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- User Since
- Nov 28 2019, 6:22 AM (276 w, 6 h)
Nov 9 2024
If he is far enough with a suppressed rifle you would not hear the shot.
Nov 5 2024
I thought people would think that. The only thing is that I put my stuff in a bush outside of town on a hill where nobody would find it and plus had a bunch of ammo that I collected. They would have taken the ammo I had if someone found it. You can always need more ammo so if someone found it there's no way they would have left all the ammo. And no ammo was gone. They would have taken some ammo.
Nov 3 2024
May 23 2023
Mar 3 2023
Oct 18 2022
Aug 13 2022
Apr 20 2022
Apr 19 2022
Oct 25 2021
Oct 5 2021
This happens to me as well. I have tried to tell them about this problem for a while now but nothing is ever done. Out of all the bugs this is the one that I hate the most. This happens mainly in sunny areas but does happen all the time as well. For me it's when I look down everything brightens and then look back up and straight ahead or up a little towards the sky and everything darkens. I wish they would see this and either change or fix the problem. I have tried logging in and out and closing the application but still will not go away. I don't think they have this issue with xbox and especially not with pc. Only ps4. Geez please fix this problem.
Jul 13 2021
May 23 2021
Apr 23 2021
Feb 19 2021
Feb 18 2021
So you are saying we should only be able to stay on one server. Also they did bump the light up in previous update. It used to be pitch black. The only way you would be able to see is if you had night vision or use flares and glow sticks to see. Now you can see a little at night. I agree when the moon is out it should be a little lighter but in reality when the moon is not out it is pitch black. I aslo have lived in the mountains and when the moon is not out it is pitch black and you can see nothing. For example before all of the updates you were able to wear night vision at night giving you a advantage. Now you still have a little advantage but other players can now see you with no night vision in certain areas and at a certain distance. Before you could literally be wearing night vision and a player without night vision would never ever see you at all. So the light has changed. I dont agree that we should aslo be stuck only playing on one server.
Dec 24 2020
Go and play on Community or get your own server. This is dayz and it's a survival game not a role playing game.
Nov 23 2020
Sep 14 2020
Why the hell are you bitching about finding m4s? That's like a miracle. I have only found one m4 and I have been playing this game for about 8 months. That is a good thing since everyone wants to bury them like you and nobody ever finds one.
Aug 2 2020
Its happening on ps4 as well.
Jul 28 2020
Jul 27 2020
Jul 26 2020
Jul 16 2020
I get the same thing but it happens almost all the time. Its almost unplayable for me. I wish they would fix this because it is so annoying. How do you make this go away? I have tried but nothing seems to work. I have heard of other people having this problem so I know now that it is not just me. I noticed that when I watch YouTube and videos for the playstation it has this light problem and then watching xbox videos it does not have this lighting issue at all.
Jul 11 2020
Jul 3 2020
Same thing keeps happening to me to. Manly on community. I have a couple of characters that I use so I just log off my first character and switch to my other character then switch back to my other character and then it will unfreeze. If that does not work then I just power off my playstation and turn it back on and it will usually unfreeze. Sometimes you have to keep trying it but it will eventually unfreeze. Its really annoying but it will work. It has done this in the past but it seems after the hot fix it seems to be happening more.
Jul 1 2020
Jun 24 2020
Jun 23 2020
Apr 24 2020
Actually the game is sort of broken in wich there are quite a few things they need to fix. What server are you playing on? Official or Community? Yes people play cheap on hear but they can be defeated. What sever is this clan on? Do you want some help?
Its pretty bad I know. I have been playing for 5 months now with multiple hours and multiple heli crashes with only finding a lar. It was like hitting the lottery. My friend found a m4 but it was somebody's buried stuff. I found that lar on a livonia persistence off server at a heli crash. They definitely need to make it to where these weapons spawn more. You basically have to find someone shit buried to find any of these weapons wich is sad. To me the game is broken and there is so much to fix wich seems like they never fix the real issues going on with this game wich many people have the same problem with roaming around everywhere never to find any of the M4'S,LAR'S,VSD'S and KAM. Along with all of the other annoying problems that dont get fixed in this game. It's a fun game but they need to fix all of these problems that go on in this game before it's a great game.
Apr 17 2020
Apr 9 2020
Your shoes are ruined. If your shoes are ruined you will continue to bleed and have to bandage yourself until you find new shoes.
Mar 30 2020
And I disagree that you should need a group only to raid a big base. There are alot of people that play by themselves so to say that you don't think that one person should not be able to raid a base by themselves is ridiculous.
Mar 22 2020
That's the way it is on every chernaras servers. I have been to mutable heli crashes with no weapon. They just have not fixed the problem yet with so many other problems besides finding weapons to. I wouldn't want a refresh. I have mutable hours finding stuff that I have all to loose on a refresh. Wouldn't matter if they did that anyways.
Mar 16 2020
Mar 11 2020
Mar 10 2020
Feb 29 2020
I just found that out myself. Someone told that and I thought I would try it but it did not work. I know that you are not talking about night time. I know what you are talking about. Same thing happens to me in the day time. It is so annoying. It has happened in the past and then with the last update it has come back. Not the last update but the one before last it was better but now since the update they had it has returned. It actually happens to with night vision goggles to at night. Look down everything gets bright the way it should be and then look back up and forward it gets darker. Hope they fix it and all of the other problems with the consoles
Feb 27 2020
Put on sun glasses or tactical goggles.
Feb 21 2020
Feb 20 2020
You know how many times I mentioned this to them. I 100% agree night time is a joke. Way to bright and yes you now can drive at night with no headlights and now be seen by someone with a non night vision scope 800 meters away.I don't get it either. They made it that way in the last update. I don't think they give a f##k what we think and don't even know if they read our comments. The darkness was fine before the update and hope they change it back the way it was or at least make it darker than it is now.
Feb 18 2020
Yes if you talking to me .
Someone just told me that they just got rid of them and I had no idea. I just started playing a few months ago so I have no idea where to go and find out why. My server is supposedly gone along with others. US LA-2617 is one of the servers I had a bunch of my loot buried on so it sucks to loose of my stuff, That's what someone just told me so I don't know for sure.
Where do you get your information from? I had no idea that was happening. That really sucks because I had all kinds of gear on there. What about my character? Do you know that for sure and where can I go to find out about anocments about this?
Feb 17 2020
Feb 16 2020
Yea the night is a little bright but as I am playing it's not that bad. Could be a little darker. I agree about the rain. I feel that I am in the Amazon rain forest or something. Since this update there have been numerous problems like cant re dig marlin bags and cant get stuff out of marlin bags. Also getting blue screened as I put marlin bags to hands and drop items. Light issues getting brighter as you look down and darker when you look back up and forward. Doing it with the night vision goggles as well. This update to me has caused more problems than fixed to me.
Feb 15 2020
Feb 14 2020
Hey twgolf66 I forgot to reply back about the heli crashes. Yes it was pretty funny to see a 4x4 door at a heli crash. I laughed to. This might be just as funny because recently I found a teddy bear in a military tent . I don't understand it at all. Also with this new update there are quite a few new things happening. Night time seems more like day time. You can now see without night vision goggles and also use a scope at night without a night vision scope. I really hope they change the night time back to night time.
No it's not supposed to be doing that with the d pad. Before the update it was never doing that. Hope they fix that. The changing of meters on scope I can live with but so annoying with the inventory. Was wandering if you think night time is to bright now? It sucks now because if you have night vision goggles it does not work properly and is to bright at night now since the update. Also wandering if you noticed terrible frame rate especially when looking at the ground when running?
Feb 13 2020
Feb 7 2020
Hey bronlar 717 question? I think I have seen him on the server I play on. Only been playing this game for a few months now and just wondering what to look out for when people are duping? I have seen a little about duping on YouTube but don't really know everything about it. Is there different types of duping or is it all the same? You mentioned that he had the same stuff when he was killed. I have a few of the same guns buried but I found them and buried them.So when I die and can go and un bury my stuff and have the same gear I had before. They really need to do something in the future about dupers. I spend alot of hours gathering my stuff so it sucks that people can do that. I think I am pretty sure I have seen him on the server I play on but not positive. I will definitely look out for that name and confirm he is playing on the sever I play on. I have seen other names with that start with that same X_ and assuming that they are all in the same group.
Jan 31 2020
Jan 29 2020
Fruit does not fill you up all the way. Eating one piece of fruit is not going to do much. You have to eat a bunch of fruit to fill you up to last a little bit. Eating a bunch of fruit will never fill you up completely. You have to eat can food and hunt. Hunting and eating meat will fill you up for a long time. Also I agree zombies lately have been glitchy. Seems like it won't let me hit zombies sometimes when they come up to you and you and then when you try to run away it will not freeze but lag a little bit before you can get away. Aslo when my knife is equipped it won't swing the knife sometimes when zombies come close to you. I am sorry but what kind of fun would this game be if you could not shoot people. This game would be boring if you couldn't shoot people. I think that is ridiculous that you would want a sever where you could not shoot anybody.
Jan 28 2020
Yes it is hard to find things sometimes and yes things should spawn a little faster but it might take a few lives before you start that nee journey. Once you find a little food and a weapon you need to hunt for your food. Deer,cow,pig and so on and on. I only carry a few cans of food on me now because I hunt for all my food. It took me a little bit to get used to the game. Learning how to survive and stay alive. You will get used to it eventually. And it sucks to die when you are fully geared but it will happen. Then you start a new journey.
Jan 27 2020
Why does everybody complain about dying. It's the name of the game. It's a survival game. Agree that raiiding a bass should be alot harder to get into but you should still be able to get in.
I agree and I ment to say dupers not supers. I think the game is still in development and far from done.
Wipe wich servers? You know how much stuff I have buried in my server and all the hours and days it took to gather all to loose because a wipe. I agree they need to do something about supers and have more guns available but cant they do it another way?
Jan 24 2020