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Fix for rampant cheating via switching accounts in Conflict
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Xbox players change accounts then log back in after being banned. We all know this but they also log in to switch factions to dismantle MHQs, delete antennas / bases and then switch back. We've watched them do it on private servers and have heard a player talk about it and then do it, come back and brag about it with his friend while having an open mic in game.

Please make a requirement of rank to delete supply depots and antennas, as well as being able to dismantle a MHQ, as they do the most harm to a side.

Major problem with a simple fix...


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
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Event Timeline

G_Rider created this task.Apr 8 2023, 8:09 PM
ookexoo added a subscriber: ookexoo.Apr 8 2023, 8:56 PM

This type of abuse is really rampant on the official servers, however simply hiding the delete action behind a rank would be problematic at the beginning of a match, since no one would be able to remove misplaced objects.

That is the reason why I suggest only the supply depot and antenna for delete requirements. The others can be rebuilt without the effect of losing all the supply or links. Maybe a cooldown on certain objects before the rank requirement to delete is established after being built.

PR9INICHEK added a comment.EditedApr 9 2023, 10:33 AM

Relates to T171403

Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Apr 12 2023, 10:02 AM

This cheating continues and is getting worse. Could use a log of who dismantles MHQ besides the notification message. We also need a notification on screen and log of who deletes what in which bases. Maybe a chat channel for structure deletions and MHQ dismantles.

Xbox players change accounts then log back in after being banned

Do you know how they do it?
Do they have copies of the game on different accounts?

Xbox players change accounts then log back in after being banned

Do you know how they do it?
Do they have copies of the game on different accounts?

I'm PC so I really don't know. But what I do know is that we've banned players and they come right back under a different name on console. We know its the same person since it's the same voice and same vulgar antagonisms let alone laughing at us that it is in fact the same person. Is it the free trials that reforger does?

Xbox players change accounts then log back in after being banned

Do you know how they do it?
Do they have copies of the game on different accounts?

I'm PC so I really don't know. But what I do know is that we've banned players and they come right back under a different name on console. We know its the same person since it's the same voice and same vulgar antagonisms let alone laughing at us that it is in fact the same person. Is it the free trials that reforger does?

On Xbox you are able to make a console the "Home console" and it shares all games and subs from an account console wide. It's free to make Microsoft accounts on the same console and play Arma Reforger using the real account's license.

rogerx added a subscriber: rogerx.Mar 12 2024, 1:16 AM

Here's a fix, just ban all (Microsoft) Xbox players!

Cheating is rampant, and has only gotten worse.

dragino removed a subscriber: dragino.