idea, duct tape could be used to at least muffle the voice of the victim.