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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 9:49 PM (587 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
That guy just has a heavily articulated wrist :P
But yeah, wow I'm glad my wrists don't bend like that, that's nasty
^Hmm, it logged me out when i wrote that -.-
Please refer to my comments on the average person. The average person is not a super scout like you. I myself can on occasion open a can while barely spilling any of the food, but then again i've learnt that from a very young age.
Also, if we're going by that video, you would at least need a brick or a road to open your can
The only can you can open without equipment is a sardine can because they have the key opener, please try irl to open a can of beans without any equipment assistance and let us know how it went
This game is going for realism to the average person and the average person with no knowledge of opening something with a knife can/will spill foodstuffs. Also, the action of opening something with a knife causes a drastically lower spillage amount than opening something with an axe
Are you talking now about the physical action of dragging another mag that has a lower value of bullets in it to the gun in the inventory screen?
If you have multiples of the same mag, it will only load the one with the highest amount of ammo. It will not cycle through the mags, this is a feature of the arma engine. With multiple canteens, you have to select each one into your hands to refill them.
That's the zeroing of the weapon, not the bullet counter. If you press Page up/Page Down it will change value.
I think you're right Humble, I have not seen a vote command in use on Arma before. I will walk in shame with my ignorance <3
But yes, definitely should get rid of vote commands for the very reason you said humble about loot spawn abusing!
Then why would a vote system like that be suitable? So they can abuse loot spawns?
Considering there isn't a global communication system, this vote system would not work. In addition to that, considering the size of the server and how rare someone would encounter someone they would consider kicking/banning, how would a consensus be gotten? Also, Dean and the hive have dictated that admins are not allowed to kick/ban until further notice so this feature would be unsuitable to implement.
What do you mean inaccturate, as in bullet dropping or that the bullets are all over the place in the horizontal spectrum?
Saying it's "inaccurate" is a wide spectrum for speculation.
I think it would be best you make a separate bug report for each issue as you've reported 3 in the same report and it makes it hard for Devs and Mods to track them. Your issues noted have already been reported in:
Gas lamp not illuminating:
You need to turn the torch on and have a 9v battery equipped to it, if you still have a problem even when doing it, it's reported here:
other issue with the torch showing as illuminated on the model when not is reported here:
Disappearing attachments on model reported here:
Feel free to add your input and vote up/down as you see fit :)
I have had this problem a couple of times, to fix it, I had to put my back up against every "wall" and eventually on re-log it popped me back out to realspace
Tbh, clouds actually move very fast in the upper atmospheres anyway, not sure this is really a bug; downvoted.
This has been a persistent problem with the Arma engine sadly
Looks like when looking through them the alpha is causing the textures for the ground to disappear. Might be an anti-aliasing issue?
Upload a DXDiag so the devs can have a bit more to work on as well as much information about your ingame settings as possible :)
When the server FPS drops, the loot takes longer to "spawn in" after it's dropped, as R834 says, being addressed and hopefully looking to be fixed with the parrelisation architecture Dean was talking about in his most recent Dev update.
I agree with the sound upon logging in but not the player freeze, this is not an FPS like BF so if you log in and there are potentially hostile players nearby and see you because you logged off somewhere in view, the rage outs by players caused by the freeze function would not be worth it.
Confirmed. If the bag has items in it, then it should not be allowed to put in your backpack. Only exception should be is the first aid kit and the hard carry case.
When you say not very effective, what do you mean?
Do you mean that the sound aggro for zombies is the same as if you were shooting without a silencer?
Please clarify and expand your bug report.
Can you video it with Bandicam/Fraps and upload a link/video file?
As Roadlesstraveled said, you have to remove the ammo from the box, you can't stuff a box of ammo in the chamber.
Confirmed by a friend who had all the pieces
This occurs for me as well. In addition, if you set AO to disabled then change the Post Processing, it re-enables the AO even though it stills says disabled. You can click on the drop down and repress disabled and it turns it back off.
Oh and you can turn of smoothing by going C:\Users\[Your Profile]\My Documents\Dayz Profiles\[Your Profile]
Open the one that just says your char name (not Vars) and search for mouse and cycle till you get to mouse smoothing and set it to 0 :)
Turn off VSync and see if that stops it happening
My mouse sensitivity ingame is X and Y set to 1
My DPI is 1800DPI for my mouse and windows is halfway on the slider.
Mouse is Razer Deathadder
Roll camera occurs for me in 1st person, not in 3rd. It shouldn't occur when in 3rd person
Haven't tried it with a cooking pot yet, I haven't found a portable cooker either
Sound sampling settings in windows affect hearing distance. This occurred in the mod when my settings were lower than a friends and he could hear my M107 at 750m and I could only hear him at 550m
Duplicate of 0002226 and 0000547
Occurred earlier today, returned fire on a player and killed them. Was able to get to the body and get some items, but within around 30 seconds the body disappeared mid looking at kit.
This occurred in to me twice in the "Bar Buildings" in the main rooms upstairs, reproduced in multiple of the same type building. Does not occur in all however.
Steps to understand why it's like that:
-Get up from computer and go to nearest unkempt field
-lie down in it
-try and see more than 3 feet
-come back and tell us your findings
Guyver +1 to his responses
SystemFailure +1 for letting us know how to craft the full map!
Did it work? If so, this should be a mandatory setting for all servers
All ruined items are usable, even backpacks. Although in a backpack, items stored there should lose their condition value over time but I have not noticed that happening
Confirmed as well
They haven't released the patch it's meant to be in yet, should be resolved when it is released
Happens to me when the server starts Desyncing
That looks like a root of the tree you are prone alongside. Can you do another when you're on the road, I do not have that problem and have a similar gear set up to you.
What is your sound sampling rate in [Right click speaker in tray > Playback Devices > double click your active device > Advanced]
I very rarely hear footsteps as well and i'm on 24 bit 48000Hz
What would be nice would be different types of torches like:
-Wide angle
-High power
-Portable floods
The current torch is pretty...well...tosh :P
Dean admitted he made a mistake with the anti combat logging causing this and hopes to resolve it soon :)
They work, just one sip does not quench you, you have pump that thing a fair amount for your char to be satisfied
I think this needs to be tested on original buildings versus newly implemented buildings, something may not have been put in correctly (I don't have the time to test this atm).
You can turn of smoothing by going C:\Users\[Your Profile]\My Documents\Dayz Profiles\[Your Profile]
Open the one that just says your char name (not Vars)in notepad and search for mouse and cycle till you get to mouse smoothing and set it to 0 :)
Roundabout solution but it's possible atm