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Conflict: Players should not be able to spawn on a radio backpack with a loadout that includes a radio backpack
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Players can spawn on a radio backpack with a loadout that includes a radio backpack. This should be disabled.

Honestly, not sure if this is a "bug", or an oversight or an intended feature, either way, it should not be permissible.

This enables a highly over-powered type of spawning that negates much of the need to maintain base infrastructure.

If I want to have a radio backpack, I spawn into a base once, get all my loadout, including a radio backpack. Save my load out at base, then immediately respawn onto an already existing radio backpack. This now works like fast travel. I never have need to use a base again. No need for spawning vehicles, going to an armoury or a antenna tent.

Considering I might die 10 times in a battle, that now leaves 10 radio backpacks lying around that anyone can use (including the enemy) and more players with radio backpack can spawn. This creates a kind of "sucking in" effect that players keep spawning into the same vicinity, which defeats the purpose of having a "wide ranging" battlefield across multiple points on the island.

Additionally there is the "comms" security issue that with so many radio backpacks now lying around, it pretty much guarantees that comms are always compromised.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jun 6 2023, 2:13 PM

Fixed in

@Geez maybe close this ticket?

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jul 24 2023, 10:09 AM
Geez claimed this task.