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As there is still no patch to some grave PS4 DayZ issues, I would like to point out the most important issues I frequently encounter (I have reported all of these issues over the last months, but I never received any answer nor have they been fixed!):

  • X-ray vision upon first game enter: as soon as a player joins a server after a fresh game start, the world objects are spawned with such delay that all players and player built items can be seen first - literally through walls! There is currently some heavy exploiting going on around this ridiculous issue (apart from seeing players' exact wherabouts, you can also see all hidden crates and barrels in your surrounding)! Please fix this ASAP!
  • Option: 'invert look' still not saved after closing the game!
  • No water textures: Water textures only work properly approximately 50% of the time; this issue was introduced with the compressed textures patch and did not exist before!
  • Inventory issues: This is probably the most reported issue currently thus I only give a 80-90% safe way to reconstruct the issue: swap an item in your hand with a container like a crate, barrel or car; most of the time the swapped item gets stuck and can not be retrieved until server restart (although you can still interact with that item, e.g. use a sewing kit from a crate).
  • Crash upon first join: the game is likely to crash when freshly opened and your spawn location is close to a lot of player placed items (e.g. a base) and probably also a dense world object environment. The game then usually freezes permanently in half progress of spawning the environment. On recent occasions I had to resart the game 3 to 6 times! Quickly looking to the ground appears to be helpful - but maybe that's just superstition...
  • Magazine state/rounds desync: often weapon's magazines can either not be loaded (the progress circle is shown but no effect takes place) or can be loaded but the original number of rounds is restored after the next rejoin (under certain circumstances, loading a desynced magazine can apparently even lead to the permanent malfunction of a firearm).
  • Map item: the Chernarus map item still doesn't work! (You can open it, but you can't scroll the map, rendering it useless!)
  • Vehicles: appart from occasional crazy behaviour like jumping or injuring people, the huge lags encountered when driving around the map pose the greatest threat, as they usually result in heavy car damage or even death. Apparently this happens only to the driver (not to other passengers) when approaching larger spawn areas like cities or bases. The lags regularly result into a 10 to 20 second freeze of the game - while the car continues its path on the server!
  • Glitching through/over walls: there are currently several ways how to surmount player built fortifications and even regular buildings without effort. Some ways to do so include teleporting through walls when exiting a vehicle or stacking walkable items like car doors etc. to build a glitch ladder - several more examples can be found on youtube player videos. Please try to track and fix known issues, as base building is already way too hard to pull off.
  • Pick axe can't build fences or towers: it will show the option and display the building progress circle, but will not finish the action!
  • Animations: there are a couple of animation issues, of which the most severe are the BK-133 holding animation (the right arm heavily clips into the upper body wear) and spooky heavy carrying animations (as soon as the player jumps or falls from a little height, his arm gets unnaturally long and stays like this until the item is dropped)
  • AI behaviour: Wolves. Wolves are a considerable and intelligent threat outdoors - indoors they simply suck! They will run around your building until they either glitch through it - what they do on several occasions - or just continue running against doors or wall sections. To the worse: they will never cancel their efforts, so that they will be there barking at you for hours, even if you shoot one after the other until the critical group size is reached. (How about making them go away temporarily after some time or if shot at?)


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Add one: liquid containers can't be emtpied!

Update PS4 1.10

Hardly any of the long known issues has been fixed in today's patch. This is truly a disgrace. What is the point in reporting any bugs if you shit on your paying customers' feedback?

I've been a long time OPF/Arma enthusiast, but my patience with this product is exhausted.

To the more you have implemeted another annyoing bug with your latest 'patch': when navigating your inventory with the directional button 'down' - as probably most players use to do - you will trigger the Voice Over IP function and reveal your presence to nearby players. Bravo.

Another issue: while the map item now generally works (albeit extremely clumsy), you cannot scroll down much further than Solnechiy, excluding the entire south coast from any map acces.
Have you actually had anybody check your patch content seriously on PS4? I doubt it! Its simply a disaster

To the more you have implemeted another annyoing bug with your latest 'patch': when navigating your inventory with the directional button 'down' - as probably most players use to do - you will trigger the Voice Over IP function and reveal your presence to nearby players. Bravo.

Thank you for your post. A player like you who cares and shares constructive criticism make the game better. All of things you mentioned are the same one I experienced which is frustrating and annoying. Hopefully they are listening

Hey twgolf66 I forgot to reply back about the heli crashes. Yes it was pretty funny to see a 4x4 door at a heli crash. I laughed to. This might be just as funny because recently I found a teddy bear in a military tent . I don't understand it at all. Also with this new update there are quite a few new things happening. Night time seems more like day time. You can now see without night vision goggles and also use a scope at night without a night vision scope. I really hope they change the night time back to night time.

twgolf66 added a comment.EditedFeb 14 2020, 5:06 AM

Haha you know what, I left that teddy bear, seriously. I've done that a couple of time when i ran out of inventory room. We shall see what unfolds this year as BI announced to have a breakthrough year of updates. Only issue I hate the most these days is I can't kill infected due to bugs and ended up getting killed & lose all my high-end gears. Keep up the good work sir

Hey twgolf66 I forgot to reply back about the heli crashes. Yes it was pretty funny to see a 4x4 door at a heli crash. I laughed to. This might be just as funny because recently I found a teddy bear in a military tent . I don't understand it at all. Also with this new update there are quite a few new things happening. Night time seems more like day time. You can now see without night vision goggles and also use a scope at night without a night vision scope. I really hope they change the night time back to night time.

Exactly what I wanted to comment on next! And if it wasn't scilly enough, players apparently have a built in short-range light bulb now...