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- User Since
- Nov 18 2022, 11:26 PM (122 w, 4 d)
Dec 21 2024
Aug 7 2024
Are there any consequences of the "PreserveBudgets" error that we should be aware of when we click ignore all?
FYI, I have the same settings:
@reyhard, @JeckZeRippa. I tested with having World Editor opened that appears to have worked. I'll do some further testing to confirm. Thanks!
Aug 6 2024
@reyhard, here's the video response to your question using PortableDesk_01_Sand_Full and PortableDesk_01_Sand. As stated earlier, nothing happens at all (I didn't get the initial error because it only seems to appear once). This is exactly the same result as @JeckZeRippa's video above.
Aug 2 2024
@reyhard,OK. let me know if you want me to create a new ticket under "Arma Reforger Modding". No problem at all
Jul 31 2024
@reyhard, OK. I see the problem now. Even though I clicked that link, on the drop-down I selected "New Arma Reforger Bug Report", I should have clicked on "New Arma Reforger Modding Bug Report". My mistake!
@reyhard, thanks for the reminder, however, I did see your comment. The thing is, as far as I can see, I did add both tickets to "Arma Reforger Modding" feedback. So if this ticket is still not in the right location, I don't know why.
I'm working on a building mod, and manually working around this issue by doing it manually is not really feasible as there are potentially 100's of entries that would need to be manually added to SCR_PreviewEntityComponent, with specific PivotID settings, etc. So this needs to be fixed to allow "Editable" mods to be created. BTW, I have asked other people to test this and they got the same result
Jul 30 2024
@reyhard, I can confirm the comment from @JeckZeRippa. I also tested this on the "new prop" tutorial and it didn't work there either.
@reyhard Steps to reproduce are the same as the instructions here:
Jul 29 2024
Jul 27 2024
Jun 16 2024
A forklift….Interesting idea. I think I like it :)
How is this issue still a thing? How hard is it to change volume on the pin-pull of a grenade?!
May 17 2024
Apr 30 2024
More thought definitely needs to be given to encouraging team play and not incentivizing solo-ing. One issue I see with the current use of spawn radios is that a single player can create a locked group of 1, and use all 10 spawn tickets. They can move onto another location, leave the radio behind and just create another locked group with a new radio so they don't have to travel to the depleted spawn radio to un-deploy it.
Apr 4 2024
Mar 22 2024
@Geez, this problem has been resolved with the help of Reyhard. The cause of the problem was that Dell Support Assist service was using the same port (5700) as Workbench, which prevented communication with Blender. This seemed related to a Dell update sometime in Jan 2024. Stopping the service "Dell Support Assist" resolved the issue.
Mar 19 2024
Feb 3 2024
The issue with performance due to too many AI would've been easily fixed by only allowing 1 of each service type to be built at a base. Surely that should not be too difficult to implement?!
@Blue_Skies. 100% agree. I've been on Reforger since day 1 (on PC). Despite all the crap, I stayed with it and loved it (mainly Conflict) for over 18 months. Honestly, I love the helis, but BI shit the bed with 1.0 release. I think they rushed for "business financial reasons" instead of player / game quality reasons and made some very compromised, frankly mind boggling decisions, which have left the game in a poor position right at Christmas / New Years holiday time. I also agree on the radio tuning and the final big battle to capture the enemy main base. THOSE were the days! So much fun! ...but it seems every new release breaks something that used to work and just makes Conflict more frustrating (again, with exception of helis which are awesome), My latest hate (besides performance and the stupid number of AI allowed to spawn) is the ridiculous teleporting fast travel. I'm convinced this was included just to placate noobs.
Dec 3 2023
I think BI brought this in to placate noobs for 1.0, so they don’t have to deal with navigating and getting themselves around the map and getting lost and ambushed by AI every 500m!
This is a major problem that needs to be fixed ASAP
Nov 27 2023
Nov 20 2023
Nov 8 2023
In addition to this, I think give the Group Leader the ability to set the default radio channel that is persistent on respawn. This will allow more easily for secure comms
Good ideas. BTW, helis already have cargo capacity, UH-1 can carry 290 supplies and the Mi-8 400 supplies
Oct 29 2023
Oct 10 2023
I really like this idea. I quite liked the original radio reconfiguration method, I felt it was more consistent narratively, fairer and more "realistic", however, I suspect the reason for changing it was free building on bases, as teams would just "fence off" the radio. These days, that could be overcome with smashing a truck into those objects, but I can imagine players setting up antennas to make that difficult too.
Sep 23 2023
I think tends to happen when you access the vehicle inventory while in the vehicle before existing. Seems to make all your personal inventory items inaccessible
Sep 12 2023
Aug 30 2023
Aug 27 2023
Aug 21 2023
"shooting at (occupied) ambulances should be considered a war crime and the shooting player would lose his rank if he does so"
This is one of the worst new bugs since the medical release. The only way to rectify it is to leave the game and come back. I've seen it happen probably about 1/2 the time when exiting the base build mode in Conflict on Everon. Steps to replicate the error: go to the command post tent, enter build mode, exit build mode. That's it. Happens about 1/2 the time.
Or via a weapon inspection option
Aug 15 2023
Jul 10 2023
I'm thinking the barracks icon is supposed to be a "helmet" shape, maybe?
Correction. It took 4 minutes! It worked fine for me on Chrome...eventually!
Just gotta ask, why is watching videos on this feedback application almost as bad as 90's dial up download rates?! It took me 2 mins to watch an 11 second it just me?
Jun 29 2023
This happens to me most of the time. Progress bar will disappear at some point during the capture. You will still hear the radio tuning audio, however. Its hard to tell if the progress bar stops because enemies have entered the zone or not.
Jun 21 2023
Or better, just show it as being present at the base already and don't allow it as a build option
Jun 20 2023
Jun 14 2023
Jun 13 2023
are you playing off a wifi extender? I found I was getting constant "timeout" errors, but since moving closer to the wifi router (not extender), I've not had that error once
Jun 1 2023
PrivateLenny - screw that dude! Last weekend he ruined 3 games in a row that I was playing. BI have GOT to do something about a-holes like this. It seems to me starting with having rank to delete is obvious. And PLEASE give us a kick functionality that works!
May 30 2023
May 29 2023
What do you mean by "points for the main base"?
May 23 2023
I was at Arland at a hanger engaging enemies across the runway, moving in and out of the hanger. When in the hanger the external view went so white I couldn't make out anything outside the hanger
May 22 2023
Adding another note. The number of available Squads should be fixed per side according to the number of players on the team. Say 1 Squad created for every 8 players in the team. Technically, Squads should allow as many Teams as there players.
May 10 2023
I got the current in game terminology wrong. Its actually "Group" / "Group Leader" not "Team" / "Team Leader". So what I'm proposing is that the hierarchy should be Platoon -> Squad -> Team -> Individual, where "Team" / "Team Leader" has the same functionality that "Group" / "Group Leader" has now and Teams are under a "Squad" / "Squad Leader", however, the radio frequency would be set at Squad level not Team level
May 8 2023
Completely agree. This is one of the things that really bugs me.
Reading my original comment back now it seems a bit on the harsh side! …think I might need to take a chill pill! LOL!
Agree, but I would just like the end match screen to last 30 - 60 seconds longer to allow some post game chat. Right now it’s barely enough time to fire off a quick “gg”.
An important distinction is the difference between a “Squad Leader” and a “Team Leader”. Currently the terminology that is used in game is “Team Leader”. Individual players can create and lock their own “teams of one”. There is no real gameplay benefit of being a Team Leader.
May 1 2023
Apr 29 2023
Apr 28 2023
Apr 27 2023
Would be great to add this
Agree. The dawn / dusk periods are really atmospheric, and it would be good to stretch them out a bit
Apr 26 2023
Apr 25 2023
Apr 19 2023
Apparently its easier for XBox users because they can use their TV settings so those players can see reasonably well in the dark. What would REALLY be great is if we had illumination flares and base building floodlights. Both of these would add great atmosphere and maybe players wouldn't feel the need to resort to cheating. Another solution for Reforger game modes is always make night time some level of moon lit visibility by default
Apr 13 2023
Apr 12 2023
I wonder if rank requirement would work better the other way around? That is, instead of rank needed for building it should be rank needed for deleting.
Its definitely abuse. It is not the intent of the game to have points be "un-captureable". Looking back, my guess is that this is one of the main reasons why BI decided to change the "tune the radio" approach to "force strength" approach to prevent this type of abuse happening at every location due to free building....shame, because I prefered the "tune the radio" approach, particularly for the big bases. It was more interesting and suited the game narrative better.
Strongly agree - this is so annoying. They block your view, scare the crap out of you and often I end up shooting them
Feb 18 2023
Dec 10 2022
Nov 20 2022
I agree with this one - this started happening after 0.9.6 update - very annoying to have to always been toggling the objectives panel off every time you look at the map...also, the objective markers sometimes obscure the base info icon so you can't hover the mouse to see supply level or facilities, etc
Totally agree on the AI "aimbot". Its been ramped up to a stupid level with the 0.9.6 update for some reason. AI were always tough, but now its to a level that is just rage-quittingly infuriating....especially when you're on your own trucking supplies and you get one-shot killed instantly when you're at a supply depot, or killed by an AI from 100s of meters away when you're in a house