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[Feature request] (Conflict) Please restrict to delete structures by ranks
Acknowledged, NormalPublic

Description everyone can delete


Operating System
Windows 7

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Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Apr 12 2023, 10:02 AM

I wonder if rank requirement would work better the other way around? That is, instead of rank needed for building it should be rank needed for deleting.

There would be no need for different levels of rank for building different base services, which is something that is currently frustrating. For example, why as a PVT I can build an Armoury but I can't build some sandbags? Doesn't make sense. Not being able to build a Barracks until CPL is bad as it means more supplies get consumed for spawning which increases the already too demanding constant supply requirement.

In one example I spent a long time building up a base only to return from the supply depot and find it was completely deleted! It was a total waste of time and resources as there was only 500 supplies left after trucking in about 5000.

PR9INICHEK added a comment.EditedMay 7 2023, 8:45 AM
Any player can delete Supply Depot and MOB will lose points...

Random guy delete all structures at MOB:

Thx for the logs, right now easily to identify, how was

Maybe add a system which detect these situation and temporary ban bastards

PrivateLenny - screw that dude! Last weekend he ruined 3 games in a row that I was playing. BI have GOT to do something about a-holes like this. It seems to me starting with having rank to delete is obvious. And PLEASE give us a kick functionality that works!